Why dont we try to make a fan game?

Pretty coherent, really wouldn’t know you were hammered if you didn’t say so yourself. :anjou_happy:

So, any particular reason these guys haven’t been around? One of 'em’s in your home, and you’re still posting here. I mean, c’mon now. wth.

Working didn’t feel like a very appealing idea, so I went on another journey. Back to the real world soon though. :anjou_sad:

Has anyone considered using Microsoft’s XNA to work on a fan project? I had a quick play around with the toolkit, but my lack of C# knowledge prevented me from doing much with it.

in could supply concept art. im just not handy with programming at all.

Is this project still alive?

its not dead… . . . . .but im not sure ots really been born yet either(im still in)

The community’s just too small so there’s a lack of the required manpower. How many are programmers, how many are modelers, skinners, texture artists, etc. We mostly have people who do cool 2D art around, it takes a lot more. There was an attempt before, it fell through.

if we dont have what we need, we could always do a 2d game, or something else like a comic orrrrrrrrrrrrrr film(i dont know theres gotta be something we could do)

Has anyone ever tried to deconstruct the Orta game flash file?

There are some tools, but I never checked them out.

download.cnet.com/Eltima-Flash-D … 11217.html

I would wonder, with some simple learning of flash, if you could add a story between it, add new levels, etc.

If somebody gets anywhere with this, I could contribute some 3-D creatures.

where is the flash file? I’d like to look into it.

I sent it to Solo just recently, he’ll add it on the main site in the next update.

The gameplay wasn’t so good though unless that can be switched a little too.

I’ll see if I can find time to add it and a few other things to the site tomorrow.

Great idea, by the way, Lagi.

The game is finally up on TWotA, along with a few other new bits and pieces. Good luck deconstructing the game, Lagi.

This could be a cool project. Why start with coding from scratch tho?
Why not make a total conversion using the Unreal Engine, Source Engine or other? There are a huge amount of resources available:
moddb.com/If you planned something more simple, you could make something cool in 2D using ‘The Games Factory’:
or Game Maker:
gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?s=e3 … 5af38b1f4&

Be nice to see anything really. the PD universe is such a beautiful setting.

Or XNA… There has to be a rail shooter already built on XNA that we could adapt no?

I mean fuck, I am shit at XNA so don’t come asking me for help if you do.

Haha I started making one on The Games Factor a few years back, in-fact I think my original topic is still here somewhere but I had to give up for a very iritating reason -

The Dragon and the Rider kept… separating, even though I set the movement values for both of them the same, the Rider would eventually wind up floating on his ass in the middle of the sky.

I wanted to keep them on the same sprite but then I could not fire objects from two points on one sprite (Dragon Laser and rider Gun)

I agree, XNA seems to at least worth considering.

Plus, by learning how to program with XNA, you could take those C# skills and apply them to many real world development jobs, even if you never touched a commercial game.

Personally I’d say if you are going to learn programming an environment that unlike XNA isn’t microsoft only would be more flexible and useful in the long run. If you write something you might want to do something like port it to the iphone in the future or any number of other platforms - good luck if you’ve used XNA though. Your only options are microsoft OSs…

I think it comes down to using the right tool for the right task.

I consider myself an open source advocate, but only where the technology is as good or better than a commercial alternative. XNA seems like a polished development tool (at least, from my limited experience with it) for making non performance intensive games for Windows and 360. Maybe some other more open technology exists that is just as straight forward to use for creating games?

I didn’t necessarily mean open source. Microsoft isn’t the only company that make development environments. A quick look at wikipedia suggests there are a very large number of alternatives en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:V … n_software
some of which can create content that runs on windows, osx, iphone, wii, xbox etc all from the same source.

I’ve not spent time with them so I can’t say much about them - my main point was that there were likely to be options other than xna that could provide more flexibility or features.

I do agree though it is about the right tool for the right job. It all depends what your goals are what limitations are acceptable for what you are doing.

What personally interests me is the Blender game engine en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Blender
which won’t be for most people (which is why I’ve not mentioned it previously). Blender has an interface that takes a while to get used to (which puts most people off it).

But it suits my purposes due to combining an integrated games development system with the ability to write python code where needed (in my experience with things like the game factory you always run into something the built in game logic can’t understand which causes results like Chizzles mentioned earlier in this topic. That makes it hard to make anything outside certain standard game types - with game blender I can on paper write my code to cover anything the built in logic can’t handle.).

It’s probably not going to give me the highest quality results compared to some other options but I have limited time for personal projects and I think based on what I’ve seen playing with it so far it should be a fast option that I can results with a lot sooner than I would with other environments in which I’d have to program everything or learn a new programming language. (I’m already a reasonably advanced python programmer so I can jump right in once I learn the blender api.)

btw what I’m doing with blender is mostly for personal interest (I’m always learning new technology). So don’t expect me to popup with anything pd related on the forums. Incidentally if anybody is interested in a demo of what game blender can do take a look at yofrankie.org/

[quote=“alavaliant”]I didn’t necessarily mean open source. Microsoft isn’t the only company that make development environments. A quick look at wikipedia suggests there are a very large number of alternatives en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:V … n_software
some of which can create content that runs on windows, osx, iphone, wii, xbox etc all from the same source.

I’ve not spent time with them so I can’t say much about them - my main point was that there were likely to be options other than xna that could provide more flexibility or features.

I do agree though it is about the right tool for the right job. It all depends what your goals are what limitations are acceptable for what you are doing.

What personally interests me is the Blender game engine en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Blender
which won’t be for most people (which is why I’ve not mentioned it previously). Blender has an interface that takes a while to get used to (which puts most people off it).

But it suits my purposes due to combining an integrated games development system with the ability to write python code where needed (in my experience with things like the game factory you always run into something the built in game logic can’t understand which causes results like Chizzles mentioned earlier in this topic. That makes it hard to make anything outside certain standard game types - with game blender I can on paper write my code to cover anything the built in logic can’t handle.).

It’s probably not going to give me the highest quality results compared to some other options but I have limited time for personal projects and I think based on what I’ve seen playing with it so far it should be a fast option that I can results with a lot sooner than I would with other environments in which I’d have to program everything or learn a new programming language. (I’m already a reasonably advanced python programmer so I can jump right in once I learn the blender api.)

btw what I’m doing with blender is mostly for personal interest (I’m always learning new technology). So don’t expect me to popup with anything pd related on the forums. Incidentally if anybody is interested in a demo of what game blender can do take a look at yofrankie.org/[/quote]

Can we make a game with those graphics and phisics using Blender?

That Blender game engine looks good, alavaliant. All open source too, which is nice. Hopefully they’ll continue to maintain and improve it, or someone will if it has enough a following. With a proprietary engine you never know when the company is going to discontinue it in favour of something better.

So long as the technology is well supported/documented, I don’t think you can go too wrong. Although there’s always advantages and disadvantages of anything that should be carefully considered.

Speaking of open technologies, I’m interested in what’s being done with the HTML5 canvas element. Essentially, it allows advanced interfaces (such as games) to be rendered in the browser without any plugins using just HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Right now the technology is pretty new, but there’s a huge potential for HTML5 to replace Flash for a lot of things… well, just as soon as Internet Explorer supports it. Here’s an example of what can be done with the canvas element: devfiles.myopera.com/articles/65 … nemies.htm

Unity 3D just went free (as in free beer). No clue how good it is(n’t?). The Blurst.com dudes use it for all their games. It can be standard or web-embedded, they chose the latter and have some popular games with varying styles, nothing really spectacular but nice indie diversions and they show the engine’s capable of different genres at least.