Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

Well, as an RPG fan, I hope Fable and Sudeki are worth getting excited about. The X-Box really needs a few more unique exclusive titles.

The Xbox has everything I need.

Top 5 games I played for the first time this year-

  1. Panzer Dragoon Orta. (Xbox) I don’t care what the critics say, I loved every minute of those 20hours trying to unlock everything.
  2. Skies of Arcadia Legends. (GameCube) Similar to the DC version, yeah, but I love this game.
  3. Grandia. (PSone) I got the PSone just for this game after enjoying Grandia 2 on the DC.
  4. Knights of the Old Republic. (Xbox) Not as great as I was expecting but it deserves to be here)
  5. Burnout 2. (Xbox) Kept me hooked until I’d completed it 100% with all gold medals.

Others just missing out- Metal Slug X (PSone), Castle of Illusion (MasterSystem), The Wind Waker (GameCube) Mr. Driller (Dreamcast)


The Xbox has everything I need.[/quote]

lol, well even though I dont have an Xbox, I’m still looking forward to Halo 2^^ my friend will get it, ah, should be goooooooooood^^ I hear that Xbox can, on rare occasions, crash and the hard drives memory gets deleted. It was on some news thingy…or was it if you go online with your Xbox it can crash…something like that anyway, it got my friend really scared with that…hehe…not sure if it’s right or not though, you Xbox people will have to tell me.

Eh, I’ve never heard of that before.

I can’t remember where I heard it from, but a couple of my friends with Xboxs went out and backedup their memory with a memory card just in case.

Well power ain’t everything and XBox ain’t an exception…

Xboxes can crash, sure. Just like PS2s, Gamecubes, and Dreamcasts. The Xbox harddrive will wear out in time, as would most types of memory cards.

I was VERY excited over Half Life 2… but with all the shit happening like the developer getting hacked and the source code leaks that resulted in delays for God knows how long…
I’m not VERY excited about anythin but there’s a few titles I’m looking forward to for PC since I don’t own any next gen console.
I’m really looking forward to Deus Ex 2
If great fun and it should be out within weeks.
Then Universal Combat )
It sounds like it’s going to be one HUGE game :slight_smile:
And I guess I’ll check out how Doom 3 and Thief 3 turn out whenever they are done…There’s a few other games I have my eye on but I’m too bored to list them now…

I haven’t heard about Xboxes crashing or the HD failing. Though I did have mine for about a year and a half and it started to not read discs, beginning with pre-owned ones then everything. Luckily, working where I do I had no problem in exchanging it for a new one. Although I did have to move all the saved data onto a memory card then back onto the new Xbox.

I’ve heard of some problems occuring with the Xbox but not to the extent that some people have had with thier PS2s. It seems almost everyone has a horror story about thier pss2 dying or what not.

well, I’m not exactly sure about all of this really, it was something that I THINK I remember hearing…by ‘crashing’ I meant sort of wiping out the entire Xbox hard drive memory as PS2 uses memory cards does it not? and apparently the cards were safe that’s why people were backingup their memory onto memory cards…other crashes I’ve never heard about but every console will die off one day…cept for my Saturn, it will live forever! FOREVER!!!

You’re right there, Berserker.

The Saturn is the most reliable console I own and I’ve never had any technical problems with it, despite the 100’s of punishing hours I’ve put it through :smiley:

However, my Mega Drive would freeze in-game from time to time, my Game Boy would fail to load cartridges and last year my DC caught the dreaded resetting disease! (I was well gutted).

I’ve had no problems with my 1 year old Xbox though…yet!

My original Saturn crashed and burned on me.

lol Shadow, maybe 'cos you didn’t look after it properly :stuck_out_tongue:

But it was my baby, I loved it like I love myself <3

man, the saturn is the best, it’s quite and vvvvvvv.reliable to me^^ I kept it on for a whole week and it was happy with it^^ didn’t complain or break down or anything^^ the only thing wrong is that if I switch it off it always asks for the date and time and language, but I just choose the language and let it live in it’s own time^^ make it feel young…it is quite old in console years though! there hasn’t been anything so far more reliable than my saturn…cos my dreamcast is noisy and broke down on me, so I had to get a new one… overall, SATURN=BEST THING EVER…cept maybe the invention of girls…:wink:

Saturn > girls. Sorry ladies.

lol, ah, but what if it was a naked chick, HOLDING A SATURN!

…and you have to choose between the two? Because you can’t enjoy one while enjoying the other o.o I suppose it depends on the girl actually.