Stuff that's not important enough to get it's own topic

I just found a pic of me.

What d’you think I should do about my slight skin problem? XD

… I know. But Hellraiser was actually the gateway that even got me knowing who Clive Barker was. So that and Hellbound Heart (you should know what that is Abadd, but to the uninitiated, it is the book that the Hellraiser movies began with…) are still my favorites.

On the other hand, scary movies have led me to several things, some of which I would like to forget. washes blood off of hands

Have you read anything other than the horror stuff by Barker? Thief of Always isn’t award-winning, but it’s a good, quick read. If you want a satyrical commentary on Hollywood, wrapped in a murder-mystery package, Coldheart Canyon is pretty entertaining.

I bought Coldheart Canyon yesterday and have yet to start reading it…


‘Theif of Always’ I just keep on re-reading it!

Am I the only person in the world who hasn’t read that book?

Well, I just named the Clive Barker books that are the most well-known.

I highly recommend Abarat if you like the Spirited Away/Alice in Wonderland type of stories. Very chaotic, but very imaginative. He did over 400 oil paintings to get inspiration for the stories, and let me just say that the paintings in the books don’t do the originals justice. They are beautiful. He has a whole house full of these paintings. There was one in particular that’s of a field of wheat that was just amazing… I wanted to take it home with me :smiley:

Who the heck is Clive Barker O_o??

Director/writer. He directed the Hellraiser series, Nightbreed, Candyman, etc.

Also was the creative director and writer for the game “Undying.”

The books he’s written are the ones mentioned in earlier posts: Coldheart Canyon, Thief of Always, Abarat, Weaveworld,

He’s also known for his paintings, but he mostly does homosexual fetish paintings.

I say kill the guy!!

jk :stuck_out_tongue:

Call me what you will,but due to translation of books,movies and other sorts of art, I can never know things by their original name and thus I never heard of any of the movies/books you mentioned.

Meh,I’m pretty ignorant as far as names are concerned anyways…

Well, most people know him as the director of Hellraiser, so if you’ve never seen the characters in Orta’s post up above, don’t worry yourself too much about it.

I saw those guys before I think…
I recall the needle guy…

Or maybe that design just isn’t unique…

It is, but cigars are nice to smoke.[/quote]

Maybe I’m growing more mature, or maybe I’m just growing into my inner mod, but either way I cannot control my parental nature by asking…
…Exactly how old are you again, young lady? evil eye

I think the lass was joking… or at least I hope so <.<

Daz is a girl??


I got a cigar from my good ol’ grandad. He thought that if he showed me and my brother how evily they tasted, we wouldn’t smoke them. I thought they tasted nice. I’m weird.

I’m bumping this back up. Remember, if you need to ask a question that doesn’t deserve it’s own topic, ask it here.

Cigars are best served with whiskey and poker matches in my opinion.
although they should carry a warning about that icky grey fuzz that forms on yer tongue. ick!

Icky grey fuzz?

Reason #234 why I don’t smoke. Mostly it’s because it chokes me to death.