Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

Make these a list of games that you first played this year, not games that were only released this year ^^

Mine would be:

  1. Halo
  2. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
  3. Splinter Cell
  4. Knights of the Old Republic
  5. Panzer Dragoon Orta

Well if i had to pick it would be something like this:

Knights of the Old Republic
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

erm erm erm, oh, so hard…

  1. cant choose a number one:P
  2. Halo or PSO…probs Halo
  3. losing track with what was realesed this year…erm, wind waker
  4. OOT that came with wind waker…
  5. Mario kart DD is somewhere in here…

I would have put SSBM, but that was last year…

I’m not sure about the order, but:

Panzer Dragoon Orta
Star Wars: KOTOR (only just got it, but so far very good)
Soul Calibur II
Halo (technically I first played this late last year, but it deserves to be on this list)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (I’ll stick this here since I haven’t played all that many games this year and I enjoyed this one)

A list like this is hard to make, mainly because i just got two new games today :slight_smile:

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. Woot. Gotta love the GBA.

-Shenmue 2
-“Understand,understand the concept of love!!”

1.Panzer Dragoon SAGA!!!
3.The Return of the King
4.Way of the Samurai
5.Ghost Recon

Man this has been a long year…

Anyway on to the games:

Knights of the Old Republic
GTA Vice City(i got it on PC)
Mafia(played it late)

and PDO doesnt quite make the list, it was a good game however i dont like it as much as the ones listed

Here’s what my list would look like (from the worst of the best to the best of the worst a.k.a worst to greatest :P):

5.GTA:Double Pack (I had played these on the PS2 before yes, but because of playing them on the XBOX I counted it as a game I hadn’t played before. Also, it only made #5 because it’s pretty mcuh the same games with nothing updated)
4.Super Monkey Ball Jr.

Only 5 games, this is to hard. I forgot to put Viewtiful Joe somewhere in my list :frowning:

Sorry, I couldn’t just list 5, if you only want 5 then read the first few I listed :slight_smile:


Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield - Most enjoyable squad based tactical FPS. Stealth AND Realism (unlike games like Splinter Cell which focus on movie style stealth with cool moves and such). Lot’s of brain cells required in order to organize good thorough plans for each mission :slight_smile:

Day Of Defeat (Half-Life Mod) - WW II realistic tactical teamplay at it’s best

Natural Selection (Half-Life Mod) - RTS meets FPS in a wonderful combo of Marines vs Aliens that deserved commercial game status

The Specialists (Half-Life Mod) - Cinematic gun fights with outrageous stunts and maps based on movies like The Matrix and Face Off. Slow motion included :slight_smile:

Age of Mythology - Awesome RTS with a few RPG elements and a good, solid storyline. Add the Titans expansion and the experience is made twice as fun with great additions and gameplay tweaks :slight_smile:

**Anachronox **- Great Japanese style RPG for PC. Even tho a bit old by now it’s well worth it

**Gothic **- Wonderful RPG that was overlooked because of Morrowind’s release


**Sword Of Mana **- Surprisingly fun remake of gameboy’s FF Mystic Quest (or FF Adventure for the Americans among us). Action RPGing at it’s best, second only to Zelda imo

Mario & Luigi - Excellent Mario RPG, it manages to retain the original games’ feel while using RPG game mechanics and a plot so dumb that ends up being funny. Deffinitelly a worthy addition to the Super Mario franchise


Panzer Dragoon Orta - No Comment


Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution - Best. Fighting. Game. Ever. Nuff said.


Zelda The Wind Waker - Not as original as previous games, still a WONDERFUL experience

Resident Evil 1 - Best. Game. Remake. Ever. Nuff said :stuck_out_tongue:

(Note I do not own any next gen console, I do however get to play games that catch my interest in stores or at friends’ places)

[quote=“TheSharpEdge”]1.Panzer Dragoon SAGA!!!
3.The Return of the King
4.Way of the Samurai
5.Ghost Recon[/quote]

lol, when did PDS come out this year :stuck_out_tongue:


[quote=“TheSharpEdge”]1.Panzer Dragoon SAGA!!!
3.The Return of the King
4.Way of the Samurai
5.Ghost Recon[/quote]

lol, when did PDS come out this year :P[/quote]

Its the best game you’ve played this year. Not best games this year :slight_smile:

And spot on review of Mario and Lugi: Superstar Saga Alexander, im enjoying every minute of it.

right…I’m an idiot then:P change my list

  1. PDS…if it was this year
  2. soul calibur 2 or PSO
  3. Mario kart DD
  4. Wind waker
  5. anything else that I like that I’ve played this year^^
  1. Panzer Dragoon Orta
  2. Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne
  3. Dragon Force
  4. Shenmue
  5. Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide

When was the last time you guys were really excited about an upcoming game? I haven’t felt that kind of excitment in a long time. In fact right now I’m more interested in seeking out old Saturn RPGs.

Halo 2 my friend =) I’m more excited about this game than I was about Orta.

I got a little excited about Mario Kart DD, but my excitment slowly ran as I played…the saturn RPG’s are some of the only that have got me properly excited…Dragon Force got me excited but I couldn’t find it ;(

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]1. Panzer Dragoon Orta
2. Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne
3. Dragon Force
4. Shenmue
5. Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide

When was the last time you guys were really excited about an upcoming game? I haven’t felt that kind of excitment in a long time. In fact right now I’m more interested in seeking out old Saturn RPGs.[/quote]

I guess it dedpends on what genres/types of games you like. The past 6 months tons of phenomenal titles have been released. Several that i;ve been really excited over. Stuff like: Mario and Luigi, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Viewtiful Joe, Soul Calibur 2, etc…The list could go one but i’ll stop there.

I see you have no regrets about buying an X-Box. I wish I could share in your enthusiasm.

Sellers will exploit the so-called rarity of Dragon Force in order to gain a huge profit. However, the game isn’t as rare as some people would have you believe. At least English versions are available, which makes tracking the game down worthwhile in the end.