The clash of the consoles

I don’t really fancy Nintendo to begin with, but the GameCube’s graphics are pretty disappointing… PS2s are better. The only reason I would purchase a GameCube at all would be to try out a Zelda title. I’m remotely curious… haven’t played a Zelda title since the original NES release. XP But I like my PS2 and my XBox waaaay more. hugs PS2 and XBox

Tsk Tsk. Nintendo makes good games and developers release good games on thier consoles.

Do you have any examples of games where the ps2’s graphics are superior compared to the gamecube version?

You should of tried Ocarina of Time. It kicked major ass.

XBOX owns. points out the obvious


Tsk Tsk. Nintendo makes good games and developers release good games on thier consoles. [/quote]

No doubt, but nothing made by Nintendo or any other company for a Nintendo machine has interested me.

Hmm… well I thought the Zelda series was actually kinda nice, even for being Nintendo-devoid myself. Especially Ocarina of Time…helluva game… :slight_smile:

Not even the GBA?! :open_mouth:

…me wants SEGA to make another portable machine. “Game Gear Advance” :wink:

Even if I wanted to buy another console, I wouldn’t. Gaming is expensive. Maybe I just haven’t seen enough, but I’m content with my Saturn, Dreamcast and X-Box.

Plus the PC has a multitude of great titles, old and new.

I totally agree with you geoffrey. Gaming is very expensive. Fortunately i have a decent enough job to get actually own all 3 of the curent systems and a few games for each system.

Yet you still haven’t bought NiGHTS Aitrus o.O

Buying the Phantom?


I totally agree with you geoffrey. Gaming is very expensive. Fortunately i have a decent enough job to get actually own all 3 of the curent systems and a few games for each system.[/quote]

I’m very selective about the games I buy. I tend to buy games that last too.

I won’t hesitate to purchase a game in a much loved series though (where are you Starcraft 2?). The Soul Reaver games look interesting too.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

I totally agree with you geoffrey. Gaming is very expensive. Fortunately i have a decent enough job to get actually own all 3 of the curent systems and a few games for each system.

I’m very selective about the games I buy. I tend to buy games that last too. [/quote]

Yeah I’m like that too, which is probabl;ey what attracted me to the RPG genre in the first place- RPGs by and large then to be longer experiences (BG2 with TTB is huge, possible 250 hours if you wanted everything without a guide)

I was addicted to BG2 for a long time, more so than I was with the original game. The main TOB plot was a bit short but I loved fighting all the demons in Watcher’s Keep, and of course, prince Demogorgon (well a weakened version of him – Helm could not imprison such a powerful demon prince). The demon animations were ported over from Planescape: Torment to add a little authenticity to the mix.

[quote=“Shadow”]Yet you still haven’t bought NiGHTS Aitrus o.O

Buying the Phantom?[/quote]

To many good new games are coming out for me to get NiGHTS (lame excuse i know) but yeah i will get it one day! (and a white jpn saturn to boot!). If for some reason i run into a lot of money i just need to buy all those saturn titles i dont have.

The phantom is a joke. I mean really. Its a computer.

I’m more excited about the XGamestation. If the Homebrew development scene really takes off for this system then i will get one for sure (how can you resist at a $99msrp?). Plus i really like the educational qualities of this machine.

What are your thought on the Nokia N-Gage, Sony’s PSP and that PlayStation2 with the hard drive (Called the PSX I think with is confusing when people still refer to the PlayStation as the PSX)

N-Gage- Interesting in a curious kind of way…Not gonna buy it.
PSP- Apparently almost as powerful as the PS2 (though that’s not saying much) Will buy it if SEGA release games for it.
PSX- Going nowhere near this expensive piece of crap…I have an Xbox with a hrad drive already, hehe!

PSX: home media device that includes the ability to play PS2 games, so not fair to compare it as a game console, it won’t even be distributed by Sony computer entertainment, but instead just Sony.

N-Cage: not my cup of tea, more powerful than the GBA by far, however too expensive and no really good games as of yet. I don’t think it’s going to have a lot of developer support either. Not worth it.

PSP: Impressive specs for a handheld console, however it’s too far from release so there’s no way to know how it’s going to end up. Also I think it’s about as powerful as the ps one, not the ps2, not sure tho. It could be good, however it’s impressive specs dont quarantee it domination over the GBA (or perhaps a next Ninty handheld). It should be interesting to see how it’s going to end up, I’d only buy one if Sega made some REALLY good titles for it, like perhaps remakes of Sega Saturn games (PD Zwei, PD Saga, Shining Force III and the like) or even continued some of those series with PSP exclusive games. Truth be told, even then I’d rather emulate it, however I’d propably buy one if Sega was going to make a lot of good titles worth having since that would bring profit to them if bought…

Any one play the Neo Geo Colour. Much better than the GBA in so many areas…

PSX: I’m not really into the all in one home media devices so i probably wont buy it anyway.

Nokia N-Gage: a cell phone that can play games, really good games (for a cell phone anyway) but for $300 US? I’m sorry that is way to expensive for a portable gaming system. Plus i have no need for a cell phone so i wont tbe picking up the N-Gage anytime soon.

PSP: Sounds intersting and if the price is right (and games are good) it might be worth buying. I look forward to seeing some more infomation on this system and its games.

My hope is that the PSP will be used by sega as a portable Saturn system…

I can’t see that happening somehow.

Nah, but we can all hope :slight_smile: