Was the Heresy Program really so unique?


Why didn’t he need a new body after PDZ then?

It was exhasuted and needed only to recove strengths.

Why need it after PD1?

I dunno.Perhaps the blue dragon body began to get powerless after disabling two Towers.But i can answer you with a question : why did it need a new body for Saga?

Even if you consider it the same dragon…

Why carry over Lagi’s spirit?

The Program and Lagi shared a bound.Check the end scene in Saga and the Memory Cell 5 in Orta.

And where did that new body come from anyway?

This is impossible to know for sure.It’s better to ask why the crest scene in the ruins in the beggining of Saga was ther ein the first place…

And the reaosn why I sometimes acan’t understand your posts Al3x is because you aren’t as direct as I am.

You do realise PDS = After PD1? You are asking me the same question I asked you?
I’m saying it didn’t need a new body and it didn’t get a new body and it’s the same body as in PDZ and PD1…And been waiting for you to show the opposite that you believe…

What about the ending scene in Saga? It basically proves it’s the same dragon in all the games by showing us ALL of Lagi’s forms ever since (That a new dragon body wouldn’t have aquired)…
If you refer to the bit saying they are two halves of the same whole… Well, that’s only the case because the program entered that body. It could have been anyone else and the program could have repeated it again with another coolia for sure. And then they would be two halves of that “new” Dragon, the Heresy program + the new coolia… No Lagi necessary for this at all… Lagi wasn’t a special coolia, the program turned him into a special coolia…

I know :slight_smile: I was kidding.I answere din the best of my knowledge and thena asked you in return cause you ain’t got a good reaosn yourself.

What about the ending scene in Saga? It basically proves it’s the same dragon in all the games by showing us ALL of Lagi’s forms ever since (That the new dragon body didn’t aquire)…
If you refer to the bit saying they are two halves of the same entity… Well, that’s only the case because the program entered that body. It could have been anyone else and the program could have repeated it again with another coolia for sure. And then they would be two halves of that “new” Dragon, the Heresy program + the new coolia… No Lagi necessary for this at all… Lagi wasn’t a special coolia, the program turned him into a special coolia…[/quote]

It’s the same spirit in all of the games yes and a reason why the Program wants to keep Lagi is beacuse it befriended it jsut lile Memory Cell 5 in Orta says.

You expect me to justify your argument? Are you missing the whole point of this or what? Ofcourse I don’t have a good reason for that, that’s why I’m claiming the opposite… Because I have good reasons for the opposite… I have answered everything you have asked me about it…

You call “it has many forms” a good argument?

Why was it a blue dragon in two games and in the third one it was orange?

What are you talking about? Only ONE of his forms is BLUE… Do you forget all the previous forms he goes through in PDZ before he reached the Blue Dragon status? Sure some forms in PDZ had blue-ish color too but none of them like the final form and there were brown and other color forms as well.
He has changed colors and shapes radically in all the games except PD1, what’s so special about him doing it one more time? Especially when we see this new base form give him new abilities that he possibly needed for his task (the morphing to specialised forms, defence/attack/berserks etc)

And I’m sorry if that’s not a good enough argument for you, I guess I missed your good argument about “why does he need a new body”?

Yeah, ok, he handled the explosion once, he hybernated and regenerated ready for the next battle but then he didn’t handle the explosion a second time. Sure. Perfect sense. Congrats Gehn.

There’s no need to be sarcastic, Al3x; I’m really not suggesting that the dragon is something completely unremarkable or unimportant, only that it’s original purpose might not have been to destroy the Tower network. Looking at it the other way around, and looking all the other peices of evidence, what is it that genuinely, conclusively suggests to you that the Heresy Program would have been designed to destroy the Towers, rather than anything else? I’ve seriously looked for defining evidence to back up this Tower-destruction theory - I’ve even thought about doing a full write-up of it for the site - but it does strike me that the overall counterargument has at least equal weight.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]What are you talking about? Only ONE of his forms is BLUE… Do you forget all the previous forms he goes through in PDZ before he reached the Blue Dragon status? Sure some forms in PDZ had blue-ish color too but none of them like the final form and there were brown and other color forms as well.
He has changed colors and shapes radically in all the games except PD1, what’s so special about him doing it one more time? Especially when we see this new base form give him new abilities that he possibly needed for his task (the morphing to specialised forms, defence/attack/berserks etc)

And I’m sorry if that’s not a good enough argument for you, I guess I missed your good argument about “why does he need a new body”?

Yeah, ok, he handled the explosion once, he hybernated and regenerated ready for the next battle but then he didn’t handle the explosion a second time. Sure. Perfect sense. Congrats Gehn.[/quote]

I meant that in his final form (before destroying the Towers) he is blue in btoh PD1 and PDZ.In my opnion he switched bodies at the end of PD1.

