The Return of the King Trailer *possible spoilers*

It looks amazing. December can’t come quick enough.

Smeagol’s grin at 1 minute 19 seconds is priceless :smiley:

W00T!!! Seen it, love it… Thats gonna be one helluva long movie, isn’t it?

It should be about 3 hours like the last two I would imagine… awesome. The cracks of doom sequence should be great, it’s the sort of scene that would be easier to show on the screen than describe in a book.

I’m a bit worried about what they’re going to do to Sauron’s character though. In the book, he never left his dark tower in Mordor, but in the trailer there is a scene where Legolas says “He is here” followed by a flash of the lidless eye. I hope that he was talking about the Nazgul lord rather than Sauron himself… it would take away a lot of Sauron’s personally - that he uses others as his weapons. Ah well, it is just an interpretation of the book, not a replacement.

How can I download it?! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s kindda stupid to ask but I often have problems with Quick Time cause I wanna see it after I put it in my harddisk…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]How can I download it?! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s kindda stupid to ask but I often have problems with Quick Time cause I wanna see it after I put it in my harddisk…[/quote]

Gehn, go here:

Once there, click on “Quicktime Altern.” in the Downloads menu on the left.

Download and install the codec and you’ll be able to watch Quick Time movies without the need for a Quick Time player. The same applies for the Real Alternative codec.

I’ve installed both codecs and watch those types of files in Windows Media Player. Very handy if you don’t want to use the QT/RM players.

Dammit, since when did you become so useful Chuck? o.O

Thanks though, I’ve been looking for something like that ^^

Thanx Kage but I want to download it.

Download the file in Zip Format. You can extract the file using something like Winzip once it has downloaded and then save it to whatever folder you like from there.

And yes, Quicktime can be annoying.

Quicktime is the spawn of the devil. Its siblings are NTL, mIRC and Gehn.

Gehn can you make your brother give me broadband?

Ah, yes, I saw this the day you showed me it Solo. Teh awesome!

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
It should be about 3 hours like the last two I would imagine… awesome. [/quote]

But…SHELOB TOO?!.. oh my poor bladder…Im gonna have to take a good leakin’ beforehand…


[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
It should be about 3 hours like the last two I would imagine… awesome. [/quote]

But…SHELOB TOO?!.. oh my poor bladder…Im gonna have to take a good leakin’ beforehand…[/quote]

Shelob, Pippen’s encounter with Sauron, the breaking of Saruman’s staff… that’s quite a bit to go over at the start of the movie. I hope the ending isn’t cut short (all the stuff after the ring is destroyed I mean).

I’m re-reading the book again. The last time I read it was years and years back when I was a one-year old on a stroller, and I don’t think I quite got all of it down. :slight_smile:

My brother?You mean my dad?

The third and final film in the trilogy looks good. I can’t wait to see it.

My brother?You mean my dad?[/quote]

No, i meant NTL, one of yourr sibllings. Although the devil could provide me with broadband… it would have to be fast and competitively priced though.

You don’t want broadband from NTL. Try BT. Or Freeserve. Or anyone but NTL.

yep, me saw that trailer when I went to see the leauge of extraordanary gentlemen. hmm, me have BT broadband, meh it works and it dowloads and loads things at 57 KB a sec so me happy…anyways, me dad got it…although it did stop me from getting online on me GC…damn broadband adapters, me starting to think they dont exsist…just a legend and everyone who says they have one is LIEING! LIEING DAMN IT!

Half a week and counting down. One of my teachers saw it at a press screening two days ago, lucky bastard. He said it totally rocked.

Hey, Solo! Was it already released for the kind little New Zealanders?