The dragon cycle

Oh I have no doubt he knew about Azel, or perhaps sought out the Divine Visitor who knew about Azel. :slight_smile:

In those primary Zwei endings we see the Arm Wing fly towards the Uru Tower. How could Lagi have known what form he would take by then?

Iā€™ll definitely add this to my Sky Rider theory; I want to ammend the whole thing anyway.

Perhaps the Heresy Dragon had set forms that it was originally intended to morph into by itā€™s Ancient creators? The Type 01 was a form inwhich Lagi morphed into more than onceā€¦ perhaps a fixed growth pattern was part of the ā€œprogramā€ part of Lagi.

I wish I knew. Maybe showing Lundi his intentions isnā€™t such a bad idea. Lagi shows Edge the Uru Tower in his vision, in which they both fly to the Tower of Uru.

If you look closely that dragon ainā€™t really Arm Wing (itā€™s closer to Sky Dart if you ask me :P)ā€¦

Yes, it would make sense that Lagi knew of Azel in that place and picked a crest near it.

Looks like the Arm Wing to me. Iā€™ll have images up soon.

They ARE similar ya know?


The dragon flying towards the Uru Tower in the Zwei primary endings looks like the Arm Wing. The dragon flying towards the same Tower in Edgeā€™s vision looks like the Sky Dart, if Iā€™m not mistaken.

I think they manipulated the Zwei endig we see in Orta more than we thinkā€¦

Not only Azel perhapsā€¦

Well I have images from the Saturn Zwei primary endings and it sure as hell seems like the Arm Wing to me.

Iā€™m still bemused as to how Lagi and the Sky Rider share the same green light. You catch a brief glimpse of him in the primary endings.

Bemused?Itā€™s only usā€¦

The green light both Lagi and the SR emit is color-coded exactly the same.

Considering Abadd said the Zwei endings were originally meant to make our heads spin, Iā€™d say thereā€™s much more to this.

No, itā€™s only us : The Divine Visitors.Nothing awkward IMO.

And personally and with all due respect I think Abadd is full of ****

At that point he might have thought we didnā€™t understand the scenes,thatā€™s allā€¦

So how do you interpret the Zwei endings? I donā€™t think the green light discharged by the SR is the DV. Bah, Iā€™m too tired to think. I just edited two posts because they didnā€™t make any sense.

Not sure if I understood Gehnā€™s last post correctly but if he means the green light of the sky rider is the Divine Visitor then Iā€™ll say thatā€™s a theory I had said a quite while ago in the old forums and everyone went against it saying that firstly the DV only appeared in Saga and secondly that it also canā€™t be him since in Saga he also was white while the Sky Riderā€™s light is greenā€¦
I find myself agreeing with that a little more now as well but I still wonder what that light was since we havenā€™t seen other drones with that green light, it doesnā€™t matter we havenā€™t seen other bipedal drones die and not have it (even tho Abadd doesnā€™t have it either really but that was in Sestren Space so that could be the reason for someone) we also havenā€™t seen any of the non bipedal enemy drones have it when we kill them in PDS, so I also donā€™t think itā€™s something all drones have either.

Interestingly, the dragonmares had the same green light too.

Theirs wasnā€™t really a light was it? Just the green goo they spit at u, no?

Iā€™m thinking the green energy is the lifeforce of certain bio-engineered creatures. Lagi emits it when he heals himself, and the Heresy dragon releases rivers of the stuff when blasted out of Sestren.

It would be a challenge to explain if the Sky Rider was human.

Nope, it was a light. You can tell it was the same thing as what Lagi had by its positioning (in the dragonmares throats).

So, if the Sky Rider was human, how could we explain the green energy spiralling out of his corpse?

Who said the Sky Rider is human? Did I miss something ?

Btw the Dragonmareā€™s light, even if it IS a light is NOT like what Lagi has, if it was, they would have the power to shoot arrows of light, but they donā€™t, they spit hot green goo balls or whatever they are described as in the pandoraā€™s box instead.
And they also donā€™t have a throat the way Lagi does, if you notice they are totally mutated creatures, their eye(s) is on what we think is their back, and what we think is their long neck and head is in fact just their mouth mutated (hence all those teeth on the sides) so this is another example of how unlike Lagi they areā€¦