Status names


How does your status grow? Can i chose it or does it progress with the amount of posts i post. I don’t really like Nomad! lol

However many posts you have. :slight_smile: I’ve been working on my status for quite a while.

I think it progresses with the amount of posts. I think.

Yeah. I’m pretty positive it is the posts. I mean, how else could you get your rank up on the forums?

being nice to the mods? :slight_smile:


It is possible.

Well, mine’s is unique. So there.

Either you are born a loser or a Dark Dragon Dragoon :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine’s also unique :stuck_out_tongue:

…Just don’t start (or continue in some ppl’s case heh) spamming to raise it…

Kudos for pointing that out Alex. You get a cookie :slight_smile:

Al3x is the one true PD fan on these boards :slight_smile:

Yeah, let’s just go ahead and discard Geoff, Solo, and Lance. They suck rolls eyes

I dunno what your criteria is but I was beeing sarcastic anyways.

Ain’t I a true PD fan?Ain’t you?

I was being sarcastic too

Still, you must have sed some criteria…

Yey, i’m a caravan dweller!

I’m a mod! Watch me delete every one of your posts!





Yep, that’s right, it says I’m a mod, but I’m not. Lucky you.

[quote=“Arcie”]I’m a mod! Watch me delete every one of your posts!





Yep, that’s right, it says I’m a mod, but I’m not. Lucky you.[/quote]

Yeah, lucky us. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Arcie”]I’m a mod! Watch me delete every one of your posts!





Yep, that’s right, it says I’m a mod, but I’m not. Lucky you.[/quote]

you can’t edit posts. I, one the other hand, can, and don’t you forget it 0:)