Stuff that's not important enough to get it's own topic


I don’t… Nevey know what I mean… >.>[/quote]

… I never said that you know. That was Arcie…

Do I even want to know how Nevey knows about something you said in your sleep?


Do I even want to know how Nevey knows about something you said in your sleep?[/quote]


I’ll assume it’s something kinky.

The real reason:

I told her, dumbf***. ^_~

Oh. TSE is in a good mood today.

Seems my humour is lost on some people.

… Welcome to my world…

Your sense of humour isn’t lost on me. I think.

Well it was not long ago… I think…

I think not!


Hmm… You feel that? It’s a total change of subject!

Anyway, what were we talking about at the beginning of this thread?

Ironically, the one time this is asked is in the spam thread.

The initial topic was wood, but that was just to get conversation going.

Wood rocks though.

Heh, leave it to me to ask a stupid question. I do it all the time.

I swore this was another topic though, so…

This isnt another topic…Yet…Laughs manicaly and holds a flashlight to his face, but the light hurts his eyes AHHH!

Ok, useful link time. Sonic Robo Blast 2, a fan produced 3D sonic game. It owns. Be sure to download the Mystic Realm add-on pack for the best experience.

Nice game. Check out these music videos. Especially the flash ones.

Daz…I’m sorry but your new avatar means I MUST quote a line from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

“OK, Will, you’re gonna love this. George Foreman’s grill: $100.”
“Jazz, what the hell are you trying to pull? You can get these things from Walmart for $50!”
“You misunderstand. This is George Foreman’s grill.”

XD I love that line!