UEFA Champions League Draw


So Deportivo have Porto in the Semi Finals, if either club gets that far. I have to admit though, I’d rather play Lyon.

Like taking candy from a baby :slight_smile:

Lyon is already beaten.

Nah actually I have Lyon in a much higher consideration than Man Utd.They are tough!

I know they’re one of the best teams in Europe going forward, but they aren’t so strong defensively. They can be beaten.

Is there even the slightest chance that one of those arrogant foreign teams will teach Arsenal how to play football?

I want someone to wipe the smirk off of the Arsene Wenger’s face.

Don’t worry Real Madrid will.Or Monaco…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Is there even the slightest chance that one of those arrogant foreign teams will teach Arsenal how to play football?

Probably not. Did you know Osama Bin Laden supports Arsenal? That’s why they do so well, the other teams know their stadium will get blown up if they win XD

If Arsenal wins I will hunt you down personally. :slight_smile:

Probably not. Did you know Osama Bin Laden supports Arsenal? That’s why they do so well, the other teams know their stadium will get blown up if they win XD[/quote]

Arsenal has become unstoppable in recent years. So much so that I thought Arsene Wenger had sold his soul to the devil. Like Newcastle many years earlier (when they were so close to stealing the Premiership title from Manchester United) , they will burn out eventually.

Why does everyone think Arsenal are a negative thing for football at the moment?

I don’t. I support arsenal.

a) i don’t want arsenal to win the european cup
b) i want manchester united to win more than them

I don’t have a problme about Arsenal but the truth is I never liked some Freanch members (Thierry Henry : they guy is an arrogant what!)

Geoffrey : You won’t have to.Anyways, if Arsenal does win agehnst either Monaco or Real, Porto will be there to knock’em dead :wink:

Not if Deportivo/Milan beat Porto =)

And Thierry Henry has the right to be arrogant (If he really is), he is one of the best strikers in the world =P

He’s a chauvinist pig!Oh and don’t worry - Milan doesn’t stand a chance.Maybe Deportivo has one.

Why?Two words : Jorge Andrade :slight_smile:

Milan are the third strongest side left in the tournament. Just our luck.


Porto scored too :smiley:

1-1 in Milan. I want to play you Gehn.

You play him all the time.

No, I play with him.

On a side note, I really wish we had signed Deco in the summer now.

2-1 Milan. Game over for Deportivo.