What Is Sony Thinking?


“…embodiment of evil…”? Do you think Sony steals sweets from babies and holds management meetings in its volcanic lair?

That couple who repeatedly raped a baby are the “embodiment of evil” - Sony are a company trying to do what they can to stay ahead of the game, same as every other company.[/quote]

Forgive the hyperbole, but he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

This is something Sony is going to learn for itself soon enough.

Do we even need to run down the list of reasons as to why Sony deserves to go under? The people running the show aren’t saints by any measure.

M$ can afford to lose billions of dollars proping up a console if it means keeping the Windows OS alive. Sony didn’t earn its position; it simply bought and bullied its way into power.

Now watch it sink as its beaten at its own game.

Translated interview with Sony on kotaku.com

According to Sony: ‘*the Linux-based operating system on the console’s hard drive will have enough processing power and non-gaming functionalities to render traditional PCs–most of which use a form of Microsoft’s Windows OS–moot in the home.’

“We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other [home] computer functions,” said Harrison. “The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC.”*.

So, I guess we’ll all be posting to TWotA on our PS3s, come next year, then? :anjou_sigh:

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

“…embodiment of evil…”? Do you think Sony steals sweets from babies and holds management meetings in its volcanic lair?

That couple who repeatedly raped a baby are the “embodiment of evil” - Sony are a company trying to do what they can to stay ahead of the game, same as every other company.

Forgive the hyperbole, but he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

This is something Sony is going to learn for itself soon enough.

Do we even need to run down the list of reasons as to why Sony deserves to go under? The people running the show aren’t saints by any measure.

M$ can afford to lose billions of dollars proping up a console if it means keeping the Windows OS alive. Sony didn’t earn its position; it simply bought and bullied its way into power.

Now watch it sink as its beaten at its own game.[/quote]

To be fair though SONY did a awful lot right with the PS in terms of tech and tools, and really caught SEGA and NCL with thier pants down , they didn’t just buy what they did with the PS
And if it wasn’t for Sony I doubt the Saturn, 360, Dremcast, X-Box would have been as powerful as they were seeing as NCL have all but given up onthe tech game

But I love to see SONY crushed and have a taste of its own medicine

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Translated interview with Sony on kotaku.com

According to Sony: ‘*the Linux-based operating system on the console’s hard drive will have enough processing power and non-gaming functionalities to render traditional PCs–most of which use a form of Microsoft’s Windows OS–moot in the home.’

“We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other [home] computer functions,” said Harrison. “The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC.”*.

So, I guess we’ll all be posting to TWotA on our PS3s, come next year, then? :anjou_sigh:[/quote]

Oh that’ll be fun using the Sony No Shock. Perhaps we can tilt out some text :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember Sony promising to release Linux based PS2. Whether it came out or not, I’m unsure as it was for Japan only I think.
I seriously doubt Sony will support this in any significant way, I think it’s just to help sell the grunt of the CELL chip.
Doesanyone expect Sony to release non-game applications for PS3?

Something on Teletext today: since Sony see the PS3 as a computer, they plan to put out an updated version every year.

So, you’re now spending ?400 for a console that will be obselete in 12 months. Go Sony.

[quote=“Arcie”]Something on Teletext today: since Sony see the PS3 as a computer, they plan to put out an updated version every year.

So, you’re now spending ?400 for a console that will be obselete in 12 months. Go Sony.[/quote]

You really need to stop getting gaming news off of Teletext. It’s all a load of crap =P

Can’t be beat when it’s 6:30am, you’re wondering why you bothered getting up and you’re too tired for the PC though.

Sony did announce that upgrades are more than just a good possibility. They didn’t say anything specific about them or when they will appear. Still, just the fact they announce that “feature” before the console is even out, when in the past they had said it’s so awesome etc that it will last atleast a decade, is enough to make anyone have even less faith in them. Assuming they had any on first place of course.

The announcement should be on most gaming websites, I think it may have been part of some interview.

