Name one really common thing

…that you have never done in your life before.

I’ll start: I have never worn a pair of jeans before (as far as I can remember).

I have never drank coffee…

Presumably this doesn’t include items of a sexual nature, so…

I have never played a Final Fantasy game.

I have never ridden a bike. Well, successfully. Though I did learn how to do things like ski and skateboard quite well, the bike’s just something I never got around to.

I also feel boring and ordinary because I’m wearing jeans and drinking coffee as I type this.

I’ve never been outside the UK or Ireland.
yeah I’m not much of a traveler.

ok, i don’t know how to make a cup of coffee
Never watched Thundercats (i think thats popular)
EDIT: i phailed: if anyone remembers this point :anjou_sad:

Wow, the fun you’ve missed! :anjou_happy: So what do you wear? Are you more of a ‘casuals’ person?

[quote=“neo-kun”]I’ve never been outside the UK or Ireland.
yeah I’m not much of a traveler.[/quote]

Try never being out of Scotland…! It’s enough to make anyone as crazy as me. Well, almost… :anjou_embarassed:

There are probably a few things, but never having been out of Scotland is my main one for now.

Surely that’s just asking for trouble… :anjou_happy:

I’ve never flown.

I’ve never seen a Godfather movie.Sorry but that’s the best example I could come up right now.There’s probably something really strange that I don’t remember right now tho…

deletes Solo from friends list

I actually haven’t seen a Godfather movie as well Gehn, i’m not one for those mob movies.

I have never been in a car accident, and thats a good thing.

Also I have never broken a bone in my body.

I can relate to Solo, I despise jeans for some reason and haven’t worn a pair since about 7 years ago. I prefer cargo pants.

I’ve never drunk coffee, never seen Forrest Gump, never been rejected by a girl (not a good thing, just means I’m spineless).

I wear jeans, though I do prefer cargo pants. Seems like jeans always have that one beltloop that digs into your tailbone.

I’ve never played Panzer Dragoon Saga. :anjou_sad:

I’ve heard many odd things in this thread, but that one is just unforgivable! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have never been in snow.

I don’t know about anyone else here, but there’s something about snow that makes me feel great. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]

Wow, the fun you’ve missed! :anjou_happy: So what do you wear? Are you more of a ‘casuals’ person?[/quote]

Just whatever really… cargos etc. I’ve just never felt the need to buy a pair of jeans, and the fact that everyone else wears them hasn’t really encouraged me or discouraged me.



You’ll have to go and visit Neil and his feathered friends at their southern base one day then. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]

I don’t know about anyone else here, but there’s something about snow that makes me feel great. :anjou_happy:[/quote]

The cold?


1-Jeans = coolness

2-What are cargos?

Something like this:

I don’t really have anything against jeans by the way, I’ve just never felt the need to wear them.

i call them “combats”