Why dont we try to make a fan game?

You’re right, it’s really hard to find fitting stuff (been looking through UT3 and Garry’s Mod resources)… Some bipedal robod things coule be drones for example, but they have so much detail packed into them to be UT3 quality that they have a distinct separate style of their own and couldn’t be easily modified to be Panzery. Bummer…

I can try and model an airship or a monster or something and you guys can tell me if it’s any good? Could we texture an airship in Unreal that I made in another program? I just find texturing really difficult D:

Hoffman …<<

Actually isn’t Hoffman the title font? I was looking for something closer to the dialog font … don’t remember what Orta did … actually if somebody has a hig res screen shot of dialog from Saga from an emulator, I could probably figure out what it is.

I can try and model an airship or a monster or something and you guys can tell me if it’s any good? Could we texture an airship in Unreal that I made in another program? I just find texturing really difficult D:<<

Sure. I’m actually better at texturing than modeling (although UV’ing is a pain … )

but they have so much detail packed into them to be UT3 quality that they have a distinct separate style of their own and couldn’t be easily modified to be Panzery. Bummer…<<

Yeah- I just want some basic people in loose cloths that we could make some brown tints, give some scarfs, etc.

For the title- should we call it Panzer Dragoon Genos (after LC’s video?) I was thinking it would be nice because he already had the logo!

i361.photobucket.com/albums/oo53 … pdfont.png

Looks like a custom font to me…

Lagi you can give up o that, tht’s a custom made pixel font. I spend literelly years in search of a ttf font like that, there is none. I taked to designers of theoriginal pds team, they said they custom made that font.

Hoffmann is good for titles,but it i horrible reading at small font sizes. Also I think a font is something we can add later. same for UI, just get rid of the waepon for a start. if everything goes well fri 22nd would be my last day at office and I had the week after that completely free. that would be so fracking awsome…but as know my luck, probabl won’t happen…

yeah- the closest thing I could find was this, which is sorta it, but in high-res just doesn’t feel right.

new.myfonts.com/fonts/bitstream/ … a-bt/sans/

I just hate the UT3 font (bad-ass tech space fightin’ stuff!) for this - everything feels wrong with it … any idea what Orta used, or any other suggestion?

These little things bug me… professionally, every time we start a new project, we use the last HUD for as long as we can, since functionally it isn’t worth spending resources on, but everything just feels so much more real when you change the front end (and audio) - starts to feel ‘real’.


Funny sorta what we are planning …

1up.com/do/feature?pager.off … Id=3162634

1UP: A remake of Azel as a shooter? Or a shooter based on the events after the end of Azel?
YF: To me, the story ended with Azel, so I don’t want anything to continue from there. So I want to just create a shooter Azel. Or I want to create a Panzer without a dragon. [Laughs] You know, you’re not the person riding the dragon this time. You’re just a person, a nobody in the game, and you see a dragon flying in the distance, and you can’t even imagine riding such a thing. It might even appear to be an enemy.
1UP: So when does it get fun? [Laughs]
YF: I just want to create something that will make no money. You find bits and pieces of old planes and machines, and you rebuild it, and then you fly far away with it. You travel and find pieces of weapons and machines, and reassemble these things. So if someone came to me and said “Make a Panzer game that would make the original fans happy,” I’d make a shooter version of Azel. But if there was no lock on the concept, no preconceptions, I’d make the game I just described. You’re a little person in this town that’s about to collapse, you can’t ride the dragon. You just collect pieces from caves all over a mountain, and build a plane, fly somewhere else, create a gun or weapon, and just do stuff like that. I’d probably create a game like that.
I’m saying this now, but if the opportunity came I’d be more serious about it. But if my wish were to come true, I would be allowed to create a sequel to Panzer Dragoon before I die

Actually I’d love the concept to be finding pieces of a plane etc and flying away. Remember Zoah, where everyone said it was protected by the Gods? No one wanted to leave and it was frowned upon to talk about moving.

A story idea: Main character (herein referred to as MC) has lived within village all of life, goes to the local ruins against parents’ will, finds various parts, builds a ship in secret (sort of like a mini-Paet). Makes basic crossbow sort of gun for him/herself (a girl would be a nice change from oh-so-delicate butterflies of doom such as Azel and Orta, just my opinion!). Then he/she can travel to other villages, fighting monsters and getting parts off them to sell or to make better weapons/armour/vehicles. The MC could even help protect villages from monster attacks, or even dragon attacks! Here we have the messenger from the gods/monster dichotomy as far as the view of the dragon goes. I think it would be a nice change if the main character wasn’t ‘chosen’ by the Divine Visitor or the dragon, instead he/she earns his/her ‘wings’ so to speak. Nice ideology that you can better yourself even without a dragon :slight_smile:

I know, it’s maybe sort of formulaic but we could build upon it - this is just to give people ideas and say what they like or don’t like.

