Stuff that's not important enough to get it's own topic

I’m Rick James, bitch!

o.O WTF? What are ya doing man! Your burning my eyes! XD


I’m Rick James, bitch![/quote]


I like oranges.

Can someone please call me spammer??!PLease?!

You’re a spammer. And this is a spam concentration thread. You lucky dawg.


I don’t… Nevey know what I mean… >.>

Geoff and I are both big fans of freedom-of-speech, hence no swearing filter was added to these forums when they were set up.

It’s a good thing that swearing isn’t used in every other sentence here though, don’t you think? I mean, it can get extremely repetitive.

Amen to that. You should hear Glasgow on a Saturday night.

“So then I ****ing hit him across the ****ing jaw, he ****ing fell over and I ****ing laughed…man, I’m ****ing drunk…”

Lol.Don’t get me started on Portuguese bars…

I’m so glad someone hasn’t replied to this thread with a load of expletives in there post yet. “You’re f*****g right there Solo” etc.

Damn love birds <<

Sounds like back in high school…

I’m afraid you’ve lost me there… are they really ‘love birds’ or is it some kind of joke/insider’s joke? Just curious…

I’m not part of the joke if it is one. As far as I’m aware they’re serious.

Sharpie! Nevey! Enlighten us?

Someone, please remind me of what the outside world looks like…

No joke here… heh, but there’s a funny story behind the orange thing :smiley:

Ha! You single people crack me up XD

Nice to know I’m not cracking you up then.

You’re as single as I am, in the real world!

No, because it is the real world…

“Oh (name omitted), I’ve waited for this for so long, I…Ballocks, I was dreaming.”

Guess you just don’t understand =) The future…

[quote=“Shadow”]I’m so glad someone hasn’t replied to this thread with a load of expletives insleep…
there post yet. “You’re f*****g right there Solo” etc.

F*****g oranges… xD

And yes, the orange thing has to do with something I said in my sleep…

glares towards Nevey