Yup, you have the right to bash them, I didn’t tell you not to do it. Don’t put words in my mouth.
If you think Sonic Wii looks like a DC game then you are blind. Everyone else (including in these forums) who saw it thinks it looks good so I guess you saw a different game? Anything else is up to Sega. It could have had less nice graphics and be off-rails or it could look as good as Mario Galaxy and still be more open than any other Sonic game. It’s all up to Sega what kind of game they create and not the “joke specs”. Get it? Sega makes the game, if it sucks it’s their fault. As simple as that. of course if it’s a bad game you’ll applaud Sega for it because that’s the nature of idiotic hatred.
Metroid Prime 3 is a FPS and the Wii offers better control and in turn gameplay. In what console FPS is it possible to actually jump behind an enemy while shooting them in the head as you pass above them? It’s not possible in any other due to the crappy gamepads. When I get far more freedom of movement I can appreciate it as it expands my options. Does it offer anything completely new as a FPS? Nope, not really but which 360 game of the style does? Gears of War? Killzone did the cheap “duck and cover” trick ages ago. Or maybe Halo? This is where your trademark LOL fits in.
I did notice that you like Super Mario Galaxy, it’s one of my points later on so I guess you didn’t notice or understand what I was talking about at all.
Also, if you think that those games require “waving your arms around for hours on end” then I guess you once again have been watching different videos than everyone else. Or talking bullshit once again just to bash Nintendo. I’ll go for the latter.
You are right that more power can bring new gameplay but I don’t see any X360 game that couldn’t work better on the Wii due to the control system, even if it had less impressive graphics. I’m not a graphics whore, else I really would have never been a Sega fan. I appreciate gameplay and art direction more.
I do however see many games that can work on the Wii but end up as boring caricatures on other consoles’ gamepads. How about any tennis game? That’s one game that I’ll enjoy waving my arms around instead of pushing a button, thanks. Or anything with sword fighting like Red Steel. Or any first (or third) person shooter since I enjoy aiming lightgun-style rather than using a crappy analogue stick. But again you call that “waving around” and you dislike it. Ridiculous.
Since you bring up the GC sales isue, remind me how many consoles Sega used to sell, and yet they still could make great games just like Nintendo and you were a fan. I’m certain Nintendo will sell better than the GameCube this time around, which I’m also sure that many of its owners aren’t disapointed for the purchase given some of the games they got (and are still getting).
And since you say Microsoft and Sony don’t think Nintendo is a competitor this time around. Well, they are right to think so in a way as with that price point people CAN buy another console as well. However they both are companies that once mocked Nintendo but now also recognise its qualities (and attempt to copy them in Sony’s case), just like most everyone else (including previous non-believers, except you) after E3. That was my only point there and it still stands regardless of how much you hate it.
That’s what the last paragraph was a reply to, I didn’t put any words to your mouth. If it’s all about being “the market leader” then why were you ever (and still are I guess) a Sega fan as Sega (almost) never was the market leader? I guess you change beliefs as it suits your arguments. And I don’t simply listen to Nintendo when I think they will do better than with the GC, I do however believe the general response online since, once again, after E3, you are the only person I’ve seen talk negative about the Wii. Not the media, not analysts, not any of the people that bashed them beforehand. Just you, with stupid hate fueled arguments that don’t stand anywhere.
Omg, Sonic Wii sucks so NCL and Wii suck (even though I’m impressed by Mario Galaxy, that doesn’t matter, it’s a game that apprently breaks the laws of physics so it’s good when Nintendo and the system simply CAN’T BE GOOD!) while Sega pwns and they will make Sonic next-gen awesome and worth to play. Ridiculous. The joke here is your hatred that makes you bring 10 year old-like arguments, not the Wii’s specs and especially not the controller.