The dragon cycle

At the second test you need to defeat it before four doors open (or it might even be three…). By playing as the Blue Dragon this should be fairly easy to achieve though.

Oh great. which means i need to use my crowbar on Pandoras box.

Heavy Wing, Shadow. Its berserk (just fill it up with Glide Wing) absolutely destroys the Didopures.

hehe, this “program” talk almost amkes th egame seem liek some fantasy matrix thingy, any way, i neevr got t play orta an di dotn mind spoilers, they only make me want to play it more, but tdoes it ever say why the dragon loosk the wy it looks? its looks liek a zoombie

oh wow, i type REALLY badly

ok this avatar crap is really geiing on my nerves… mines aint showing up, i HATE geocities with a pashion

The dragon once began it’s life as a mutant coolia, so that is why it looks much more like an animal in Panzer Dragoon Orta than other creations of the Ancients.

I always assumed it was because Lagi was so old.

ohhhhhhhh, just thouhgt lagi kinda “disovled” cause honestly, he looks liek a skelton almost in orta, and thanx to shadow and solo wing for the avtar help :sunglasses:

PS i type REALLY badly, i tend to press space bar 1 letter ahead or behind sometimes, bare with me

Lagi in Orta has the same rugged green skin as he did when he was a coolia. He really did become a mutant after his separation from the black heresy dragon. I wonder if he retained his ability to mind-meld.

I suppose so…

I think that ability is interwined with that of “predicting rider deaths” :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I suppose so…

I think that ability is interwined with that of “predicting rider deaths” :P[/quote]

I’m not sure about that anymore. In the Zwei endings we do see Lagi visiting the Tower of Uru which suggests he showed Lundi the future, but the true ending mostly shows us what happens next since Zwei was a prequel (technically those future events had already occured).

Those future events?You mean PD1?How could it have already occured?

They hadn’t, but we gamers had seen those events happen before Zwei arrived. Zwei showed us what happened next to clarify its role as a prequel.

Hell, I’m with you if you believe the Zwei cinematics were showing Lundi the future; I thought so myself not long ago.

What esle could the be showing?

Surely not the past : we know those events happened in PD1 and PDS.

Lagi speaks through imagery. He could have been showing us his intentions. I agree, however, that he could have shown the player the future. The possibility is a strong one.

I believe the true ending shows Lundi the relationship between Shelcoof and the other Towers, and shows gamers what happens next (i.e. the events of Panzer Dragoon). I fervantly believed we saw Lundi being killed; everything would then fall into place. But let’s not dig up the past.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Lagi speaks through imagery. He could have been showing us his intentions. I agree, however, that he could have shown the player the future. The possibility is a strong one.

C’mon Geoff!You still have told me what was the other possibility.If he hadn’t been showing the future whats is your idea then?

Like I said, the Zwei true ending showed gamers what happened next, as a way to clear up the fact it was a prequel as well as showing Lundi the truth behind Shelcoof. The story of Lundi impacts on Panzer Dragoon in many ways.

I’ll be rewriting my Sky Rider theory to cover these points. Just you wait.

I’m not sure about Lagi being able to see into the future, but it’s likely that it was his goals that he was showing Lundi, what he intended to do not what he knew for sure would happen. In the extended epilogue to Panzer Dragoon Zwei (seen in PDO) we see Azel… perhaps Lagi knew about Azel which was why he happened to be lurking around Excavation Site #4 at the time when Craymen attacked.

Just throwing around some ideas here…