The clash of the consoles

Thanks for making me laugh guys. :slight_smile:

Thats what weā€™re here for. Wait, is laughing banned on this board? o.O

jk :wink:

[quote=ā€œShadowā€]Thats what weā€™re here for. Wait, is laughing banned on this board? o.O

jk ;)[/quote]

Yes, yes it is.

Anyone here actually have any import saturn stuff?

Not me.

Yep, right here. Lots of my PSX and Saturn stuff is import. I also gotz dat white controller, its pretty cool.

I want that white controller like Lady wanted Trampā€™s puppies =(

Whatā€™s the attraction to white electronics? I personally find them ugly compared to black and silver.

Its really just the Saturn, i think it looks good in white. The gray Japanese saturn is just ugly. Some of the other saturn variants donā€™t look to bad as well but the Wite Saturn looks awesome i think.

Perhaps because black and silver are such common colours for electronics. White somehow seems more intriguingā€¦ and you want to protect it, because itā€™s so easy to get it dirty.

Yeah, thatā€™s true. Still, white is quite common as wellā€¦ most PCs are white/grey. I made sure I got a black case when I built mine.

Could it simply be that black and silver are the most kickass colors ever?

Possibly. I do admire it when the producers of said electronics attempt to get creative, though. ie The purple GameCube.

Gamecube, but Iā€™m slowly favouring the Xbox more. Not least because Nintendo is making descisions even Atari would find silly but also because Microsoft is growing all the time and are the only comapany putting a long term investment in video games (PC as well). I depise Sony consoles for various reasons.

Microsoft can afford to develop new and innovative titles. The company isnā€™t just worried about making gluttonous amounts of money.

Yes, but Iā€™d say Nintendo has gone out of its way to make Western gamers life a misery, by not releasing games over here and then closing down the importers that do!

Good thing Iā€™m not into Nintendo products, then.

Yeah, same hereā€¦ For some reason Iā€™ve never wanted to buy a single Gamecube/Nintendo 64 game everā€¦

Nintendo games have never appealed to me. I canā€™t explain why.

Sega just always seemed to be so superior to me.

Surely not as supieor as SEGA?? In any case I donā€™t mind nintendo but thier Gamecube games have bee very lackluster.