Your Top 5 Video Games of 2003

…you’re joking, right? I know PS2 users are generally fairly less intelligent than the rest of the human populance (=P), but jeez o.o

Nah the woman was probably from England or somethin :stuck_out_tongue:

… MORON >.<

Of course she was from England… jesus…

bangs Gehn’s head on a desk repeatedly

That was the whole point of my joke you ass!

I can never resist bashing the Playstation 2 and everything thereof.

My top games of 2003

Sonic Adventure 2
Toy Commander
Fire Warrior
Crue Ball
Quake III

Only one of which came out in 2003, and I haven’t played it to boot, but I haven’t bought many other games this year that weren’t retro and/or second hand.

Then it was poorly executed.

No it wasn’t.Just admit for once that you aren’t as smart as you think.

lol, actually I know exactly how smart I am. Your joke was poorly executed though.

Another lame excuse to try to beat me…
Just admit you’ve lost Skiad XD

Har har, another stupid customer. Wants a dancing game and dance mat for the PS2. I explain where the dance mat connects to on the PS2
Customer- “So, where do you put the game?”

Me- "Would you be interested in pre-ordering Gran Turismo 4?"
Him- "Sure I would…"
Me- "Ok, just fill out this form"
Him- "It’s Gran Turismo: San Andreas isn’t it?!"
Me- “Uh…that’d be Grand Theft Auto, mate.”

One more
Phone rings
Me- “Good afternoon, this is Game in Leamington where you can trade you’re old games in for discount, Pete speaking, how can I help?” (I know, I know)
Her- "Hi, is Cassie there?"
Me- "We don’t have a Cassie working here, sorry."
Her- "Working?"
Me- "Yeah, this is a Game store like I just said."
Her- “Oh…sorry, mush have got the wrong number.”

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Another lame excuse to try to beat me…
Just admit you’ve lost Skiad XD[/quote]

I haven’t… “lost”, and I haven’t won, and neither have you o.o Debates aren’t about winning or losing.

Yes it is! nodding

Dear, sweet, moronic Gehn, how shit your life is going to be if you have more misconceptions like that =)


No thanks, we get enough moron waves from this forum, thank you.