In you opnion it’s the same body (the one in Saga) but it has morphed.My question was - why did it morph anyways?

He did hybernate after PDZ as well however… And then did another journey, destroyed another Tower in the exact same way as Shellcoof… Why would that make him need another body? It’s the same thing… If he survived it once he can do it again… Besides, Lundi thinks lagi is dead after PDZ… PD1 is after PDZ meaning that would show PD1 has another dragon as well… And yet, it doesn’t, reinforced by the fact it’s the Blue Dragon form…

Some reasons for the new form we see in PDS:
A) Weakened
B) Wanting to aquire the morphing skill we see in PDS that his PDZ forms didn’t have.
C) Didn’t really need the Blue Dragon form cos he wasn’t going to destroy a Tower this time…

Take your pick…

Also: We hear the program tell Lagi that his body is fragile and mortal now and that he would die (not die again heh) if he continued or something along those lines in Sestren in PDO. Meaning it wasnt before that cos of being united with the program and being the complete Heresy Dragon… So, how would his body be fragile and able to die before, after the events of PD1, when we see it only happen now after PDS and cos of the separation from the program?

I know I’ve brought this up before, but the point that the dragon is in the Blue Dragon form in PD1 isn’t really evidence that it’s still the same body from PDZ, as in PDS the dragon can take on the Dark Dragon’s form without literally being that dragon. If you’re suggesting that the dragon was “immortal” before PDO too, the most literal meaning of “immortal” is “cannot die of old age”, not “cannot be killed”; presumably the dragon could indeed be killed during the events of those games, becuase if you messed up you did literally die.

I think the community is still split in half about the Solo Wing in PDS…
I still don’t believe it happened :slight_smile:

Anyway, are you now saying Lagi never hybernated and just died off, then found a new dragon body God knows from where TWICE so far and went along his business as usual?

Besides, the Program tells Lagi how his BODY is fragile now and how he will die if he continues… He doesn’t say die AGAIN or die FOR GOOD or anything that implies this body is different than the previous games’ bodies… And again, where the heck can the program find all the new dragon bodies without soul by themselves as to take them over… And why keep taking Lagi along? For company? And why not do the same as a gift to Lagi in the end of PDS but instead let him go out and die? Why not give him a new body that is strong and young…

I hate to start defending the whole “more than one dragon” theory again (and please don’t take this as any indication that I firmly believe it), but if it only took about fourteen months for the Heresy Program to turn a baby Coolia into a Blue Dragon, and if there were roughly twenty years between each of the Saturn games, couldn’t that explain where it got any potential other dragon hosts from?

The dragon’s body only became mortal after splitting from the Heresy dragon which is why I believe the Heresy dragon remained in the same body throughout the Saturn trilogy (i.e. Lagi didn’t die at the end of PD Zwei). We still haven’t found that interview with Smilebit which sheds light on this either.

In any case, no one’s trying to change your beliefs Alex.

Why take Lagi along, what happened to the normal coolia’s soul? He killed it to be able to host it along with Lagi? I edited my previous post with some more stuff…

Ah, I wasn’t trying to suggest that (in this theory at least) the Heresy Program did somehow take Lagi’s consciousness along to the other bodies; I was considering them to be different dragons entirely. If you’d like me to run through my current version of that whole theory then by all means I’ll post it up, but as I say, I honestly don’t have much of a stance regarding how true it is…

Just a random thought, but the whole mortality issue only literally applies to old age and natural death; mortaility / immortality doesn’t literally involve invincibility or the ability to be killed or not be killed. Although it’s often used in those kinds of contexts, it strikes me as being possible that the Program was only telling Lagi that he’d finally die of old age and physical exhaustion if he continued on out there without the invigorating effects of the Program.

"Some creatures simply cannot die until they complete their goal"
Or something along those lines… Said about the Guardian Dragon met in PDS :slight_smile:
Not saying I believe that’s the case with Lagi… Just saying it doesn’t HAVE to be meant the way you say :slight_smile:

Absolutely; I for one argue these points like hell sometimes, but that’s really just because I like debating and seeing all the different ideas being brought up or represented. At the end of the day none of us is going to come to exactly the same conclusions about all this stuff, because Team Andromeda and Smiebit succeeded in creating a genuinely mysterious fictional world (and a storyline that invites the player to draw their own conclusions).

Why was that even necessary? I argue like hell for the same reasons as you Lance. Not because I think you guys are out to change my beliefs. That’s the reason I skipped the Solo Wing Dragon argument for example, and just said I disagree with it, cos I think we’ve exhausted that subject and each one got his own conclusions in the end…

Oh, that wasn’t aimed at you specifically Al3x it was just a random philosphical ramble. (Inspired by what Geoff said.)