Name one really common thing

Now you know what I menat byt peacefulness :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=ā€œDer Metzgermeisterā€]

Youā€™re not alone with that one. Hereā€™s a dancing kirby to calm both of us down. <(00<)(>00)>(^00)(00^)<(^^)>[/quote]

Ha ha, thatā€™s good! :anjou_happy:

YAY!!! Hereā€™s another happy Picaso smiley for you %)

It seems lately many of my friends have been getting speeding tickets, and I can say that I have yet to get one, though I have gotten a warning about 6 months ago.

WHAT!?!?!?! You donā€™t know the fun your missing! Having to pay all of those fines and if you donā€™t you get to go to court :anjou_happy: ! Great fun. Just to let you know, cause I just read over this and saw how it looked, this wasnā€™t supposed to be sarcastic.

That doesnā€™t really sound like my idea of fun, but to each his own i guess. :anjou_happy: Then again, the car I drive (2001 Ford Taurus, automatic) isnā€™t exactly the fastest or funnest car to become a speed demon in. It handles like a fish and weighs more than my mothers RAV-4.

Iā€™ve never used Kazaa or any other P2P software. Sometimes Im tempted but usually I cba.

Iā€™ve never bought software over the internet. Sure, Iā€™ve downloaded itā€¦ but not bought any.

looks around nervously

Iā€™ve bought software over the internet, but never raw ā€œdataā€ on itā€™s own, Iā€™ve always had a proper hard copy sent to my physical address.

Hereā€™s another one Iā€™ve just thought of: Iā€™ve never smoked a cigarette before.

Actually, Iā€™ve bought stuff on eBayā€¦ :anjou_embarassed:

Does that count? Iā€™ve definitely never bought software as data though, or anything else for that matter.

Good man! Although why anyone would want to is beyond meā€¦ :anjou_wow:

To give it a try perhaps?

I remembered a new one too : I never drank milk (without choco addtives :stuck_out_tongue: anyways) [except when I was a little baby]

Consider yourself lucky. Un-chocolate milk is quite possibly the nastiest beverage ever.

The addictiveness is the problem, and the fact that some people will try it just to keep up with the crowd or appear ā€˜coolā€™.


Gehn, since you seem to know your stuff regarding the Myst series, I saw the Sega Saturn edition of Riven in Gamestation the other day for ?10ā€¦ good deal or not? I can pretty much guarantee that it wonā€™t be there when I go backā€¦ but itā€™s the thought that counts! :anjou_happy:

Thatā€™s definately a good buy but a I think that for that price you can get the DVD version for the PC (which has the one and only advantage of you not having to switch CD;CDs in Riven correspond to areas and not game parts).

Itā€™s up to you.I admit I think the Saturn version has a sort of mystique to it.Maybe because thatā€™s the version I got first I dunno.

Okay, thanks for the help. :anjou_happy:

I probably eventually will track down the PC game(s) as I was interested in getting them before.

For the Myst games, the scenes would load up quicker on a modern PC, whereas with the Saturn version youā€™d be restrained by the loading times of that console. Iā€™m not sure about resolutions as I havenā€™t played the Saturn version of Riven, but itā€™s possible that the PC version is of a higher resolution tooā€¦

That genre works best with a mouse as well, IMO.

Thanks for your replies, guys. Actually, yeah - Iā€™m pretty sure the PC version would indeed have a higher resolution, and I see your point about the faster loading times too. And a mouse is always beneficial! :anjou_happy:

Speaking of Myst, as a side note Myst IV: Revelation came out for Xbox this past week.

Yes the PC version has higher resolutions.Thatā€™s actually something I donā€™t usually give much tought but you are right Solo;in a game like Riven that can matter.

Felix - I was going to buy the XBox version but I decided to get the Collectorā€™s Edition.Itā€™s STILL sitting on my desk waiting for my new PC (which I wonā€™t get until summer now) :anjou_sad:

I canā€™t even begin to express my pain.The very definition of torment!!!:anjou_sad:

Felix - I was going to buy the XBox version but I decided to get the Collectorā€™s Edition.Itā€™s STILL sitting on my desk waiting for my new PC (which I wonā€™t get until summer now) :anjou_sad:

I canā€™t even begin to express my pain.The very definition of torment!!!:anjou_sad:[/quote]

Haha, I have been in your situation. I shelled out $80 for the Warcraft III: Collector Edition only to not be able to play it for a good two and a half years due to our lousy computer.