Status names

You have a complex about my posts :stuck_out_tongue:
You always think Iā€™m saying something bad or rantingā€¦

Iā€™m just tired.

This was in an american board btw.[/quote]

wtf does that have to do with anything?

Letā€™s not get started.

See what I mean?Your not the only one Shadow :stuck_out_tongue:

Neil:Reread what Shadow said before I posted that.He said something about in my territory and I thought he meant UK.

The ranks are indeed related to the number of posts:

Nomad - 0
Caravan Dweller - 10
Hunter - 30
Coolia Breeder - 60
Meccania Citizen - 100
Liberal District Citizen - 150
Holy District Citizen - 210
Wormrider - 280
Seeker: Quester - 360
Seeker: Guardian - 450
Seeker: Compiler - 550
Imperial Citizen - 660
Imperial Solider - 780
Imperial Officer - 910
Dragonmare Cavalry - 1050
Dragon Rider - 1200

The Third Mod (Arcie)
The Dark Dragoon (Gehn)
Schizoid Seeker Schizoid (Neil)
Nobel Rebel (Shadow)
Rebellious Bioweapon (Me)
Lurking Biomonster (Atolm)
Fallen Hero (Geoffrey Duke)
Teasing Interface Drone (Abadd)

Coolia Dung (Spammer Rank)

The people with special ranks are either mods, people close to me or old timers who have asked for a special rank. All ranks are somehow Panzer related with the exception of Arcieā€™s (an insiders joke). Iā€™m willing to give anyone who has been a member of the community for a decent amount of time (or participates lots) a new rank, so long as it is Panzer related.

Coolia Dung (Spammer Rank)

lol thats great ;p

You canā€™t blame him though =P Even I thought it was a bit random, though thatā€™s because you and I were on totally different wavelengths xD

Yeah this seemed like a interdimensional gate :stuck_out_tongue:

Interdimensional gate?

ā€¦ Okay. I have no idea whatā€™s going on anymoreā€¦

Shadow made a comment that Gehn and he were on different wavelengths. Gehn took the metaphor further by saying they were on different dimensions, and that communicating is like an interdimensional portal.

Hope that clears it up.

Uh, okayā€¦

(God, I hate metaphorsā€¦)


Donā€™t worry about it Amber =P

ā€¦ Itā€™s nice to know somebody off the internet who calls me by my real name. I get less confused.

How could I resist? Your name rocks.

Yeah, my first name rocks, my middle name isnā€™t really a name, and my last name is in the title of a movieā€¦

Amber Beatrice Matrix?


Amber Glee McMullen.

Amber= bug caught in treesap

Glee= emotion, not a name

McMullen= The Brothers McMullen

Happy Sappy! XD

As you can see, my mom had a field day in naming me. I could have had the same last name as my father, but then my name would be ā€œAmber Fields.ā€


Your nickname is now Happy Sappy, btw =)