[quote=“Arcie”]Something on Teletext today: since Sony see the PS3 as a computer, they plan to put out an updated version every year.

So, you’re now spending ?400 for a console that will be obselete in 12 months. Go Sony.[/quote]

At this rate, even the hardcore Sony people are going to turn against them. It seems that they have a hard time realizing that people aren’t made out of money.

The people who do decide to keep up with Sony are going to end up living in a cardboard box with a worthless piece of technology.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

“…embodiment of evil…”? Do you think Sony steals sweets from babies and holds management meetings in its volcanic lair?

That couple who repeatedly raped a baby are the “embodiment of evil” - Sony are a company trying to do what they can to stay ahead of the game, same as every other company.

Forgive the hyperbole, but he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

This is something Sony is going to learn for itself soon enough.

Do we even need to run down the list of reasons as to why Sony deserves to go under? The people running the show aren’t saints by any measure.

M$ can afford to lose billions of dollars proping up a console if it means keeping the Windows OS alive. Sony didn’t earn its position; it simply bought and bullied its way into power.

Now watch it sink as its beaten at its own game.

To be fair though SONY did a awful lot right with the PS in terms of tech and tools, and really caught SEGA and NCL with thier pants down , they didn’t just buy what they did with the PS
And if it wasn’t for Sony I doubt the Saturn, 360, Dremcast, X-Box would have been as powerful as they were seeing as NCL have all but given up onthe tech game

But I love to see SONY crushed and have a taste of its own medicine[/quote]

You really believe that? Sega always had the rep of bringing a powerful systwem first before anyone else. an adfvancwed one anyway,which is why everyone created a more powerful system to beat theirs.

Yes, actually, Sony did do a lot of things extremely well on the first PlayStation. They made a system that was extremely accessible, was headed the right direction (technically - with the focus on 3D instead of 2D), and offered great 3rd party support. Essentially, they did a lot of things that went against Nintendo’s business practices at the time. They were the underdog, and they fought a good fight.

Of course , Hey look I hate SONY and have no time for them , but did a lot right with the PS and caught SEGA/NCL with thier pants down . SEGA and NCl thought they would have the markets to thier selfs and it didn’t matter if thier tools were cr8p or thier 3rd parties Licensing free were high (though SEGA were never as bad as NCL) becasue SEGA and NCl had the console markets to thier self’s . NCL and to a point SEGA were as arrogant as SONY was with the PS2
Sony came in and change all that , with a nice clean system that was accessible and SONY were giving all developers the latest tools as soon as they finished them, which the likes of SEGA/NCL never did at that time .

Why do think the DC was so clean and open ?, After getting thier butts kicked SEGA tried to put everything right with the DC and they knew the tech and tools had to be better this time. If not for the threat of the PS3, the 360 would never have the power it has now.
I hate SONY with the best of them, but thier tech made SEGA and M$ really push the boat out for the tech in thier machines .

People can hate SONY all they want, but one can’t look over what they did with the PS

Nobody said Sony didn’t do anything right with the PSOne. Still, giving them credit for the effort Sega did in the console department is silly. The consoles would have been powerful as they were in the same way every next generation is more powerful than the last.

PS: What was the point of saying NCL have given up on the tech game & ignoring their past efforts? Do you really have to put them down every chance you get? Even if you truly believe they have done so at this time, you were talking about old (and new) consoles, why not mention the N64 or GameCube alongside the Saturn, Dreamcast and the rest? Those don’t qualify as powerful for their time consoles? Sigh…

Sorry i was actually referring to the advanced system bit and being the first out there not the whole PSx thing since i agree that they did shake things up that needed to be shook.

Yeah it was obvious to anyone that the DC was Sony inspired which is why i didn’t get the DC at first.

But I would still say that Sega had a different intentional path for the Saturn which wasn’t the PSX 3D model. Sony just beat them in advertising that 3D was the way to go.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Nobody said Sony didn’t do anything right with the PSOne. Still, giving them credit for the effort Sega did in the console department is silly. The consoles would have been powerful as they were in the same way every next generation is more powerful than the last.

