Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

Yeah, I notice that when I play FPS with lots of guns, I really don’t care what damn gun I’m using. In Halo, tho, each gun is a lot more defined. Enemy numbers are all right, but I wouldn’t mind spiffy things like Rocket-Warthog and Banshee in multiplayer.

I’ll never get to play Orta, so really mind all to much…lol, you know what my evil friends made me do? THE FIRST TIME I EVER PLAYED HALO THEY MADE ME PLAY ON LEGENDARY:P but it made me reallllly good at the game and I helped 2 people complete legendary…ah, the memories…imagine, my normal difficulty that I go on is legendary, I have never realised how hard it is to some people. My friend played though it all to legendary (by then I had already helped one dude do legendary) and he found it difficult, but I didn’t see the difficulty in it…I knew it was tough, but I didn’t see the difficulty in it…Halo 2 should rock, oh and the ending was funny^^ erm, perhaps some Halo 2 spoilers here, but if you like the game enough you should know that by now!

Halo 2, man, apparently you get to team with the covernment against the flood! should be good…mwahahahahanew enemies, new weapons, dual weild, oh man, yeah!

Halo 2, man, apparently you get to team with the covernment against the flood! should be good…mwahahahahanew enemies, new weapons, dual weild, oh man, yeah![/quote]

Eh!!!? Where’d you get that piece of all crucial all important plotline??!? Or have I just been out of it lately?

Yay, my stupid ass read TSE’s quote first, so now I’m spoiled. I hope its bollocks though.

As for legendary, it was piss easy once I learnt to take cover.

Halo on Legendary is difficult, but trying to keep the marines alive is a real challenge. The second part of the Truth & Reconciliation level is incredibly difficult if you try to complete it with all the marines.

As for that information on Halo 2, I’d like to see where you got that too.

Yeah, I was expecting something like that but…where’d you get that?

I thought the single player game was EXTREMELY repetetive. Not just enemies or setting, but the actual combat as well. It really felt like the same fight over and over again, ESPECIALLY in that damn Library. God, EVERY fight in that level played out almost exactly the same.

Multiplayer weapons choice? Pistol and Shotgun. Hell, I was actually beating really experienced Halo players in sniper duels where they had Sniper Rifles and I had the Pistol.
That, my friends, is a lovely feeling.


Yeah, I was expecting something like that but…where’d you get that?[/quote]

my mate with an Xbox bought a Xbox magazine (a offical one I think) and there was this big bit about Halo 2, said about the new enemies and so on and it also said that when they talked to the developers that came up or something…might not be true, I’m not completely sure, but I do remember reading it…sorry if it is true, but TSE shouldn’t have quoted that when I said that it was a spoiler, people can’t aviod it if you quote it can they? But that’s where I heard it, it might not be completely reliable…I know some more about Halo 2 and what’s going on, but now seeing that people might quote me I’ll keep my mouth firmly shut about it.

I didn’t find Halo at all repetitive. Admittedly The Library was a bit but it was just a (long) way to introduce the Flood as a mindless, savage race who will stop at nothing. I mean with most levels there were different ways to tackle them…use the Warthog or not, sniper enemies from a distance, run straight in, let other enemies (Covenant, Flood, Sentinels) destroy each other before picking off the remaining.

As for repeating enemy types, at least there was a reason, the Covenant comprises of only a small amount of alien types. (We didn’t get to see the Prophets, although they were mentioned in the back story) or the floating fixer/gatherer beings (dunno their names, they were like octopusses in a way)

Question about Halo 2…if the Covenant want humans wiped out, why don’t they just glass the planet as they have done before (read Halo-The Fall of Reach) I mean, is there any technology on Earth that the Covenant can use like there was on Halo? Doubtful as the Covenant consider Humans a far inferior race…unless they just want the secrets behind Master Chief’s sheilding and training. Guess I’ll find out.

Mebbe another Halo 2 spoiler…

Apparently the developers want the Flood to be more intelligent and use vehicles (Human and Covenant) as well. They had planned this for the first game but ran out of time before they could impliment it.

[quote=“Pete”]I didn’t find Halo at all repetitive. Admittedly The Library was a bit but it was just a (long) way to introduce the Flood as a mindless, savage race who will stop at nothing. I mean with most levels there were different ways to tackle them…use the Warthog or not, sniper enemies from a distance, run straight in, let other enemies (Covenant, Flood, Sentinels) destroy each other before picking off the remaining.

