Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

I played the Halo PC demo a while ago. Unfortunately, instead of just crashing, the game simply rebooted my PC… Not to mention the problems with textures and bad framerate. I think I’ll just wait for Halo 2.

Yeah, its a shoddy conversion. Frame rate is shit.

Put it this way, you need a beast to run it decently.

That’s what we tell customers but then they get all defensive. "Well my PC IS new and IS very powerful. It’s your game, not my PC…"
That sorta stuff.

No, you don’t need a beast. You need the type of PC that isn’t out yet. 4Ghz.

O_O I just noticed!

Gehn: Yes, the Halo books are pretty good. The Fall of Reach was a VERY good book. Must-read. The Flood was okay. If you’re a Halo fan, read it.

I don’t know ow muhc of fan I am…

I mean,I loved the game but I don’t know if there is any term of comparition with the books…

You’ll have to order them in from America. I’d recommend getting TFOR, but The Flood isn’t really r0x0r1n6 my b0x0r1n6s. Yayap is one funny mofo though.

gehn, your slowly being pushed away…hardly anyone is noticing you anymore:P

What the heck do you mean byt that?Never mind.Stop doing that will ya?If you ahve nothing to ahd to the convo ABOUT HALO just su :stuck_out_tongue:

SORRY, geez, I would like to read the books they seem to be excellent^^ if there anything as much like the game, I’m alright with me (I mean in quality here). Can you just goi and get them in shops or they specially off the internet?

Happy now Gehn?!?! I dunno, it’s just that’s the second time someones gone to one of your posts ‘oh, I didn’t see that! sorry gehn!’ I didn’t mean your getting pushed out of the forums dude!

Pity he isn’t leaving the forums.

As for the books, you’ll have to order then in from America. Get them from Waterstones, as I know they don’t charge you for the shipping.

[quote=“Shadow”]Pity he isn’t leaving the forums.

As for the books, you’ll have to order then in from America. Get them from Waterstones, as I know they don’t charge you for the shipping.[/quote]

And the sad thing is, is that I can get them oh-so-easy at any local bookstore…if I desired :slight_smile:

Um, so can I o.o It doesn’t cause me any pain to order a book in, and it isn’t difficult.

Berserker what are you babbling about?I wasn’t complaining.You just made a comment that caught me by surprise cause I didn’t understand what you meant by that.I mean, I dont’ feel pushed away.Do I seem so for you to say that?

I got both my books from Waterstones. They were very reliable but I might get the next one from Amazon. Haven’t decided yet. I’ll wait until after Xmas.

ok then Gehn, I guess we were both getting a little confused:)

yeah, I might just go get those books…I told my friend of them, but I dont think he knew what I meant as he told me that he was reading one in a local game store O_o

He probably thought you were talking about the strategy guide…

Thats what I plan to do. Hoepfully I’ll get First Strike before Halo 2 comes out.

That’s what I hope to do too.
My mate is getting through a 50% complete copy of Halo 2 next week. He asked me if I want to borrow it. I guess I should jump at the chance but I feel it would ruin the experience of the main game…