The Return of the King Trailer *possible spoilers*


The first viewing was in Wellington (our captial) but it was invitation only. Only four days to go for the rest of us (and the rest of the world I think) though :slight_smile:

Like Shadow, this is one movie I’m incredibly excited about. December the 18th can’t come soon enough (although I can’t see it that night unfortunately, so I’m going on the 19th).

December 17th can’t come soon enough for me =)

Ah yes, but considering timezone differences, it will be the 17th here when it comes out.


And is it true that New Zealanders eat more butter and meat than anyone in any other country in the world?

Dunno… I thought I read that somewhere…

Er, not that I know of… no doubt there are plenty of facts like that though.

It’s Demember the 16th… only 2 days until the movie comes out!


This movie might just kick my arse.
Can you believe me when I say I haven’t laid my eyes on the trailer yet :stuck_out_tongue: ?

I haven’t seen it either. I’m saving everything up for the last night ^^

MIGHT?! This movie WILL kick arse!!!


Ya know, LOTR is finally gonna get all the Academy Awards it deserves with this one.

Points to avie nodnod

Aragorn > Us all.

nods solemnly

I’m not that found of Aragorn.I prefer other character like Sam and Legolas and dead Boromir :frowning:

Aragorn rules though! He’s just so bad assly cool its unreal. Plus he’s shagging a bit of elf crumpet on the side.


I cant wait to see it! has tickets in her little greedy paws

Although, I still prefer The Simrillion over Lord of the Rings. ._.

I have a poster with Aragorn on one side, and Gollum on the other. I picked the Gollum side.

changes avatar to his favourite TLOTR character

Bah, Aragorn rules and you know it =P

I hate Liv Taylor!She doesn’t know how to act.Plus I don’t find her attractive like some people…

Well… lets just say that if I was Aragorn I would be very happy indeed. Arf.