I’d love to see a dragon in the distance as well, just for the atmosphere of the PD games. Maybe it could be Orta + new dragon that’s evolved into some sort of evil-looking beast.

Lagi - couldn’t we take screencaps of the original Saga font and try and make a font ourselves? In fact if someone else can take screencaps that have all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and caps, I’ll trace them in Photoshop and have a go at making it myself.

EDIT: Thought you’d like to know I made an A for a test and it turned out pretty nicely! If anyone could send me the screenshots I requested that’d be great!

Lagi - couldn’t we take screencaps of the original Saga font and try and make a font ourselves? In fact if someone else can take screencaps that have all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and caps, I’ll trace them in Photoshop and have a go at making it myself.<<

we could, not sure if it is really worth the time. PD1 + Zwei actually had a pretty simple font for all their text (arial?) and it seems to fit fine …

btw- The story idea sounds cool!

Okay I’ll leave it then and carry on with the modelling :slight_smile:

Do they still have a copy of it? It would be handy to have around, even if not used for this fan game.

[quote=“Nevey”]A story idea: Main character (herein referred to as MC) has lived within village all of life, goes to the local ruins against parents’ will, finds various parts, builds a ship in secret (sort of like a mini-Paet). Makes basic crossbow sort of gun for him/herself (a girl would be a nice change from oh-so-delicate butterflies of doom such as Azel and Orta, just my opinion!). Then he/she can travel to other villages, fighting monsters and getting parts off them to sell or to make better weapons/armour/vehicles. The MC could even help protect villages from monster attacks, or even dragon attacks! Here we have the messenger from the gods/monster dichotomy as far as the view of the dragon goes. I think it would be a nice change if the main character wasn’t ‘chosen’ by the Divine Visitor or the dragon, instead he/she earns his/her ‘wings’ so to speak. Nice ideology that you can better yourself even without a dragon :slight_smile:

I know, it’s maybe sort of formulaic but we could build upon it - this is just to give people ideas and say what they like or don’t like.

I’d love to see a dragon in the distance as well, just for the atmosphere of the PD games. Maybe it could be Orta + new dragon that’s evolved into some sort of evil-looking beast.[/quote]

I like that story idea as well. Although, I think most of the people here would rather keep the timeline pre-Orta as that would mean basing the game world on art from the trilogy.

I doubt that, and even if they did it would be company property, to pass that to a non company employee can get you fired.

Indeed, and the last thing we want is someone getting fired over a font.

[size=9]Legend tells of a font “miraculously” appearing from the mysterious depths of the deep web.[/size]

Hileo, me again, still figuring out the workings of Blender at this point in time so that’s why I’ve been quiet for a bit!

I found a site called Huddle that our games course is using to work in teams - apparently it’s really good for working on team projects like games! You can use virtual whiteboards and organise meetings, and the website emails you to remind you when a meeting is coming up. Anyone interested in working with us? Make an account, PM me with your email and I’ll invite you :slight_smile:

I don’t really want to anoy those doing actual work with my ramblings. I’ll just give my ideas in this thread when appropriate and if those who actually do work find them interesting they can discuss them in the meetings. Just keep us up to date here every so often when deciding major things so we know what to discuss about and not to give ideas that conflict with decisions you guys have already set in stone, whether because it’s what you like best or because it’s within your abilities and time you can invest in this.

My work project just got overloaded with stuff to do- having some setbacks …

Nevey I still have to figure out how Dropbox does source control / syncing. Is your version of the engine the most current build (dec)- will it be easy to keep it current from your end, or sis that something I could do as well?

Most current build is January, keep up lagi :wink:

damn you are right! just downloaded dec like 2 days ago!!!

Lagi - not entirely sure what you’re asking? So far I’ve just been dragging and dropping and that’s worked fine lol! Whenever someone drops something new in it does a massive pop-up so I’d know as and when someone has put something new in if that’s what you mean?

I guess I’m wondering how do you keep the code current- are you going to just drop the 2.7 gig UDK folder on there (that is my size locally) ?

Then it will tell me I need to grab those 2.7 gigs?