The dragon cycle

Agehn I bring up this matter.Last time I haven’t stated this possibility… … on1024.jpg

If you look at the first fork in the road you can see that there is the “wrong path” and the “right path”.

The wrong path is the one where Lagi transfroms into Brigadewing and enters the crest.The right path is the one where Lagi becomes the Blue Dragon and continues is adventures(PD1).With this we can clearly see that Zwei as a right and a wrong endings.

But this isn’t the epicentre of this thread…
The second branch is.

Can we assume that Saga also as 2 endings (one right and one wrong) ???

The right would match the FMV that shows us the separation of Azel and Edge cause Lagi is in the Arm Wing evolution state.This path would be the one which leads to Orta Base Wing (the continuation of the adventure).

The other path shows us “The Golden Dragon” and might represent the events seen after the battle with Sestren.Is this awrong ending???


PS:Much like Zwei this means that the “right dragon transformation”(and the final one as well) is Arm Wing.

Aren’t those scenes u describe both shown at the end of Saga?So how can they be different endings…
Golden dragon’s branching path doesn’t necesarily mean it’s another ending, it can just mean the separation of the heresy dragon from Lagi, where after that Lagi goes on to evolve into the Orta base wing while the heresy dragon remains insestren and is deactivated…so from that point on there is two dragons, Heresy and Lagi, so the branching path represents that…

We all know the Type 01 dragon ending is the true Zwei ending. :slight_smile: Notice that we never see Lagi leave Lundi in the epilogue D cinematic.

Panzer Dragoon Saga is a tricky issue. I felt the first-black-then-gold dragon didn’t care enough to save Edge’s life. When you meet it in Orta it’s almost devoid of real life. Apathetic even.

Exactly what I mean.Even the Crest pic is tricky…

Baska!I remember : the Dragon Books did say he entered the crest and we see it in Shelcoof (Saga)…

However that can be just a game bonus, a “what if”…
The FMV before the end still shows the arm wing (or whatever dragon that was) and TA wasn’t one to rush things (they had a diff FMV for every possible type of dragon you could finish the game with in ZWEI ffs) so that can mean something…(namely that getting to be the solo wing is indeed a “what if” bonus and arm wing is the “real” thing…same goes for the light wing…)

But we know Lagi morphed into the Type 01 dragon by the end of Zwei. His form in Panzer Dragoon and Sestren’s fourth memory orb prove it.


But that doesn’t mean that Lagi morphed into the Type 01 at the end of Saga. He didn’t in Orta, for instance.

Golden dragon’s branching path doesn’t necesarily mean it’s another ending, it can just mean the separation of the heresy dragon from Lagi, where after that Lagi goes on to evolve into the Orta base wing while the heresy dragon remains insestren and is deactivated…so from that point on there is two dragons, Heresy and Lagi, so the branching path represents that…[/quote]

The dragon form that talks to us with all 4 heads is Lagi The Heresy Dragon : the dragon we have been riding in all PD episodes.

You do know that Lagi split from the heresy program, don’t you? They are two different entities now.

Where is that stated/shown?

crap, I know I’ve read it somewhere. Possibly Pandora’s box. I thought it was common knowledge?

I’ts definately not…
There is no visual separation…
What we see after Sestren battle is Edge talking to Lagi’s spirit - the Heresy program.

Oh well if your saying that the spirit separated tiself from the body then your right but…

…they are the same…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]There is no visual separation…
What we see after Sestren battle is Edge talking to Lagi’s spirit - the Heresy program.[/quote]

Lagi’s spirit isn’t the Heresy program. In Orta Lagi makes his own decisions, he was no longer under control of the Heresy Dragon. In other words his own spirit was still with him.

Lagi split from his other half, the once black now gold butterfly-like Heresy dragon, and evolved from a pure type creature into a mutant.

It was written in that panzer dragoon flash site, it was stating in one of the sections that after the end of saga, and lagi’s separation from the heresy program, Lagi became mortal…or something similar to that.
It’s propably written in the pandora’s box as well however…

Well I’ve red all the Box and I didn’t find anything…

Anyways there must be a connection between the 2 “forks”…

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]It was written in that panzer dragoon flash site, it was stating in one of the sections that after the end of saga, and lagi’s separation from the heresy program, Lagi became mortal…or something similar to that.
It’s propably written in the pandora’s box as well however…[/quote]

Ah, merci :slight_smile:

Gehn: That is a harder question. I don’t think there is tbh.

They are the same, yet different parts of a whole.

The Heresy “program” occupied a mutant coolia, who grew into the dragon Lagi. At the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga the Heresy Program left Lagi because it had completed it’s purpose. Lagi, however had somehow developed a mind of his own (the Heresy program must have increased his intelligence somehow) and felt it was his duty to leave Sestren and protect his former rider’s daughter (at least that is why I believe he rescued Orta).

Also, remember the extra cut scene in Episode 7 of PDO?

“Farewell my other half”.

I still have yet to see that cutscene, how do you get it?

By laying good and killing enemies as fast as you can in that level.