What Is Sony Thinking?

megagames.com/news/html/console/ … king.shtml

It’s a screw up for sure, but seeing as people bought 360’s with King Kong and Fifa, I don’t think it will be a major blow.

Just talking about their attitude myself… On one announcement they say how it’s all about the games and how much better they will be with the mighty PS3 powering them and on another announcement they say that they don’t matter, people will buy the PS3 even without games so why bother with them?

Not to mention that this dude thinks everyone in the world is rich or something as he states people will apparently buy all three consoles and then decide which is best and that’s when the real battle will be judged. Right, I’m sure everyone is eager to spend 1250 dollars/euros/whatever just for the systems alone without even adding the cost of any games on top… Are they living on another planet or what?

Oh the attitude stinks, no doubt. I’m not in a rush to get any of them (although when FF Crystal Chronicles comes out on Wii I’ll sell my mother to fund that one), so I’m happy for them to fight amongst themselves. True competition can only make things better for the consumer, I believe.

Does anyone remember the PS2 launch lineup? Does anyone remember how hard it was to find a PS2 at launch? How about the PS2s on sale on ebay for like $8000?

I’m sure the first wave of early adopters will buy it regardless of lineup/price point. However, whether or not that first wave is 5 million people is debatable. Especially considering the fact that the PS3 will be double the price of the PS2.

You won’t actually own the PS3 games you pay for!

Bye Bye Sony. Good riddance.

I just love how Sega is slowly coming back into the fray, though. It would be pure bliss to see another Sega console.

[quote=“Abadd”]Does anyone remember the PS2 launch lineup? Does anyone remember how hard it was to find a PS2 at launch? How about the PS2s on sale on ebay for like $8000?

I’m sure the first wave of early adopters will buy it regardless of lineup/price point. However, whether or not that first wave is 5 million people is debatable. Especially considering the fact that the PS3 will be double the price of the PS2.[/quote]

Yes, Yes and Yes.

I’m still amazed how well it sold with no good games and most looking poor. What got me , was the way everybody would question SEGA and its spec’s yet SONY got a free ride, even though still today no a single game matched the bullsh8t RR and FF 8 realtime demo’s. While mag’s like EDGE went ape over the 3 million polygons onthe DC and how in games real terms performace DC games would never push that ammount .

And let’s have a warm welcome for our very special guests on the TWotA Squabble show tonight, Bhran De R’cognishun, and Pubhlik Hopin-Yonne! More fickle and petty celebrities you couldn’t hope to avoid!

Heckle from somewhere in the second-to-back row


SoE now says that story is bonus, apparently.

gamespot.com/pages/news/show … d=23921409

However, on a similarly hilarious front:

Raise your hands if you believe, for one moment, this would be true for Sony.

Not only will they not have any heavy hiters at launch but apparently the graphix won’t even be up to whats being promised. :anjou_happy:

If people wanna get this bucket of bolts in their droves let them. There’s a word for people who don’t learn the first time round. $uckers…

What’s Sony up to? At the rate they are going, they are gonna sink faster than the Titanic!

After reading that I dunno what to think anymore, I was set to buy PS3 after a year or two due to the insane launch price and lack of games but after reading that the tech stuff might not perform as well as everyone’s been raving about then I might have to go with Nintendo Wii on this one.

I hope Sega start releasing more games than just Sonic (they probably have but I’ve never heard of them). Sonic games were great on Megadrive and on Saturn but the newer ones have never appealed to me really.

Am I the only one not interested in a Nintendo Wii? Not only do I think the remote is a gimmick that’ll lose its novelty pretty quickly when everyone actually owns one, but Nintendo’s focus lately has been to look elsewhere instead of duking it out with Sony and Microsoft. In other words, their future games are primarily targetted at non-gamers in the hopes of getting them interested in gaming.

Can’t say I’m all that interested.

[quote=“Parn”]Am I the only one not interested in a Nintendo Wii? Not only do I think the remote is a gimmick that’ll lose its novelty pretty quickly when everyone actually owns one, but Nintendo’s focus lately has been to look elsewhere instead of duking it out with Sony and Microsoft. In other words, their future games are primarily targetted at non-gamers in the hopes of getting them interested in gaming.

Can’t say I’m all that interested.[/quote]

I’m with ya. Personally, I wish that Sega would do a surprise attack on all 3 of these worthless companies and release a new next-gen console in the middle of the current next-gen war. What would be cool is if such a system existed it would be:

  • less than $150
  • on par or surpass the competition in terms of hardware

If I were a smart asshole CEO of a company, that’s exactly what I’d do. It’s an underhanded tactic with little risk, and is pretty darn mean…I wouldn’t be surprised, if Sega ever did this, that they’d be sued by the other companies for being ‘anti-competitive’ - that’s just how stupid they are.

