Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

Naw, wait for the full game dude ^^

Halo is not a bad game. It’s one of the best first person shooters I’ve played in recent years (maybe someone could tell why Half Life is so revered). However, the game seemed a little too short for my liking.

With the Halo destroyed and the Flood contained, what can we expect to see in the sequel?

It was close, but I bought Crimson Skies before 2003 was out. Fun game. Nothing like 16 player Wild Chicken.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Halo is not a bad game. It’s one of the best first person shooters I’ve played in recent years (maybe someone could tell why Half Life is so revered). However, the game seemed a little too short for my liking.

With the Halo destroyed and the Flood contained, what can we expect to see in the sequel?[/quote]

Halo 2 takes place on Earth.

When is it set for release? Halo 2 has been in development for what seems like forever.

April '04.

Well we got the Covenant that are bombing earth, an insane 343 Guilty Spark wandering around in space, several other Halo’s still out there possibly containing more Flood and then the MC with an improved arsenal of weapons and a possibly rampant AI in his head. I can’t wait until this game is finally released…

Maybe it would be best if Halo 2 wasn’t unleashed on the world then. :slight_smile:

Humanity doesn’t need to Master Chief to defeat the Covenant. Whatever happened to the tactical masterminds the human race has spawned throughout its history?

Btw, I loved how in Halo the Covenant were so terrified of the Flood escaping the Halo that they sent in an army to repair one of their own ships. Now that’s what I call decisive action.

They keep dying. Keyes was one. Read the books, The Fall of Reach and The Flood. They show just how desperate mankind has become.

There are books?! :slight_smile:

I’ll think about buying them.

You obviously don’t read every post on this forum =P You’ll have to order them in from America, but using Waterstones that’s a piece of piss.

Sigh…let’s not go through all that again!
Our new release date at work for Halo 2 is April 2nd (subject to change) I’ve been ‘promoted’ to pre-order manager so I’m gonna make sure everyone pre-orders a copy. It’s gonna be a good day when it finally arrives!

I still can’t get over how short Halo was. Each of the three individual campaigns in Alien Versus Predator 2 were longer with equally “riveting” story elements.

It’s only short if you blast your way through it really quickly.

Let’s see…I’ll say it’s about an hour to complete each level…there are 10 levels, so…

Yep, 10 hours. But hey, who plays the single player game? It’s all about drunken 16 player LAN matches! Woo!

Fave Games 2003:

1> Halo
2> Zelda The Windwaker
3> Splinter Cell
4> Orta
5> UT2K3

I lost all my save data when my last Xbox stopped working and I have to transfer all the saves to a new Xbox. Ah well, it’ll give me a reason to play through again.

Had some builders in to do the kitchen the other day and just randomly oe of them told me he was stuck on Halo and wondered if I could help. Is it that obvious.
Anyway the problem was he walked left when entering a room and came up to a wall…but didn’t think about going right instead…he went back the way he came to see if he missed anything… I can see him having trouble in the Library!

Lol!!! I wouldnt advise him playing legendary then!!

Oh my word…

You think that’s bad, we had a woman come in at work complaining that her PS2 pad wouldn’t work… Her problem turned out to be she was trying to insert the pad in the memory card slot.
Perhaps there is a reason that some people dont play games.