Why dont we try to make a fan game?

this forum is unusually slow lately, we should try some kind of fan project…i mean why not^_^

You know, one of the writers from Sonic the Comic stopped by here once, asking for direction towards a fan-comic of Panzer Dragoon, and his topic got all but ignored.

Expect this to happen to this too! Kthx. :slight_smile:

well a fan project is a good idea if you are like 16 years old, still go to scool, live at home and don’t have a girlfriend…

none of this is true for me anymore to I’m afraid I can’t help you there.

This Dinosaur Comic pretty much sums up my experience with the idea of making my own game. (For the record I did learn all about how to impliment various data structures in college but I couldn’t tell you how to translate them into a game.)

There was a thread in which some members toy with the idea of a game with RPG Maker. Nothing ever came of it though.

[quote=“Nemoide”]This Dinosaur Comic pretty much sums up my experience with the idea of making my own game. (For the record I did learn all about how to impliment various data structures in college but I couldn’t tell you how to translate them into a game.)

There was a thread in which some members toy with the idea of a game with RPG Maker. Nothing ever came of it though.[/quote]

im pretty sure some good altering with the unreal ed 3 and maya modeling could work(of course some sound work would be useful to(unless you wanted edge to sound like M C hammer))

Nothing wrong with working on a fan project. A fan project is just another hobby after all, a task that is undergone because of self-interest rather than for financial gain. Sure it takes time that could be used for other things; the same goes for people who play golf, drink, go shopping, or travel in their spare time.

Creating a game is a massive task though, and one that won’t come to completion without a lot of work. I’d suggest aiming for something small, such as a 2D shooter, if you hope to have something to show for your effort.

Yep, the smallest the scope the higher the chances of it getting completed. Lagi is the only one who went far with a project like this probably, it looked good too, don’t have the screenshots anymore. It’s just a shame the panzer community seems limited so it’ll be hard to find people with the time and actual talent that can create something special.

~_~ im more of an artist than a programmer, but if there was anyone on here who was handy with modeling (and someone better then me with Unreal ed 3, its really just a matter of perspective and forward movement, and rails of course (unless you wanted a freeroamer)) we could make a pretty sweet fan game without the need of makeing an entire new engine.

Going for a proper Panzer rail-shooter game is probably quite the task, and would require lots and lots of man hours for the artists alone if they were to make it UE3 quality (and if not, then why pick UE3 and not an older engine like UT2004). The code side would be much more than a third person camera and constant forward movement. That actually would probably be sufficient for a free roamer, but not for a rail-shooter with twists and turns and the ability to move around the screen. That seems like a complex mechanic to do decently, whereas a free roamer might as well be little more than standard UE3 with the third person camera and flying modes enabled.

Anyway, it’ll be hard to get a dedicated programmer, or even keep yourself dedicated for the art alone. Smaller concepts are probably the way to go as the panzer setting can be used for anything, from a scavenger hunt based FPS to vehicle based team games (think Battlefield with airships and other Panzer vehicles) to action, or pure adventure, and even puzzle games (think discovering mysterious ruins’ secrets). I had tried to entice different modding teams in the past since I interacted with many, but most preffered having a concept that didn’t risk cease & desist letters.

Maybe you could also use something silly like the AGS adventure games’ engine to create an old school style point & click with the Panzer setting. I haven’t looked into such engines much but it should be decent considering the amount of use it gets. If your 2D art isn’t as good as your 3D you could always use renders for the backgrounds. Just throwing ideas around.

What, like making bullcrap trailers for games that don’t exist ? :anjou_happy:.

I do 3D modeling and Animation, (2D also) and sound.
If anyone is willing, I’d be more than happy to say no! :anjou_love:

Although like I said before, I have a script and character sketches etc drawn up for a short flash cartoon retelling the story of Orta in a cartoony way… uh, I have yet to start animation, It’s a “summer” project… I whip it out during summer and work on i… oh crap.


I still need to finish my wallpapers. School has just been keeping me really occupied.

A panzer Shooter woluld be nice. Why don’t we aim for something like a demo stage? And we get it done, we move forward for the entire game.

Count on me for the concept art:

It should be in theory, possible even to get a simple Panzer Dragoon style game running on Flash.

There are engines developed for flash that use “Mode 7” style floor effects, couple this with a really nice dragon sprite, and stylize it enough, you should be able to create something that looks pretty decent and would run in a browser ;p

Yeah. In Theory.

I had something else in mind.
Maybe with digital comic style cut scenes.

And we’d be able to use much higher resolution sprites, seeing as it wouldn’t actually be streaming to anyone…

i hate to bump this, but i thought id check again to see if anyone wanted to have some kinda fan project(if not a game then maybe a comic, or cartoon(something))
this is like the last big PD forum and id hate to see it become somekinda web ghost because nobody has a reason to visit anymore. look at other sites like for earthbound or sonic xtreme, they thrive off games that havent had a sequel(or good one) in ages because they have something to do.

I think your best approach would be an R-TYPE meets Castlevania: Symphony of the Night style game. Like a nonlinear shmup. Best not set your goals too high with 3d rails. I’d join in but I really don’t trust it to go anywhere.

And yes, these forums are so inactive! How disappointing. :anjou_sad:

You can blame the quiet on the partial absence of Solo and Shadow - the latter of who is currently in my hallway playing with my dog. grin

*edit - little too much booze to think clearly. Woo.