Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

I couldn’t understand half of what that orb kept saying every time we met.

I’ve read TFOR and I ordered The Flood the other day. First Strike couldn’t be pre-ordered though =/

Are they good?

Some of the flood are forerunners from what I hear. You know those big fat ones that explode? apparently they are forerunners. Well, Pete, I just dont want to reveal anything incase someone comes on and goes ‘ah, crap!’ and complains at me:P just being careful is all…I guess those are alright, just be careful how far you go k? I know quite a lot about it, actually, big chunks about it. I hear and see a lot and gather information from lots of different people who know smaller bits about it…I dont just go up to someone and go ‘know anything about halo 2 so i can add it to my collection?’ I just happen to be there when someone starts to talk about it, as a lot of people do^^

lol, I like to mess with the flood…shoot their arms off and see how many I can get to run around trying to swipe at me, when their arms are gone, their completely useless:P I hate it when they get their hands on rocket lanchers:\ your fighting off some others then this huge explosion comes from behind you and that’s it:P damn flood…anyway, I’m just gonna keep quiet about halo 2 but if anyone wants to know anything just ask:P I know some of the story, weapons, enemies and new stuff you can do^^ meh, PM or something…if your that desperate for info.

I truly do not know where you find this, Beserker. They’re just infected flood carriers…right?

And yes, I like the Flood friendlies with no arms. I use em to scare away Covies.

The stuff I ‘revealed’ on Halo 2 were already well known facts to any Halo fan and won’t spoil the experience one bit. Sometimes it’s nice to know new elements of a game so you can impliment them into play for the first time. Like the Melee combo, maybe if you didn’t know about it you wouldn’t use it. Example- Skies of Arcadia on the DC, because I didn’t know about one element of the game meant I couldn’t use it to my advantage until later in the game…when it was almost too late.

Some of the stuff 434 Guily Spark says-
“Greetings, I am Monitor of installation zero-4 (are there more installations on Halo or is the Halo we’re on number 4?) Someone has released the Flood. My function is to prevent them from leaving this installation…”

“The installation was specifically built to study and contain the Food. Their survival as a race was dependant on it. I am grateful to see that some of them survived to reproduce.”

There’s other stuff like referring to The Master Chief as ‘the Reclaimer’ Was the reclaimer an original Forerunner charged with stopping the Flood if things got out of hand?

The flood carriers were not forerunners. I don’t know who you heard that from Berserker but whoever it is needs shooting.

I’ll ask agehn : are the Halo books good’

I’ll go shoot him with his own shotgun (cos he really does own one)

OK PETE! geez! I was only saying! just in case ok! holy geez…

YEAH BERSERKER! I was just saying also. Calm down already.

The Halo books are really good actually. The Fall of Reach tells of the origin on Master Chief and the other Spartans including the first contact with the Covenant and how they came to find Halo.
Berserker, hope I didn’t give too much away…

The Flood chronicles the events of the game with side stories with other human groups and also tells the story from the Covenant point of view and one member of the Flood.


it also delves into the mind of Captain Keyes as he slowly becomes a Flood form.

For some amateurish reviews of the game, soundtrack and two books, take a look on my site

Click on the Halo link (uh, obviously)

Can’t wait to get my hands on the third book.

Me either.

I think everyone here has played Halo, so it can not be spoilt…but a precation all the same I guess:)

Thanx for your help.You all are so preocuppied with saying this or that to each other that you forget that some people like me need your help :stuck_out_tongue:

Better late than never. (Whooh, I used a cliche!!)
Seriously though, you should get your hands on the books.

Also, if anyone has heard rumours of Halo Deluxe (an online Halo) it’s wrong. It’s actually a deluxe stategy guide book. It comes with a DVD full of behind the scenes Halo stuff (out-takes, concept art etc…) generally all the stuff you can find on Bungie’s site. I still might get it though!

I heard that there was gonna be a halo on PC…that gave new stuff, such as Rocket Launchers on the warthog…can anyone confirm this?

I have Halo installed on my PC. Apparantly there’s new multiplayer features, but I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. The single player game is basically the same though.

ah, right cool^^ my mate will be disappointed then, all this talk of rocket lanchers on warthogs got him excited…ah, well, lets destroy his hopes >:D

No you moron… Halo PC was released last month. There are rocket launchers on warthogs, the fuel rod cannon, banshees in multiplayer etc.

Multiplayer with banshees and the fuel rod cannon is massively unbalanced.

[quote=“Shadow”]No you moron… Halo PC was released last month. There are rocket launchers on warthogs, the fuel rod cannon, banshees in multiplayer etc.

Multiplayer with banshees and the fuel rod cannon is massively unbalanced.[/quote]

oh, right, well I didn’t know! ok, thanks…

Apparently Gearbox Software’s conversion is pretty shoddy. We’ve had loads of returns from it either being buggy, sluggish or jerky. (could be their PCs though)
I think I’ll stick with the Xbox version!