Umm, they have said numerous times that they also don’t wish to forget about the hardcore gamers and I think many of the games shown so far show that. The DS also targeted non gamers but it’s arguably the best handheld to own at the moment for anyone with its variety of games, online play, etc.

As for the remote being a gimmick, well, each to their own, I think it’s a pretty sweet idea that will increase the fun factor in certain (many) types of games by far and also allow for several new kinds of games that would have needed some weird peripheral in the past.

It’s not like the little PS3’s tilt sensors which have been used by Nintendo since the gameboy color days (as Kimimi mentioned), and it’s not even like the DS touchscreen (which has at times been used to great effect) since every developer HAS to use its new features one way or another as there’s no real alternative (unless it’s a simple 2D style platform game or other game that needs very few buttons etc).

You could really say that the analogue stick was a gimmick in its time as it didn’t provide much new functionality over the D-pad. And that the mouse is a gimmick for computers as we could still play our FPS or RTS games using just the keyboard. But no console these days can do without an analogue stick and the mouse is arguably a massively better way to interact with most types of games. The Wii controller can do a lot more than a mouse can and imo represents a huge leap for console controllers, much bigger than the analogue stick was. Perhaps you should read up on how it worked on the E3 games like Metroid Prime 3 and consider some of the possibilities that open up before passing judgement.

PS: This is a thread about Sony, there’s other threads that discuss the Wii in detail.

[quote=“Kadamose”]- less than $150

  • on par or surpass the competition in terms of hardware[/quote]

The problem is, a console on par with the PS3 and Xbox 360 would cost quite a lot more than $150 just to manifacture. Even if Sega created some of the parts themselves, instead of buying chips from IBM, nVidia, etc it would still cost way more than $150 per console because of the research involved. I don’t think Sega would be willing to take such loss, given their failure to capture the market with the Dreamcast.


in the hopes of getting them interested in gaming.

Can’t say I’m all that interested.

I’m with ya. Personally, I wish that Sega would do a surprise attack on all 3 of these worthless companies and release a new next-gen console in the middle of the current next-gen war. What would be cool is if such a system existed it would be:

  • less than $150
  • on par or surpass the competition in terms of hardware

If I were a smart asshole CEO of a company, that’s exactly what I’d do. It’s an underhanded tactic with little risk, and is pretty darn mean…I wouldn’t be surprised, if Sega ever did this, that they’d be sued by the other companies for being ‘anti-competitive’ - that’s just how stupid they are.[/quote]

Just as well you’re not the CEO of SEGA becasue they’ll Bankrupt . Selling the high Hardware of the DC @ $150 is what helped put SEGA on its knees, more so when you don’t have the massmarket or 3rd party support to make the short full up.
To make a console cost billions in R&D alone, untill Sony, M$ pull out of the hardware game SEGA won’t even think twice of entering the console game.

SEGA hasn’t the name or the 3rd party backing to make any sort of Console comeback anytime soon

You guys are looking at this ALL wrong. The reason why the new next-gen consoles are so damn expensives is because these idiots companies are using PROPIETARY hardware, that are developed in capitalist america - is it no wonder the hardware is so expensive? This can be bypassed by adopting an OPEN system (such as China’s CPU technology codenamed ‘Dragon’). Getting rid of optical technology, and going back to hu-card based technology will lower costs, as well. And Abadd, before you chew me a new asshole on the hu-card bit, there is a way to bypass the high cost of static memory, and that is by offering game developers different sizes of hu-cards to suit their needs. For example, if a company created a game, but only used up 1/4th of the 4 GB hu-card, then you could simply offer them a 1 GB hu-card for that particular game, thus lowering costs significantly since there is no waste involved.

Also, creating a console that is made specifically for playing games only is important. If you want to watch movies, go and and fucking buy a seperate DVD player or a blue-ray player…whatever. That’s another reason why consoles are so expensive these days…it’s because, like cell phones, they keep adding a bunch of unwanted, and for the most part, unused options.

Since Sega has been out of the hardware biz for almost 6 years now, they wouldn’t have to worry about adding backward compatibility ICs to the new console, thus lowering costs even more. Therefore, with this in mind, a console between the price range of $150-$200 is not at all impossible.

If I can build an Athlon64 3700+ for less than $250, fully loaded, then there is absolutely no excuse for console manufactures to not be able to do the same - no excuse at all.

This thread wins t3h intarw3bs!!!1!