The dragon cycle

It is a question based on the idea that the green energy he emits is the lifeforce of a bio-engineered creature. If Smilebit confirmed that the Sky Rider was human how would we explain the aformentioned green energy then? You couldn’t use bio-engineering as an explanation.

Ah a what if question then…
Well perhaps it would have something to do with Lagi…But I don’t think they will confirm anythin like that :slight_smile: so if that’s not the case how could we ever come up with a good sounding theory about that :x

“It appears that dragons require the sharing of thought and senses with a rider to realize their full potential as a combat organism.”

The ominous light could have been part of the bonding process.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Btw the Dragonmare’s light, even if it IS a light is NOT like what Lagi has, if it was, they would have the power to shoot arrows of light, but they don’t, they spit hot green goo balls or whatever they are described as in the pandora’s box instead.
And they also don’t have a throat the way Lagi does, if you notice they are totally mutated creatures, their eye(s) is on what we think is their back, and what we think is their long neck and head is in fact just their mouth mutated (hence all those teeth on the sides) so this is another example of how unlike Lagi they are…[/quote]

The similarities between the positioning, colour, and use (it can be used for attacks) are too coincedental. Smilebit wouldn’t create something so similar to Lagi’s green light if it was so disimilar.

Don’t confuse the green lights :

1-The one coming our from the riders

2-The bioiluminary oscilator found in the throat of every d-unit.

We’re all almost certain the green energy has something to do with bio-engineered creatures. Drones and dragons were designed for one another, so they may share a similar biology.

The DV did not dwell within the Sky Rider, nor Lagi for that matter. The DV didn’t occupy the Heresy program but it gave off copious amounts of green energy when wounded.

The green energy bursting out of a mere human would be a tough mystery to crack. Anything’s possible, however, given the anime nature of things.

I’m pretty sure that they are different things tho…

Yeah, the DV and the ominous green light are entirely separate and unrelated manifestations. :slight_smile:

They could be -_-

But they couldn’t.

Finish opening Orta’s Pandora’s Box and get reading…

ah just tell me, i cant be bothered to open it.

Related or unrelated? My head’s starting to spin. :slight_smile:

The DV is the player, so it can’t have any bearing on the games. It doesn’t actually exist. Laughs.

Meaning, of course, the green light is something else entirely, like a bio-engineered creature’s lifeforce etc. Blah, blah, blah.

The heat wave is killing me and as a result I can barely string a coherent sentence together.

They could be related, sorry. I got the feeling you were being sarcastic in your post above your last.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
The heat wave is killing me and as a result I can barely string a coherent sentence together.[/quote]

And you live in the Uk!!Now try imagining here in Portugal…

Anyways, after all this talking I forgot : aside from the Sky Rider scene where else do we see that green thing agehn?

Ah, so thats why you’re so dim.

In lagi and the dragonmares throats, and also, noticably, when you finish a level in Orta litle green things swoom around you. I assumed that was your health being replenished. It might be totally unrelated though.

It still makes me wonder though: if the green energy that spirals out of the Sky Rider and out into the unknown was the Divine Visitor it should have naturally wrapped itself around Kyle in a most parasitic fashion.

Which leads us to believe that the Divine Visitor didn’t occupy Kyle. Or Lundi. Or Orta.

The summers are getting worse every year I swear. I want my endless rain back!

The heat is debilitating. That and I’m tired anyway.

Nods in agreement with Shadow.

I suppose the DV could have occupied the Sky Rider if the drone was capable of entering Sestren through the Tower near the capital. Thus explaining why the Dark Dragon and rider killed the guy. However, that would be admitting that the Divine Visitor wasn’t the player. Ha!