Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

whoever you want mate^^ whoever you want…what about that girl…in one of the topics…the RYB got a pic of…water pouring down on her? remember?


How can I forget!

Incidently, for those who have forgotten, allow me to refresh your memory:

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my Saturn, but if I had to choose between it and Monica up there, well, I’d choose Monica!

She really wants me you know, can’t you tell? :smiley:

I think I’d choose my Saturn, as nice as she is.

I’d have both…she naked playing on my saturn with me…all depends on what you mean by ‘play’ eh?

edit: oh, btw, well done for putting that pic up again RYB, so all the new members can share and see right? ^^

Np :slight_smile:

I have owned three Saturns… however, the software more that makes up for the hardware troubles I’ve had.

But I’d have to go with Shadow on this one. Sure Monica’s pretty, but girls are more than just play things. So it would depend on the girl.

I’m horomone boosted at the moment so I can’t make a choice:P any choice I made wouldn’t be fair you see, so the only solution is both:P and yes I do agree that it all depends on the girl.

I think there would probably be only 2 or 3 ladies I’d pick over my Saturn actually.

now that I think about it…same here round about…makes me smile thinking about them…or her…guess there is only a single one actually…to true shadow, to true.

Shadow, the God of love =)

You may make sacrifices to me now.

sacrifices…erm…erm…german homework to shadow

Sacrifice your women.

:open_mouth: how will that help! can’t sacrifce my woman!!! how about my sister, can I sacrifice her?

Is she goodlooking?

my sister!!! she’s 12 :S can I sacrifie both of them then they would make up the age of 24 and I dunno if she’s good looking I don’t and can’t see her in that way! ask some dudes in her year…

I’d like to sacrifice this g00se:

The question is, is it better looking than Berserker’s sisters?

Probably :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm… such wonderous sacrifices…

eats Berserkers sisters and makes love to the goose

lmao XD

Is it me or do ppl often forget this is The Holy District?

it’s you :wink: meh, at least I don’t have to put up with the goose OR my sisters anymore! that goose was really getting on my nerves…kept getting off with the strangest guys…and shadow :wink: