Why dont we try to make a fan game?

Do you mean for the current project file that we’re using for the game? If so then yes :slight_smile: though I’m guessing that’s not what you mean because mine isn’t nearly that big!

mine is that size now- I wonder if when you install a new version if it balloons in size?

Possibly… that’s a scary thought.

Btw Lagi did you get the huddle invite I sent you? I’m going to put up some discussions for the group there and I don’t want to start without you :slight_smile:

Regarding the font, considering that most of the text in PDS appears on a black or plain background of some description, it should be possible to screenshot it, then use the screenshots and assemble a bitmap font out photoshopped screenshots.

Alternativley you could trace over them in vector.

So what’s the status on the fan game?

This topic is too tl;dr, gib short version plox

If it’s an FPS, suddenly I no longer care.

[quote=“Chizzles”]Regarding the font, considering that most of the text in PDS appears on a black or plain background of some description, it should be possible to screenshot it, then use the screenshots and assemble a bitmap font out photoshopped screenshots.

Alternativley you could trace over them in vector. [/quote]

We could, if people want it enough :slight_smile: I offered to do the latter but it was judged to be too time-consuming. For now we’ll probably just use a basic font.

So what’s the status on the fan game? [/quote]

I’m modelling an airship so the team can judge what modelling capability we’re at and what we can realistically aim for. Lagi hasn’t got back to me on the Huddle thing so I’ll probably start posting discussions on the various aspects of the game.

This topic is too tl;dr, gib short version plox [/quote]

Already set up a Huddle account to discuss the separate aspects, all you have to do is PM me to join.

If it’s an FPS, suddenly I no longer care.[/quote]

Fine, make your own. Or at least give some constructive suggestions.

Being FPS doesn’t mean it’s going to be Quake. I thought all the ideas posted so far made that clear. It’s just a view point, any game done in third person can be done in first.

It’s the view point I dislike, far too claustrophobic and limiting to tell the story of a wonderous universe. Look at Cloverfield, for example. I find 1st person games to be to gaming what Cloverfield is to cinematography.

For example, Jedi Knight II in 3rd person mode suddenly becomes a much broader game in 3rd person than it is in 1st person.

I’m sorry, but to me the idea of anything in first person just sounds like a horrible idea.

And I’d argue with your “any game” logic, I’d like to see you try and make Bayonetta in 1st person and watch it become unplayable as the camera starts spinning around with tornado kicks and other acrobatic attacks.

1st person is just not feasible for gameplay in some games, even OutRun 2 becomes near unplayable in 1st person mode if you plan on not crashing into any walls when you power drift.

You are free to disagree, of course, as I’m sure you will.
But I’m not going to start liking FPS because of whatever you say in response to this ;p


I have to agree with Chizzles.

Any first-person camera can be transformed into a third-person equivalent fairy accurately ( giving a similar experience ) … the other way around however is a completely different story.

One of the trivial aspects of a first-person view is that its orientation is ( almost ) always directly linked to the rotation of the protagonist, whereas in third-person games this can be far more loose ( Super Mario 64 ) or completely disconnected ( Final Fantasy 12 ).

Nevertheless, first-person can be great as well … Metroid Prime / Myst anyone?


I disagree , the viewpoint is more about what type of gameplay you intend to put in a game . While they’ll may welll be, FPS’s, The story telling in FallOut III or HALF-LIFE 1& II , was never effected becasue of the viewpoint , in fact very few games come close to HALE-LIFE II story telling imo

In my view , any Panzer Dragoon game should be taking place in 3rd person view , on-board a flying Dragon , anything less just isn’t Panzer.

Looks like third person is a popular option, and it is traditional PD style. I’m happy to do it that way if we can :slight_smile: otherwise I don’t think FPS is the worst thing in the world to fall back on.

You can’t have Bayonetta in first person, but you can have a beat’ em up, which was my point. Obviously an existing game designed with certain properties in mind already couldn’t work with an abrupt change in one of them. This fan game isn’t in that situation, nor does it have to be bound by past Panzer Dragoon conventions. After all, SAGA wasn’t bound by previous conventions either, even if the camera remained in third person.

Jedi Knight II was better in first person and it sucked the first person view didn’t work properly for lightsaber combat in Jedi Academy (I’m not alone in thinking this either), but I suppose that’s a preference, not a fact. Personally, I found it a bit more challenging to fight other Jedis in first person (ie, if you weren’t fast enough they could disappear from view, whereas third person allowed you to even look around and behind your character a little without moving), but at the same time more immersing and satisfying. Still, the design of the game remained pretty much identical regardless of the view you used, which reinforces my slightly exaggerated original point instead of argue against it. Granted, melee combat would be one of the harder things to get right in first person, but thankfully we haven’t seen any sword duels in any Panzer scene.

As for not being Panzer if you aren’t riding a dragon, meh, I don’t think anyone around here should feel confident enough to attempt and continue the Panzer story in such a profound way by using the central elements of the world (not to mention it’ll be harder to do, so unless you can help create it, you might wanna give these guys a break before bashing their more doable concepts as not Panzery enough), and even in Orta the most Panzer-like elements of all weren’t on a dragon but while piloting an Imperial airship. For mere mortals like us, it should be more than enough to experience that world in a different angle, than once again seek to be the one, the hero that wiill do the greatest deeds that world has seen. Not every game needs to let you save the world, and it would be quite overkill to have a dragon side with you for a lesser task.

The glimpses of the setting we have seen beyond the dragon’s stories are extremely interesting in their own right. The inhabidants of that world generally don’t have boring lives compared to ours. Otherwise no dragon would wanna fight for those anyway. It’s almost insulting to suggest the world Team Andromeda crafted is only good because it has a badass dragon that you can ride and own shit with. My 2 cents.

RE PERSPECTIVE: yeah as Nevey mentioned are going to try to do 3rd person, it will probably just have to be a character of military / hunter background, as the animations are already like that.

RE STORY: Totally agree w/ Al3xand3r- it is going to be better to think of this as “Iva’s Story” vs thinking of it like ‘Panzer Saga’. It will be more successful as a small story, than trying to compete with something that takes a whole staff of professionals and millions of dollars.

sucks, I have been so swamped w/ work haven’t touched it (although i have been digging into Unreal) … this project I think will move in spurts, but hopefully if we have a common base and anyone can chip in when they can, we’ll get some movement over the period of a year.

Oh I can?t help but feel you?re just staying that get a response and cause a argument, for one thing I never ever had a go at anyone that?s making this fan game at all
To me , if you don?t have a Dragon rider , riding a dragon then it isn?t a Panzer Dragoon game , just like if you don?t have a Ferrari and Blue Skies then it really isn?t an Out Run game , that?s my own views ok ?
The most Panzer like feature (if they is such a thing) in Orta , was the fact that it was you and you?re trusty pet (for one of a better word) against the whole world yet again . That?s what been behind the series for me , the felling that its one Man/Women and their trusty and faithful companion against the whole world , add in the Dragon riding and shooting an it was a HAPPY DAYS for me

I look at the update to Golden Axe and just a simple design change to making 1 player only , made it not feel like a Golden Axe game at all , and while Golden Axe The Duel might be a nice game in its own right , I don?t think, it?s the Golden Axe game fans wanted in terms of gameplay .

Now I speak only for myself , but when I think of Panzer Dragoon , I think of Dragons , and a sole Dragon rider (the Player) and his pet Dragon flying around shooting in a 3rd person view point, against the might of the Empire ECT (at its most basic and primitive level) . Anything else… just isn’t cricket :anjou_happy:

I look at the update to Golden Axe and just a simple design change to making 1 player only , made it not feel like a Golden Axe game at all ,<<

I totally agree- I am a huge Golden Axe fan, and I only play it co-op. The latest version lost all purpose to me. But that is a full retail sequel of the game- I expect a similar title in the retail sequel.

But keep in mind- this is game is essentially a interactive fan-fic. Nobody is claiming this is a official sequel to the lineage. This is like writing a side story. In Star Wars, there are plenty of odd side stories that have nothing to do with the Jedis and Sith, Empire and Rebellion, and some of them are more engaging the the movies. Lord of the Rings had this as well- Tolkien wrote a ton of small stories that were only loosely connected to the mainline.

the reality is this will be one level or so- to have meaningful dragon combat in that is a bit odd.

It is fine if this doesn’t interest you at all, but it seems a bit silly to dismiss the whole genre of side tales.

Even Team Andomeda’s leader thought this is the way to go …
1up.com/do/feature?pager.off … Id=3162634


But keep in mind- this is game is essentially a interactive fan-fic. Nobody is claiming this is a official sequel to the lineage. This is like writing a side story. In Star Wars, there are plenty of odd side stories that have nothing to do with the Jedis and Sith, Empire and Rebellion, and some of them are more engaging the the movies. Lord of the Rings had this as well- Tolkien wrote a ton of small stories that were only loosely connected to the mainline.

the reality is this will be one level or so- to have meaningful dragon combat in that is a bit odd.

It is fine if this doesn’t interest you at all, but it seems a bit silly to dismiss the whole genre of side tales.

Even Team Andomeda’s leader thought this is the way to go …
1up.com/do/feature?pager.off … Id=3162634[/quote]

I’m not even having a go at the fan game , I’m just saying what I feel about the Panzer games, and what makes it a Panzer game (everyone will have differing views) everyone has different views and , even those that worked on the series , will all have their own views, and opinions.

And its not just panzer , for some until SEGA make a Traditional turn based phantasy Star game , then spins off and online version , not matter ,it will never be a PS game , to some until Camelot make a Shinning game , it will never be a Shinning game.
I love HALO and while HALO wars is well made game , with a rich story and characters and world , it just isn?t a HALO game to me (I hope u get the point).

Still what is good is that there’s still people that care so much for the pazner games and world, shame most in SEGA don’t anymore

Team Andromeda - I’m not sure if Al3x was addressing just you individually as per bashing our concepts, in any case thanks for your feedback :slight_smile: it helps us to know what people would prefer to see since you’ll all be the players.

Think of it as a Panzer Dragoon side story. The Panzer world is so rich, there’s plenty of room for exploring it through other gameplay styles.

Another thing, unless we made a game about the Sky Rider, a pre-Orta dragon game wouldn’t make a lot of sense. The Heresy Dragon - as far as we know - was one of a kind; his story has already been told.


Think of it as a Panzer Dragoon side story. The Panzer world is so rich, there’s plenty of room for exploring it through other gameplay styles.


That’s how I viewed SAGA , to me Panzer is a 3d shooter and that the basic reason I love it in gameplay terms
. But My favourite aspect and what is the most special part of the Panzer series to me, is the bound between you and your faithful companion , like the bond between you and your pet DOG, and how that pet will always be by your side , and would gladly give his or her life to save or defend you

That’s what so special to me , you cut out that part and get rid of the Dragon , and then its not a true Panzer game to me . That’s my view and my take . Then again I one of those that things the 1st Panzer Dragoon game is the best in the series .

Get ready, this is a very long post! :anjou_embarassed:

Before getting to the point, let me introduce myself. I’m Ivan, male, 22 years old, from Brazil (that’s got to be enough of an excuse for my somewhat limited English :). I earn my living at a software making company as a Java developer, and aspire to work with games someday (although the gaming industry here in Brazil, especially in my city, is very limited). I graduated as a Bachelor in Computer Science – learned all the mathy stuff, enough to understand very well how to solve problems with a computer. I mostly play games as a hobby, as well as (try) to develop some simple games, such as a clone of Asteroids with RPG elements. I’m also a big fan of fantasy/sci-fi stuff… and a dragon-lover :anjou_love:. Oh, and a computer geek (this should be obvious by now :).

I recently discovered the Panzer Dragoon series through TVTropes.org by reading the… well… Panzer Dragoon article on that wiki (which was listed on the Dragon Rider article examples) and decided to pick up a copy of each game in the series to give it a shot. I put my hands on PD2 first, played for a bit and went like OMG I RIDE A DRAGON WHO SHOOTS FRICKIN’ HOMING LASER BEAMS AT STUFF, AWESOME! It was pretty hard at first… but then, it was the first time I played a rail shooter, and my aiming skills with a D-pad are horrible :anjou_embarassed:

My copy of PD1 is damaged, but I’ll probably get to play it once I finish Orta. I’m currently playing the Saga (just finished disc 1) and enjoying every moment of it. I fell in love with the series and decided to find out more. Through Wikipedia I discovered and joined this community.

Now, back to the topic.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]That’s how I viewed SAGA , to me Panzer is a 3d shooter and that the basic reason I love it in gameplay terms
. But My favourite aspect and what is the most special part of the Panzer series to me, is the bound between you and your faithful companion , like the bond between you and your pet DOG, and how that pet will always be by your side , and would gladly give his or her life to save or defend you

That’s what so special to me , you cut out that part and get rid of the Dragon , and then its not a true Panzer game to me . That’s my view and my take . Then again I one of those that things the 1st Panzer Dragoon game is the best in the series .[/quote]

I agree with you, that’s what makes Panzer Dragoon special. But it doesn’t mean the series can only be expanded by always having the player in control of a character and his/her pet dragon.

Take, for instance, the Dragonriders of Pern series. The major selling point is all about the humans and their telepathic, intelligent, bonded dragons in a fight against a deadly threat – a rain of silvery fungi called Thread which kills every lifeform on the planet Pern, where they live. However, not every book in the series focuses on the dragonriders or even the threat. The main characters of Nerilka’s Story and the whole Harper Hall trilogy (Dragonsong, Dragonsinger and Dragondrums) are not dragonriders, yet the setting is the same. They do get a few rides here and there, but it’s just for convenience, like asking for a taxi. And they do have trouble with the Thread, though most of the danger is mitigated by the dragonriders.

The titular Lady Nerilka struggles to find a better life on another Hold (the series’ equivalent of a town) and work as a Healer, which was prohibited by her parents in her own Hold due to her lineage – she is the daughter of the Lord Holder (the “mayor” of the Hold). Menolly, from the Harper Hall trilogy, wants to become a Harper (a musician/teacher), but struggles in almost the same way as Nerilka. They both eventually get to do what they want, as well as make many new friends and find their love counterparts. Menolly also gets to Impress (bond) the biggest fair of fire-lizards (smaller, definitely pet dragons who fit on the shoulders of people) of the whole series. As you can see, there’s nothing here to do with dragons, riders and the bond between them, except maybe for Menolly and her fire-lizards.

(On a side note, I encourage you and everyone else to read the Dragonriders of Pern series. You’ll love it.)

Also, take a look at some of the Gaiden games on TV Tropes. Portal is a game set in the Half-life universe but it’s gameplay is quite different from the main game. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a Half-life game; it’s just a side story set in the same universe. Unreal Tournament too is a Gaiden game: the setting is the same as the series’ first game, Unreal, but it focuses on a blood sport as a competition; the other, on a prisoner who must find a way to escape Na’Pali after the ship he was riding in crashed on the planet. Completely different stories, the very same universe.

That said, I think that this fan-made game doesn’t really need to be all about a boy/girl and his/her pet dragon in a quest to save the world (although I, too, would love it). What it must be, however, is something that deals with the universe of Panzer Dragoon. And this does not prevent from making a dragon-riding rail-shooter in the future.

Like I said, I’m a developer and aspire to work with games. This means I’m going to dive deep into the game scripts and logic. But since I know almost nothing about the UDK, it’ll probably take some time to get used to it. My free time is limited too – in addition to the full-time job, I have to spend some time studying and working for my postgraduation in Software Engineering as well as setting aside some time to read the Pern books and play some games (Panzer Dragoon included! :). But you can count on me if you need a developer. I might be of some help with the plot too, although I know very little right now about the Panzer Dragoon universe.

I’d appreciate to have a short compilation of what I need to do to join the project. From what I’ve read I need a Dropbox account and the UDK. I’ll take a look at these tomorrow.

Phew… that was a long post. And I should be sleeping by now… it’s 2 am!

PS.: Before you ask me how in the heck I got to post links on my first post… I posted some placeholder text, then edited the post. :wink:

nice to meet you- awesome you have a scripting background!

Yeah any fumbling you can do in the unreal script to see if you can make heads or tails of it would be a huge help (no rush!) - we aren’t looking to do anything crazy different from Unreal, just help replacing assets w/ other assets, etc.

I’m actually surprised how non-data driven Unreal is when it comes to weapons, enemies, etc.