The Return of the King Trailer *possible spoilers*

Arwen’s role in the Lord of the Rings movies is different from that of the books, but it could have been much worse. Originally, Arwen was going to much more involved in the main story in the form of a Xena Warrior Princess type character who would have fought Uruk Hai amoung other things. I’m glad they kept her closer to the descriptions in Tolkien’s book, even if it isn’t completely P.C.

I’m not really a big fan of Elves in general though. Eowen on the other hand is a great character, with human qualities. She’s a character that is easy to sympathise with. Oh, and Miranda’s a pretty lass too :wink:

Only 25 minutes till the movie comes out here. Too bad I’m not seeing it until the 19th.

The ticket line goes around 3 blocks. And the line to get into the theater room goes outside of the mall where the entire theater is located. And I live in a small town.

I’ve just decided that I can wait two more days.


Saw it… man oh man… it made me kinda cry; call me a wuss if you want. Now I’m listening to the soundtrack, 'specially the Grey Havens song.

sniffle ;;

Spoiler below

[quote=“TheSharpEdge”]Saw it… man oh man… it made me kinda cry; call me a wuss if you want. Now I’m listening to the soundtrack, 'specially the Grey Havens song.

sniffle ;;[/quote]

And what an amazing movie it was.

The ending was one of the most emotional I’ve ever seen in a movie. My vision actually went I bit blurry, and I don’t usually cry in movies either. Very very well done.