What Is Sony Thinking?

[quote=“Drenholm”]I’m wondering if the controller will have a button with a “Hold” or “Center” function, that would either pause the controls so they don’t register movement, or quickly sets the current position as the default “center” position.

This would make it easy enough to either pause the game, move and center the controller or pause the controls, move, and unpause. That way, you wouldn’t be entirely rooted to the spot while playing.

Just a thought, anyway.[/quote]

There is the still-unexplained ‘home’ button, but that’s probably just equivalent to the 360’s guide button.

The 2 FPS games at E3 both used the same control method of turning and shooting - this doesn’t necesarily mean that it is the only way. It would be perfectly possible to have a much more traditional setup where you aim the entire view with your gun. This could work much better buit some might argue that it doesn’t push the controller’s capabilities far enough as it’s little more than a crappy dual analogue translation.
Controling FPS games will never be perfect, as movement, aim and view all need to be controled. Current FPS games attach aim and view to each other (MP3 and RS are a bit looser). It would be great if some genius developer (I’m looking at you Zonami and Free Radical) could figure out a way to use the Wii controller to intuitively control all three seperately to a greater extent. I think it’s possible. Remember that developers are in very basic experimental stages with the controller, it’s all very much still up in the air.

Eh, u sorta have to be viewing what you are aiming at so why would you want to control view and aim separately at the same time (if you don’t mean at the same time then the Wii does that with the setup you know of)

I’m waiting for Grumbler to respond. The question wasn’t addressed to people in general, it’s addressed to him and him alone, given his comment earlier. Apparently he’s a one-trick-pony.

Why is it that some people react with disgust when the method of aiming a gun in an FPS is like aiming a gun in the real world?

The difference between MP3 and a light gun game is that in a light gun game, the gun is outside the TV. In MP3 (and Red Steel), the gun (or Sword) is in the game. In other words, instead of shooting at things 2 dimensionaly on a screen, you control a gun on the screen which can be manipulated in 3D space to point at other things within the game.

The location and orientation of the controller translates [in this case] to the location and orientation of an object on the screen, in this case your gun.

The black window on the end of the controller is an infra-red emitter for turning the console on and off.

Mmm’kay. 3D space this, blah blah blah that. Where I point the Wii remote at the television screen is where my shots are going to fire. Just like a lightgun.

Where you point a gun is where it shoots: OMFG! GIMMICKY LIGHTGUN GAME!!!


Controller is the gimmick, not the game. Way to pay attention.

So it’s a gimmick because it’s better for aiming a gun. Right.

Little known/often ignored fact #2: SSBB uses the GC controller

It’s really apparent that you’re a selective reader and didn’t bother going through the entire thread. On top of that, it’s really neat how you twist my point of view. Debating with Al3xand3r and other folks here is fun, but below is a quick example of discussion with you:

Person 1: Man, it sure is hot today.
Person 2: What did you say you fucking moron?
Person 1: I said it’s hot out today.
Person 2: How dare you insinuate that today is somehow hotter than other days?!? YOU DON’T HAVE A CLUE!
Person 1: I just said it’s hot today, because the sun’s out and the sky is cloudless.
Person 2: Oh, so you don’t like clouds, huh?

You officially get ignored from this point on.

Sorry man, I’m desperately trying to keep up with which angle your slimey argument is coming from. You ignore all my arguments, so I try a different approach. Give me a hand here!

I’ll start again, here’s my argument that supports the use of the motion sensing controller in MP3. That seems to be what your arguing against. You think it should use a traditional controller with a stick for aiming and moving. Here goes:

Difficulty in FPS games or any 1st person game should not derive from control or interface, at the moment it does to an extent and this is very unrealistic. in real life you point a gun where you want to shoot it. In a current console FPS you manipulate a small control stick in order to ‘steer’ an onscreen cursor, usualy fixed to the center of the viewpoint. (an excpetion being Goldeneye, where you can press R to seperate your aim from the center)
Do you think that that small extra layer of difficulty in the interface is important and should be preseved? That’s what you are suggesting, I disagree. Aiming a gun in a game shouldn’t be harder than it is in real life.

