UEFA Champions League Draw

Jesus, the pitch looks gorgeous.

Its’ the Dragon Stadium :wink:

Anyways thisd referee is a god dman criminal!!!

Mmm. Interesting first half. I could go on about the pshycological stuff that’s going on but I can’t be bothered. I think both teams have been unlucky / shit in their finishing. To be fair to the referee I don’t think he’s had the best view of things. Though, Porto have been reckless in some of their tackles - You just can’t take out a man’s ankles and get away with it. What worries me though is that our crossing has been horrible (Though thankfully that should improve now Fran’s on), and that Porto have had the majority of the posession. The second half should be even more interesting.

i would MUCH rather have fergie than becks, any day, 100% finito, kaput.
fergie has taken this team and turned it into the richest, and argubaly greatest side in the world. He made Beckham, and lots of other stars what they are now.
Without fergie, beckham probably wouldn’t be as big as he is now.

This referee was SHIT!!!He did lots and lots and loads of it!!!

I’m not even gonna number them…

A penalty that should have been marked… (agehnst Depor)

A guy who shoudl have seen a red : Mauro Silva…

Jorge Andrade giving a friendly kick to Deco and gets a red…

So many more things…

Yeah, it should’ve been a penalty.
But Andrade did deserve to go. Yes it was friendly, but you just cannot do that. How is the referee supposed to know it’s friendly? And besides, Deco didn’t exaclty help did he? Did you see his expression!?

That was cause he was pissed at the fault before.

But even if they weren’t friends a kick of that BRUTAL magintude shouldn’t be considered fault,no…

But the referee can’t know that.

Can’t knwo what?That kick would never pass as an attack anywhere in this world!!

Yes, but the refereee cannot know that it wasn’t malicious. Any player who flicks out at someone could just say “Oh, he’s my friend, it’s friendly.”

Yellow card max.Max!

Today is a beautiful day.The day Porto is going to the champions league final :smiley:

We shall see young Grasshopper =)

0-0, we’ll win… >D

Probably. We look like shit.


For those who don’t know The Dragon won!!!
We are in the final!

That figures, dragons always win :wink:

Eh. If I was Irrueta I’d be thoroughly disgusted with Deportivo. They didn’t even try…

Following is a letter sent into an English football website (by an American, no less) regarding Porto:

Still think Porto haven’t gotten a contract with the devil himself?

Let’s take a look at Porto’s path to the Champions League final starting with the knock-out rounds.

Man United: We all know what happened there. A Scholes offside goal that would’ve put Man U ahead 2-0 at half-time. Instead, a free-kick late in the game and Howard punches the ball to Costinha instead of away and Porto level to go through.

Marseille: About the only team Porto actually beat by playing football. What a concept. Chelsea knock out Arsenal. Monaco pulls a miracle and knocks out Real Madrid. And, Deportivo knock out AC Milan by winning the second leg 4-0. The three favorites knocked out of the competition. Way to clear the weeds off the yellow brick road guys.

Deportivo: Hadn’t given up a goal at home the entire competition. Mourinho plays for a 0-0 draw at home. Yawn. Second leg finds Collina awarding Deco, (also a member of the Brazilian Olympic Diving Team in Athens this summer), a penalty kick. Valente throws a wicked elbow inside the penalty area and nothing is called where a red and a penalty kick should’ve been awarded. Minutes later, Deportivo are down to ten men.

Who’s the referee for this game? Surely, one of the best ever right? Wait. Collina? Et tu Collina? Has Pinto Da Costa gotten to you too? Does no one else see what is going with the Portuguese Referee Federation scandal involving bribery and influence? Guess not.

Well, congrats to Porto. Well deserved. Hopefully, next year’s UEFA Champions League will be filled with more teams copying your style of play. We can all look forward to elbows every time a player jumps for the ball, dangerous high tackles, suffocating defence, waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for the right time to actually start to try and score and oops, there it is, a free-kick or a penalty and the game is over.

Why bother?
Brian De Sousa, New Bedford, MA, USA


Haha.I laughed when I saw that guy’s name.That guy is surely the son of Portuguese emigrants in the US and he’s surely a Benfica supporter.

Anyone who thinks Porto doens’t deserve to be in the final has to watch those games agehn…

Plus Porto has been robbed itself in those very games.

As for Chelsea’s performance the other night, I can imagine Jeremy Clarkson’s voice…

“The game giveth, and the game taketh away. Such is football.”