As for repeating enemy types, at least there was a reason, the Covenant comprises of only a small amount of alien types. (We didn’t get to see the Prophets, although they were mentioned in the back story) or the floating fixer/gatherer beings (dunno their names, they were like octopusses in a way)

Question about Halo 2…if the Covenant want humans wiped out, why don’t they just glass the planet as they have done before (read Halo-The Fall of Reach) I mean, is there any technology on Earth that the Covenant can use like there was on Halo? Doubtful as the Covenant consider Humans a far inferior race…unless they just want the secrets behind Master Chief’s sheilding and training. Guess I’ll find out.

Mebbe another Halo 2 spoiler…

Apparently the developers want the Flood to be more intelligent and use vehicles (Human and Covenant) as well. They had planned this for the first game but ran out of time before they could impliment it.[/quote]

I really liked how the Elite covenant soliders were introduced in the last two levels. That was a nice way to change up enemies we were already familiar with and create something new.

I didn’t mind the library level. While it was long, it was fun. The constant battle between you and the flood all the while hoping the next door the monitor opened would be the last.

Im interested to see how the Flood incorporate/assimiliate alien technologies into thier aresnals. I cant wait for Halo 2.

I just hope the Brutes aren’t replacements for the Hunters. The first time a Hunter charged me was seriously unnerving…until I found the quick and easy way to kill them.
Hunters and Brutes should become bestest friends and work together…while you’re trying to aim for the Hunter’s orange bit the Brutes would charge you and vice versa.

I can’t wait to try Master Chief’s combo melee attack!

  1. I’d like to say you’ve been making mini spoilers there and 2. I though Halo was made by the forerunners as a defence system? or did they make the flood…well I know the covement where looking for something…and found the flood…silly fools:P I’m determind not to say any mini or big spoilers for Halo 2 anymore:P cos they are REALLY good.

Halo was a defense system to combat the flood, if the flood were ever released the Ring was supposed to detonate destroying the galaxy and preventing the flood conquoring other galaxies.

What the covenant wanted on Halo i have no idea, it is possible they thought it was a big weapon but it turned out just to be a big bomb so it was pretty pointless.

yeah, they thought it was some super weapon as they heard it had emenise power. My friend thinks that there are more than one ‘Halo’s’ about the universe/galaxy, that’s where Halo 2 can come in. Something, he said, that what’s it called…the damn annoying floating orb thing said that made it sound like there where more than one. He thinks that to destroy the universe/galaxy, they would all concentrate their power into the centre and release it all at once destroying it. Just a theory, but it sounded interesting…and his one made a little more sense, but I cant remember all that he said right now:P

There is just one thing I didn’t like in Halo (apart from teh Flood :P) : the environaments were all the same (well n know we were on a sinle planet still).A bit too Green for me.I wanna see different things in Halo 2.Like a Desert or “Fally” forest.

Halo was built by the Forerunners. I don’t know if they designed it as a Flood ‘stronghold’ as such or if the Flood was a bad mistake. Maybe the Flood wiped out the Forerunners.

Also, before Humans or the Covenant got there, the Flood could surely only have been the small skittering ones as the upright types were mutations of humans and Covenant.

The Covenant believed Halo to be a super weapon of some kind which they could use to their own advantage.

There are apparently more Halos scattered throughout the galaxy.

The Halos are not designed to destroy the universe only to wipe out all biological entities, anything the Flood would consider as food, as only by starving the Flood can they be killed

And finally, can little gameplay elements such as the melee combo and new enemies be classed as spoilers? Surely they’re more like inticers to whet your appitite for the game. If Beserker avoided everything he classes as spoilers, he’d never know one thing about the game…
What do you think? I would only say a spoiler is when the story is revealed too much.

The question is: why did the Forerunners contain the Flood in the first place? They built a weapon capable of wiping out all biological life in the galaxy just to be able to study them. For some reason the Flood must have been extremely important for the Forerunners.

From what I remember now, the Forerunners were trying to create a new race of beings.

I guess the weapon they created was the only way they could think to destroy them. The Flood were built to be completely resilient to almost anything. Obviously the Forerunners never really believed that the Flood would be able to get off the ring…they never expected visitors…

This story elements you guys are talking about are from the books right?

No, most of this is also explained in the game. The books do offer a greater insight in the storyline but I haven’t read them yet, so I’m not sure how much information they actually hold.