Status names

I think ir is unfair even for a administrator to able to edit other people’s posts.Delete them is ok but not editting…

No, deleting them would be to make it as if it did not exist at all.

All we do when we edit them is delete the original message and in its place put “[This post has been edited due to (insert offense here)]”

Are you sure 'bout that?

looks at Neil questioningly


Oh… Okay. You’re just the kind of person I’d expect to just screw somebody’s post up for revenge. I have the utmost respect for people like that. :slight_smile:

Oh my…so TWOTA has a mod system similar…GAMEFAQS!?


What is with the "u"s at the end of “no?”

Not quite. We can do what we want, we just choose to restrain ourselves :slight_smile:

0.0 I’m not messing with you Neil.

Am I? I don’t know if I am or not…

In what context? 0:)

Neil has no power on this bored.

You put in the wrong kind of “board,” Shadow, and I am aware that he has no power on this board. I just don’t want to make anyone pissed off at me.

shhh!! >.<

I think my error shows you all my state of mind right now.

It’s similar to the diliberate use of the number “1” at the end of exclamation marks: there because they can be.



[quote=“Neil”]No, deleting them would be to make it as if it did not exist at all.

All we do when we edit them is delete the original message and in its place put “[This post has been edited due to (insert offense here)]”[/quote]

The thing is I was once edited (in a another board) and the mod said bad things on my behalf.That’s not very good.And since we can never be 100% about someone’s evil side…

This, I find hard to believe. Though since it isn’t on my territory I’ll stay out of it.

Hard to believe?Why?Don’t you know stupid people?

This was in an american board btw.

Oooh… I thought you meant on another board on these forums.