PS: What was the point of saying NCL have given up on the tech game & ignoring their past efforts? Do you really have to put them down every chance you get? Even if you truly believe they have done so at this time, you were talking about old (and new) consoles, why not mention the N64 or GameCube alongside the Saturn, Dreamcast and the rest? Those don’t qualify as powerful for their time consoles? Sigh…[/quote]

How is its silly its was only when SEGA learned of the PSX spec’s that the Saturn saw a boost to its own specs , it was always going to be able to handle 3D , but after SEGA saw the PSX specs the Saturn spec’s were boosted bu not least having a 2nd CPU.

As for NCL they’re not pushing the spec game anymore (after the N64) and never really pushed the spec’s much on the Cube Which while nice was nothing to that of the X-Box (made at the same time) and had the lowest ammount of Ram out of the current consoles and a lack of 5.1 support ect (to cut costs) and the Wii is nothing to that of spec of the 360 and PS3 anyone can see that.

It’s not bashing its stating the obvious

But, with the GC, it was more powerful than the PS2 and fairly close to the Xbox, but at $100 less. Keep that in mind :slight_smile:

It was a nice system with a great CPU , just held back a bit with NCl penny pitching over the lack of Ram and 5.1 support ect . To say the truth Model3 and the Dreamcast had better 3D than the PS2 for most of the time While it could push a done of polygons that was done at the Expense of a nice clear system .

I don’t think anything came close to the X-Box top end 3D myself though . There’s a lot of X-Box game that looked better than 360 ones . The likes of O.TO GI II, ORTA, Riddick, Phanton Dust and DOA U just look in a diff class to anything I seen onthe PS2 or Cube

The Dreamcast was far superior to the PS2, graphics wise. Though the PS2 has a 300 MHz processor, and the Dreamcast only has a 200 MHz processor, in this case, the processor specs don’t mean jack. Basically, what makes the Dreamcast superior to the PS2 is the fact that it sports 8 MB video ram, while the PS2 only has 4 MB; the fact that the PS2 didn’t have any built-in anti-aliasing was another huge flaw for the system.

The only reason why the Dreamcast died was because of Sega’s lousy marketing division; it’s tarnished name at the time; and the fact that the PS2 came with a DVD drive.

Not completely true. Take Rez as a simple example… a game programmed for and released on both the PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast, both versions that I own and have played extensively. Both games are virtually identical, except the Dreamcast’s sound is more crisp, but the game runs at a reduced framerate (feels like 20 FPS, maybe even less). The PlayStation 2 version of the game runs considerably smoother in comparison and controls better as a result, probably running at 30 FPS with a few hiccups here and there during some busy moments, but no more hiccups that the Dreamcast has of its own during slightly different spots.

It’s really a case of people looking too much into basic numbers and not enough into real-world system performance. We can chant numbers all day, but Rez runs better on PlayStation 2, and both are running the same graphics.

The PS2 can do better in terms of polycounts pushed but the DC can do better in terms of texture quality and anti-aliasing is what I think. Still, it’s up to the teams using any given hardware to make good playing, sounding and looking games.

Rez ending up better on the PS2 doesn’t mean the Dreamcast was inferior. The PS2 does have games that would seemingly not be possible as good on the Dreamcast, like Metal Gear Solid 3 (and Yakuza looks better than Shenmue from what I’ve seen), but with the Dreamcast dieing so early in its lifetime we can’t really know how it would fare if it was still alive by now. After all, the early PS2 games sucked pretty badly…

The Xbox games ended up better in looks because Microsoft came in to the fight last and took advantage of newer technologies like pixel shading and normal mapping which I believe can’t be achieved on any other system of that generation. Still, the GameCube did rather good on its own with games like Resident Evil 4 and the Wind Waker (whether you like the art style or not, you can’t argue the visual quality). And the PS2 got its own jaw droppers with stuff like Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence and that Colossus game.