This controller is a natural progression in FPS control, and it helps seperate where you are shooting from where you are directly looking, as it is in real life. If real life was like current FPS, your head would be glued to your wrist.

I’ve already described how the controller is different to a lightgun, which is parallel to how MP3 and Red Steel are different to light gun games. As has been outlined by the developers, the aim of the control schemes is to make you feel like both your arms are IN the game. With a light gun, it feels like you are shooting through a window. It’s about how it feels.

If I’ve missed your point AGAIN, please enlighten me, and try not to be a cunt.

You’d think that I’d be revelling in Sony’s downward spiral. Oh wait.

I’m confident that Sony will lose ground during the next generation console war. How much ground Sony stands to lose, however, is still debatable.

I agree. No company has dominated for 3 whole generations, but no company has ever dominated for 2 generations like Sony has.

Sony didn’t really have any firm competition for the past two console cycles. Neither Nintendo nor Sega could compete against Sony’s deeper pockets and aim to bring games to the casual masses.

Nintendo and Sega have both survived though because they have thick(er) roots in gaming (Sega’s arcade roots were the only thing saving it from death during the Saturn and Dreamcast eras).

Sony, however, has lost the portable media market it grew fat on to Ipod, and is on the verge of unleashing another Beetamax on the world (how many people are going to support Blu-ray when DVD set ups are so firmly established and cheaper to manufacture and buy by comparison?).

Sony has little to fall back on now.

S*ny has their film biz to rely on. that’s probably the only thing keeping them afloat now with its steady profits thanks to the success of the spider man movies. That’s one of the reasons why they appointed that american to be in charge of the whole company.

Here’s something else that nobody is taking into consideration when they make the BLU RAY vs HD DVD format argument and compare them to BETA vs VHS.

At the TIME that BETAMAX and VHS videocassettes were having a format war in the marketplace, there was literally NO priced to sell movies on video on the market (buying a movie on video cost upward of $100 each).

VCRs cost upward of $1000 at the time.

and the installation base of people who HAD / EVEN WANTED VCRs as a form of home video entertainment was SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER than the market of people who HAVE / WANT / UTILIZE DVD players in their homes currently in one form or another.

And, lets not even get INTO the fact that both of these formats can be utilized as computer storage media. (even LESS people who had VCRs had HOME COMPUTERS when the VHS vs BETA wars were going on.)

The bottom line is, that the “VCR format wars” is a SILLY SILLY argument to make when comparing BLU RAY vs HD DVD. Even if the sell-through retail market chooses ONE FORMAT over the other for the home movie / tv show standard…

…professional outlets such as television stations and film continued to use BETAMAX TAPES ( due to BETA’s higher quality picture, sound, and capacity) for YEARS AND YEARS after the home format was universally decided to be VHS

This could easily be the case with BLU-RAY, even if the porn / home video industry decides to go HD DVD as the gold standard.

Though, honestly, I don’t think either format is going to “go away” during their lifespan. I think they can co-exist, and that companies will develop dual - bay players for the masses.

Chew on that.

It’s all about affordability, and that seems to be something Sony is forgetting. Sony’s fatal mistake with Beetamax was allowing the competition to sign up more exclusive support for their format.

This was a lesson Sony learned with the Playstation by bribing so many third party developers.

Screw Sony. Anyone whom supports this embodiment of evil with blind fanboyism really is asking to be shafted.

Let Sony prove its worth. Don’t blindly assume that it will remain the dominant force in the industry. Only a complete fool would support a one console industry.

You know, after surveying and perusing this thread and everyone’s contributions and reactions to it, I am wondering whether the quote situated below the forum banner at the top of this page would be more appropriate if it was altered to “Abandon hope all ye Playstations that do enter here.” :anjou_happy:

DMC lead characters in particular.

“…embodiment of evil…”? Do you think Sony steals sweets from babies and holds management meetings in its volcanic lair?

That couple who repeatedly raped a baby are the “embodiment of evil” - Sony are a company trying to do what they can to stay ahead of the game, same as every other company.

"…embodiment of evil…"? Do you think Sony steals sweets from babies and holds management meetings in its volcanic lair?[/quote]

No, that’s Square-Enix. See “Decline 2” and “Decline 3”. :anjou_happy: