Was the Heresy Program really so unique?

Err? OFCOURSE Atolm is easy to beat gameplay wise just as ANY other enemy… BUT STORYLINE wise he struggles with him… do you forget their encounter that ended with both of them falling in the Lake and Edge getting “stuck” with Azel in the ruins?

And anyway, why don’t you tell me then what other thing except for the Towers is so powerful that an explosion like that is needed? What would his main goal be? It must have been something VERY importand that we should have atleast heard about and recognise it as “WoW that thing would sure need lots of firepower to take down… Glad we don’t have to do it”… Or something like that. There’s nothing else however… The only thing that requires an explosion like that (assuming ofcourse you are right to think it’s an explosion and I’m wrong to thing it’s something that causes the Towers to explode) are the Towers themselves…

Like Endow said - “your dragon has inherited the spirit of my friend”.In it’s essence he is Lgi but it’s body isclrealy different.

But what’s so powerful that the Towers would need to produce endless hordes of nigh-indestructible laser-firing armour-plated killing machines in order to control it? When the Tower of Uru was activated in PDS the Imperial fleet didn’t have a hope in hell against the monsters it released. If the Ancients did one thing they certainly seemed to overcompensate with their designs.

We don’t know he’s right, he hasn’t met the “new” dragon and he could have mistaken Lagi for dead while in fact he was hybernating… Besides by new body he could mean the new form Lagi has morphed in by the time of PDS, not that it’s not him anymore… Or do you think that the Heresy program found another coolia, downloaded himself on it but also got Lagi’s old mind with it making it 3 minds in one body from then on… And that the Dragon in PDO is Lagi + the new coolia - the Heresy Program since they separated in the end of PDS… And then this Dragon dies in the end of PDO and leaves a dragon baby behind as proof he had once lived… why not do the same in PDS but instead we get a full grown dragon? Speedy growing up?
And you didn’t reply to the rest…

What could Endow possibly mean then?He says “your dragon” separating he physical dragon in Saga as a different beeing from the one seen in the other games.He says “inherited” which means it acquired something that wasn’t originally his.

The dragon in Saga is the Lagi+Program bound stil.

But what’s so powerful that the Towers would need to produce endless hordes of nigh-indestructible laser-firing armour-plated killing machines in order to control it? When the Tower of Uru was activated in PDS the Imperial fleet didn’t have a hope in hell against the monsters it released. If the Ancients did one thing they certainly seemed to overcompensate with their designs.[/quote]

But his rest fighting ability is more than enough to still have “overcompensated” in his design… An ability like this one would just be totallly unnecessary… The rest about it are just signs of the “perfect” fighting machine, no weapons penetrating it and nothing remaining unaffected by his lasers or his strength… There’s things powerful enough that make him use that power, but the only thing powerful enough for that skill to be needed is a Tower… And, hell, why use that ability for Shellcoof? We could have shot it down “manually” just like we do in PDS (if we chose to), we had already destroyed one side, if we just destroyed the other wings too Shellcoof would be shot down and there would be no need for that ability to be used and the hybernation process to pop in… Which means that it’s purpose isn’t simply raw power but something else…

Maybe the Program disabled the Towers (Shelcoof and Eins Tower) by connecting to them.Some sort of reprogramation for self destruction…

Or not…

And to add to it: Where did the new body from and why didn’t it have a mind of it’s own? Unless you think it was another “random” dragon in the style of the Guardian Dragon and Heresy ripped it’s mind off and inserted his own…And Lagi’s… uhh… Kinda funny thing to be able and do and yet not use it on the Dark Dragon instead of entering the Coolia… Or kinda funny thing to be able and do while not having a physical body… How did the program reach this new body?
And why the wasn’t a new body needed after PDZ?

So the body isn’t different?So it just changed from blue to orange just like that?

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Maybe the Program disabled the Towers (Shelcoof and Eins Tower) by connecting to them.Some sort of reprogramation for self destruction…

Or not…[/quote]

That’s what I’ve been saying more or less… That the dragon could have the ability to cause these explosions meaning that it was always intended to disable the Towers… Not that it just uses it’s firepower that was intended for other things to actually create an explosion powerful enough to destroy them…

I’m not saying it was the dragon tho.I’m saying it was the Program but not with any sort of physical dragon skill.The Program just entered the Towers and did what it had to do.

It’s changed a million times in the past, what’s one more…

Why would it de-evolute?

The Program is the dragon as much as Lagi is the dragon, if not more…
And we do see the Dragon’s horn glow before the Tower explodes so that indicates the dragon did something… And the dragon includes both Lagi and the Program… Except that Lagi is like that BECAUSE of the Program…

Either way it’s more or less the same thing… same result…

Why would it de-evolute? Well, I don’t know :slight_smile: too tired? And he didn’t exactly de-evolute, he WAS less powerful at the start but in the end it lead to more powerful forms… And don’t forget the morphing he can do in Saga, maybe in order to be able and achieve that he had to revert to a weaker form first…

But pretty much all of the dragon’s abilities are arguably unneccessary; especially the various berserk attacks and techniques seen in PD Saga, as with only its lasers the dragon seems to be more than a match for anything it ever meets. And from the Ancients’ point of view, if you’re going to construct the single most powerful creature on the planet anyway, why spare any expenses in its capabilities?

Just shooting the completely active Shellcoof down wouldn’t really have achieved anything, though; its internal mechanisms would still be churning out monsters, and the dragon did want to put those Towers completely out of business.

Lagi is the dragon’s soul.The Program just used it.Basically the dragon was carrying the Program and it was influenced by it.

Ok then Lance, I guess there’s nothing special about the Dragon after all. He’s just another weapon without any special purpose without any special skill.

Actually Lagi is the coolia, meaning it’s in fact the body of the Dragon (as well as having it’s own soul)
The program entered the coolia’s body and modified it into a dragon, The Dragon of the Legends, the Dragon the program was always meant to create/be
The only reason Lagi is a dragon is the Program.

Of course.But isn’t the dragon in Saga Lagi?

Yes and no.It had it’s soul but the body is different.

Is this convo going in circles or what?
Let’s try again… Why didn’t he need a new body after PDZ then? Why need it after PD1? The same action occured in the end of both games.
I’ve replied to everything you’ve asked with things that could be possible, reply to that for me?
And in the case you find a reason to explain the above… Why carry over Lagi’s spirit? Lagi’s useless to the program if it’s already got a new body… And where did that new body come from anyway…

Gah this post is just a repeat of a previous post, I hate this…