Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

Eh… as much as I wish I could tell you to fuck off you do have a point. Sorry guys.

right yeah…I’m sorry about that as well:P I sorta carried it on there…erm, where were we…oh yeah, girls and saturns…only one girl I can think of at the moment I choose over my saturn…otherwise the saturn beats all! If I had a choice on which console to go on, with any game I’d choose I’d go on the saturn anyday.

I think that even thats off topic. I suppose that only top 5 game lists, and discussions about them is on topic.

oh yeah to true…but that topic was sorta dying. When we went a little off topic we were just starting a new topic inside a dying one so that’s ok isn’t it?

I wouldn’t know. Its a grey area.

um, yo, one of the mods, or someone experienced, come choose would ya?

prods Solo with a shock stick

Yeah i was pretty dissapointed at how fast this thread got derailed :frowning:

well, it happens sometimes…if you look at most of the other topics, they get derailed eventually, that’s how they continue in life of the forum…

Really…guys, cut it out.

Well, as of this post I’ve only bought 3 games this year.

  1. Panzer Dragoon Orta
  2. Knights of the Old Republic
  3. Disgaea

Oh, and I first played Halo this year, too. As a single player game I think it’s lacking, but when you get a bunch of friends together it’s a frag-fest extraordinaire! I kick ASS with the human Pistol.

human pistol is cool, but I prefer the shotgun…mwahahahaha

Ditto. No one beats me in a shotty v shotty fight.

As long as the post is in some way relevant to the original topic, that’s alright. And yes I realise geese could probably be someway tracked back to the topic, but this forum was designed for serious discussion. makes a mental note to finish writing the forum FAQ

Btw, PDO and KOTOR are both amazing games, Brandt. Good choices.

My top 3 for this year:

  1. Panzer Dragoon Orta
  2. KOTOR
  3. Battlefield 1942 (PC)

Halo is still my favourite game on XBox though. I was slightly disappointed with KOTOR actually. It’s a great game but it couldn’t live up to the hype. PDO was just as good as I expected it to be.

I reallllllllllly need to play PDO at some point…it looks really good…damn it!

[quote=“Brandt”]Really…guys, cut it out.

Well, as of this post I’ve only bought 3 games this year.

  1. Panzer Dragoon Orta
  2. Knights of the Old Republic
  3. Disgaea

Oh, and I first played Halo this year, too. As a single player game I think it’s lacking, but when you get a bunch of friends together it’s a frag-fest extraordinaire! I kick ASS with the human Pistol.[/quote]

Care to point out what points you thought halo was lacking in? I just got to play it finally this year too (got my xbox for PDO :slight_smile: ). I think it is an extremely solid first person shooter in the single player mode. The only thing i see wrong with the game are the repetitive interior structures and the repetition in the enemies. You could fault the save system, but personally i think its fine as there are more then enough checkpoints. The weapon choices are limited especially when compared to other great console FPS’ like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark (the #3 and #2 best console FPS’ ever IMHO). As i think at the end of the day the best combo of weapons is still the machine gun and shotgun or pistol (or some combo there of).

I haven’t beat the game yet but levels like 343 Guilty Spark and The Library are where the game really shines. Those were so atmospheric and i was pretty frightened to see so many dead covenant soliders and then to actually stumble across the seemingly unstoppable Flood. That was a great game experience.

D-Unit: Glad to see another BF1942 fan! That is my favorite FPS to play online. I really like the whole war feel you get when playing it. I cannot wait for Battlefield: Vietnam to come out, it looks pretty amazing i just hope they improve on the single player campaigns.

Battlefield 1942 is great multiplayer FPS, although I found it to be quite hard. It’s always a favourite at LAN parties.

Berserker,just make sure you don’t get Orta’s plot spoiled before you play it like I did :frowning:

:frowning: If anyone is wondering I’m talking about the scene in Forbidden Memories near the end.I knew it all along :frowning:

I can’t really see where Halo is lacking. Even though I pretty much got it on day of release ™ I still dip in for a mission here and there. Finding that Banshee on top of the metal outcrop in Assualt on the Control Room (the first snow one) was great. Being able to fly about when I wasn’t supposed to.

There’s so much stuff to do, the Warthog jumps, getting on top of the island on The Slient Cartographer level (especially difficult in single player) and discovering the hidden Myth track were all good. And I still haven’t completed all the levels in every way possible. (I have completed in on Legendary though, the ending, though short is pretty funny)

Go back to it again and learn to love it…then ‘enjoy’ the excruciating wait for Halo 2.

And I don’t even like first person shooters!!!

If you look at the reasons that of Halo’s ‘flaws’ you’d have to admit that they aren’t really flaws at all. I dislike games that go for a huge catalogue of enemies and environments if it is uncalled for.