The dragon cycle

In lagi and the dragonmares throats, and also, noticably, when you finish a level in Orta litle green things swoom around you. I assumed that was your health being replenished. It might be totally unrelated though.[/quote]

I’ve already told ya that the oscilators have nothing to do with this…
But thanx :slight_smile:


Well that could be possible…

are we talking about green lights here, or are we talking about bioluminary oscillators? because you asked where we see the green lights, and i told you -_-

Okay, here’s a thought on the whole green energy thing.

Say that the green energy that swirls out of the Sky Rider /is/ the Divine Visitor. Now if the DV is just the player, one would think that it would enter Kyle, since you, the player, control him.

But the energy just flies away, right? What if it was just another player than you(ie, another Divine Visitor) who lost the game(ie, got shot by the dark dragon rider).

Then the Divine Visitor controlling Kyle(aka, you) takes up the reins and busts the tower to smithereens.

So basically, there could be multiple DVs, representing different players.

Just a thought. Truthfully, I always thought the whole Divine Visitor being the player thing to be a little silly. Still, it’s there, so I have to deal with it…

Me too. A nice theory Kythren, but the Divine Visitor is always talked about in the singular sense.

That’s true, but I think that’s because there could probably only be one in existance at a time. Hence the DV in the Sky Rider leaving, and Kyle’s DV getting ready to kick some ass.

Eh, I really don’t even like this theory that much, but it was just a thought.

hmm…multiple divine visitors sounds even sillier than one :slight_smile:
Cos ok, the divine visitor is the player, however, it’s not supposed to be a game because of that, it’s supposed to be a story, so having multiple players appear would be quite silly…When you play the game you live the story, you don’t think oh cool I’m playing this game but someone else is playing too somewhere else so hmm what’s going on, how can we both be the DV, what a silly game element that is etc…that’s too much n goes too far and ultimately would totally destroy the story if we consider the DV like that…same deal for thinking someone other than us was the dv in the prequel…wtf I played it too so how is it him and not me that I playthe current game :wink: I just emphasised on two dvs in the same game (more than one person played the game) cos the errors are more obvious there, but most things wrong with that are also wrong with having “someone else” be the dv of the sky rider…
For every one of us the DV is ourself and is alone in the world of pd saga and controls Edge, we never consider someone else might have done it/is doing it right now etc, we just live through it and we are THE dv not A dv…

And ultimately we have no indication of kyle being controlled by the dv (Even if we assume the green light is an indication of the dv for him which is doubtful)

tbh I think the whole DV thing nearly destroys the story anyway. Smilebit have to handle it very carefully in the future.

Very doubtful. What I want to know is Why Edge, and no other riders?

I just watched through a certain part of the Zwei primary ending frame by frame, and caught a peculiar image. I must add this to my Sky Rider theory; it’s something Lundi catches a glimpse of, after seeing Kyle in a bubble:

Notice how the green energy glowing in the place where his chest wound would be overlaps with Lagi’s neck, the place where the dragon’s glowing green light manifests itself.

Oh, how boring your life would be without the Zwei ending Geoffrey =P

Good observation though.

The Zwei endings project a hefty amount of symbolism. Understanding the meaning of it all is something I’ve strived to do for years. I actually think thinking about the Panzer Dragoon games has increased my intelligence. Shame I still have a poor grasp of/on maths.

Lagi speaks through imagery, a fascinating thing. We need more blurred, blended and fast-paced synchronized imagistic endings expressing intents and purposes like the Zwei endings. Oh yeah.

I also remember Abadd saying that the Zwei endings were going to show us more of the Ancient Age. I guess only Lundi saw what we can only guess at.

Here are some of my thoughts on the different subjects discussed here:

GD I think you’re right about the green energy being some sort of life force of bio-engineered monsters. It would make sense because Lagi’s bioluminary oscillator collects energy throughout his body, forms it into a ball and releases it into an arrow of light. IMO the Dragonmares’ oscillators are very similar just less advanced. The Dragonmares clearly collect their energy into a ball. However instead of firing arrows of light they fire the ball instead. Now in the PDO intro you can clearly see what happens when that energy hits the ground, the result is an explosion of blue energy (the same color of Lagi’s arrows of lights):

Maybe in Lagi’s case the energy explodes in his mouth and he is able to guide that energy towards his target.

Shadow about Lagi’s health being replenished at the end of a level in PD Orta, you could be right. If I remember correctly the same green lights are being absorbed by the health bar in the beginning of every level but I’ll have to play PDO again to be sure.

Finally about the Divine Visitor controlling the Sky Rider: I doubt that the green energy leaving the SR is the DV but we can’t be sure that it’s not either. If it was the DV why didn’t he enter Kyle? Well possibly because at that point he couldn’t enter Sestren anymore (considering the SR was a drone that could enter Sestren). Controlling Kyle would be pointless to him so he had to wait for another window of opportunity. But then why did he chose Edge? Who knows?

Team Andromeda chose to use a colour identical to the life energy the Sky Rider sends out in spiral patterns as the ominous light pulsating on Lagi’s neck for a reason. This is especially significant when you consider that PD Zwei was a prequel developed after Panzer Dragoon. Why use an identical colour?

So since no real dragon has a blue-white light except Lagi, and we have seen no other drone have a blue-white light like the Sky Rider, would it be safe to assume that the Sky Rider really is the drone originally made to be Lagi’s rider?? Makes you wonder why he didn’t do his first task with him but instead with Lundi tho…Perhaps the Sky Rider wasn’t active at the time or Lagi couldn’t/didn’t have time to find him so decided to go with Lundi?

Well, Lagi was activated early, so maybe the drone for him wasnt activated at the same time, but was for PD Eins

I don’t know. The blue-white light they both share connects them somehow on a unique level. The Zwei endings continue to puzzle me; endings are supposed to reveal what happens to someone. Why is the Sky Rider such a prominent figure in epilogue D?

Way to go Shadow. The thing is only a convoluted line of reasoning will lead us to the conclusion that the Heresy program was activated earlier than planned (starting with the fact it was built by the ancients). If Abadd hadn’t suggested the idea how else would we have dreamt it up?