Name one really common thing

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Just whatever really… cargos etc. I’ve just never felt the need to buy a pair of jeans, and the fact that everyone else wears them hasn’t really encouraged me or discouraged me.


Hey, that’s cool, I’m just about the same. I’ve never worn jeans in my life either. :anjou_happy:

I have never not called someone a newb when they deserved it. I dunno how common it is for people to call other people newbs, but it’s a pretty common occurance in my life.


I don’t know about anyone else here, but there’s something about snow that makes me feel great. :anjou_happy:
The cold?[/quote]

Nah, just the atmosphere it creates. I guess I just like seeing a snowy landscape outside my window. :anjou_happy:

Yeah, it’s nice the first day. But after it’s been on the ground for a month and is all muddy and gross it’s just a pain in the ass.


Yeah, it’s nice the first day. But after it’s been on the ground for a month and is all muddy and gross it’s just a pain in the ass.[/quote]

Well, this is Scotland. That tends to happen after a day… :anjou_sad:

I can’t swim. =D

I have never had sex.

Well, not yet. But hey, it’s pretty common, and I haven’t done it, like many others, so… yeah.

Anything counts, I guess, and that was the first thing to come to mind =p

In this brave new world where the all-conquering mobile telephone has a decent and arguable claim to being included in anatomist’s charts as an official extension of the body, I am obliged to declare that I have never, even once, dispatched a text message of any length or on any topic.

Ph34r //\3. :anjou_happy:

Ooh! Ooh! I forgot about cellphones!

I do not even OWN a cellphone. Booyah!

I haven’t worn a skirt/dress in four or five years. I wear jeans every single day of my life. Whoo hoo. Also~

I’ve never had my hair cut (trust me, long hair is annoying). I’ve never had my hair layered. I’ve never had it dyed. Name anything hair oriented, I’ve never done/had it.

And, while this isn’t amazing, or anything–I was four years old when I first played and beat Panzer Dragoon 1. xD That’s not common, I don’t think. 'Course, I was four when it came out, and PD was my first video game. Ahh, PD, how you started my entire video game nerd-ness…

someone explain what tht means please =S
a girl mentioned it to me recently

Layers of paint.Around-wise.I think.


someone explain what tht means please =S
a girl mentioned it to me recently[/quote]

Basically, it’s where the ends of your hair are cut at different lengths. It’s hard to explain, but it basically gives your hair more body and makes it less boring (depending on how you layer it).

Just think Orta’s hair. <.< If you look at it from behind her, you can see the different layers her hair was cut at.

Besides 4, because I haven’t tried it, I have never liked a Resident Evil game.

Another common thing I havn’t done is travel which is really sad since I live in CHEYENNE and the only other places I’ve lived, we don’t travel for fun, is in Lincoln, Nebraska, and some where in Germany but I was only an infant… so sad :anjou_sad:

I know the feeling - try never being out of Scotland (at least after you’re born)!

Plays havoc with the old mental health! :anjou_happy:

If there’s one thing I like about the European Union is the fact you don’t need a silly passport to travel around from place to place.

Btw welcome Metzgermeister.Hope you’re a peaceful guy. :stuck_out_tongue:

is listening to Strip the Soul.mp3

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]I know the feeling - try never being out of Scotland (at least after you’re born)!

Plays havoc with the old mental health! :anjou_happy:[/quote]

I can’t say anything for Scotland since I’ve never been there but Cheyenne is basically a desolate waste land. lol. In fact, the District of Columbia (a single city for Christ’s sake!) has more people in its population than the entire state of Wyoming. One part of it is that the legislature here keeps scaring off big businesses. At least our Governer is trying to do something to help us grow but its still not enough.

I find it funny that they keep wondering why the youth is moving out of here even though they’re well aware of our lack of firms and businesses.

  • Never wore a dress
    -Never bothered to remember actual hair color
    -Never had a “successful” boyfriend
    -Never got through a day without violent urges
    -Never seen any of the Lord of the Rings movie completely. (There’s something with me; I can’t sit through a movie, and those just seem to hold my attention for three seconds, then I chase a moth off.)
    -Never finished Panzer Dragoon Saga (it got stolen before I could, so I never saw the end until I unlocked it in PDO)

I know you said list ONE thing, but hey, I’ve not done a lot of things. Might as well own up to it now while I feel like it.

You’re not alone with that one. Here’s a dancing kirby to calm both of us down. <(00<)(>00)>(^00)(00^)<(^^)>