Sonic Next Gen . Graphics To Die For

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]The voice isn’t has bad as you’re making out and doesn’t sound that much diff . I just think you’re making a big deal out of nothing .
And yes Robotnik is more PC that’s why his name was changed from Eggman inthe USA/Europe .[/quote]

But they’ve changed it back to ‘Eggman’ now, is what I’m on about. And I can’t see the reason for the change NOW when everyone’s used to ‘Robotnik’ over here. And his new voice sounds heinously different! He sounds like he’s gone soft! The gruffness has gone.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Ah Sonic not driving it mate , I guess you must have been so pissed of with Sonic II or Sonic Adv. What was the point of Tails in a Plane give that he can fly. Again you’re making a BIG deal out of nothing . Seeing as the SONIC levels look mint and true the series.

And in parts Sonic or his friends have used planes, snowboards ect at some point inthe games[/quote]

Yes, I know Sonic isn’t driving it. I didn’t say he was, read my post again. The point of Tails using a plane is because he’s weak and gets tired easily when he tries to fly. The point of the snowboard… well… have you ever tried running in deep snow? The point of Shadow using a car is… um. BECAUSE IT’S COOL MAN! </Sonic Team exec impersonation>

Not doubt its still ealry code and when the Japanese version finished it will have a name change in the USA for the text at least . Or maybe SEGA woke up to the fact that the name Eggman wasn’t that Offensive inthe 1st place . In saying that they used Eggman in Sonic Racers

[/code] The point of Tails using a plane is because he’s weak and gets tired easily when he tries to fly. The point of the snowboard… well… have you ever tried running in deep snow? The point of Shadow using a car is… um. BECAUSE IT’S COOL MAN! </Sonic Team exec impersonation>


I don’t know SONIC did a bang up job of it in SONIC Adv
Point is there’s to be cool just like having Sonic use a snowboard even to go down a street in Sonic Adv II . I bet that Shadow part makes up 0.01% of the final game anway , well it better be .[/quote]

The problem with the Robotnik/Eggman thing is that the Robotnik name made sense in context with the games. a guy who imprisoned animals to operate his huge robotic machines. it was to the point and all the kids got it.
Eggman just doesn’t make sense since there is no egg fetish in the game is their? I don’t see why SOA decided to change the name to the japanese version. Are they’re going to call BARE KNUCKLE 4 instead of SOR4 in the west?

As far as SONIC THE HEDGEHOG next gen goes its not a true Sonic title if it has two variations of Sonic in the game. One driving vechiles and the other using a machine gun…

Sonic by himself or with Tails and thats it in my mind consitutes a Sonic game with metal Sonic returning with the non stop action.

For some reason SONIC WILD FIRE is the game that the 15th anniversary game is meant to be. Sonic being solo.

And it looks sweet to… Quite next gen-ish if you ask me, even though it runs on a so called very underpowered system :anjou_embarassed:

I don’t see why they changed the name in the first place! Just what is so politically incorrect about “Eggman”? The only thing they’d have to fear is getting sued by surviving Beatles members.
Regardless, I find it odd that they never changed the egg related puns. Like the Death Egg.


And it looks sweet to… Quite next gen-ish if you ask me, even though it runs on a so called very underpowered system :anjou_embarassed:[/quote]

Looks good. I’m still not sure how Sonic will work with the Wii’s control setup, but I’m sure Sega have some good ideas in mind.

the thing is tho, looking at that game where you control sonic by tilting the controller left and right… it doesn’t really appeal to me. I would much prefer a more… normal sonic game

I hope this isn’t the only sonic game the wii will have at launch…

[quote=“Scott”]the thing is tho, looking at that game where you control sonic by tilting the controller left and right… it doesn’t really appeal to me. I would much prefer a more… normal sonic game

I hope this isn’t the only sonic game the wii will have at launch…[/quote]

You look over Mario (to me looked awesome) Red Storm and Money Ball and the Wii is like some sort of sick joke and all the rest looked so gimmicky is untrue .
I’ve always said that controler was a joke , in 2 years time those pathteic specs and that joke of a wand will bight NCL onthe Bum.

Sonic Next gen onthe other hand is amazing

Bullshit, don’t try to make your Nintendo hatred appear as a conclusion based on facts. You don’t deserve a reply better than that but I’ll go ahead and write one anyway.

The “Sonic next-gen” graphics are possibly better than the Wii Sonic game but it also looks impressive in its own right. Personally, I prefer the looks of the Wii game since it’s more cartoony and less “omg it’s a REAL bipedal blue hedgehog”!

Anyway, if the actual game is bad nobody is to blame other than Sega. Not the controller, not the Wii’s specs, but Sega alone. So feel free to bash the game itself (assuming you know what you’re talking about) but know where to direct the bashing.

Games like Metroid Prime 3, Red Steel and Super Mario Galaxy prove you can have gameplay that doesn’t lack in complexity from anything seen on the other consoles and yet is intuitive and easy to play.

As for calling it a gimmick that will wear off, well, the same can be told for better graphics since they’ll be common after sometime and nothing special. Myself, I’d rather play a game that feels more real than a game that looks more real.

Metroid Prime 3 with its lightgun-style aiming, the way you activate levers using your own arm, and the way the grapple beam works, is a good example of things to come for the Wii. Feel free to not care about it, but just like PC gamers simply won’t accept anything less than a mouse for FPS, RTS, etc games, people who get to use the Wii will not want to go back to the old controllers for such games. Not to mention games that simply won’t be possible on them, atleast not without extreme compromises.

Both Sony and Microsoft pretty much agree that Nintendo will be number two this generation, of course they are arguing over who is going to be number one. Do you claim to know the market better than three mega corportations that all agree on the qualities of the Wii? Keep in mind often companies and analysts etc bashed the Wii before its appreance but after E3 everyone has only had good things to say overall (the worst I’ve read so far is that the Zelda port wasn’t as good as it could be - of course it wasn’t even complete).

By the way, the DS has been selling like hot cakes, millions upon millions of units since its debut, despite having what no doubt can be considered a gimmick, despite all the Nintendo haters bashing it and saying it’s shit, and despite having the much more powerful PSP as its direct (even if more expensive) competitor.

Nintendo provide modest expectations for the Wii, saying it should sell two to three times better than the GameCube did. They might as well end up as #3 of the race once again but they will be in good standing, make profits, and keep making games. I’m sure they can do better but, even if not, it’s still a considerable number that will guarantee good third party support and many AAA in-house titles for years.

[quote]Bullshit, don’t try to make your Nintendo hatred appear as a conclusion based on facts. You don’t deserve a reply better than that but I’ll go ahead and write one anyway.

Hey if I want to bash NCL it is more than my right too. They aren’t gods and those spec’s are a joke in my view . I never tried to make out it was FACT, so get real. And for a hater this is the hater than spent a arm and a leg on importing the likes of N64, Cube and Snes and ratting the Snes more than the MD (dispite being a SEGA lover) so go and figure !

Its looks like a Dreamcast game with poor draw in , and the whole idea of it and setting looks rubbish (On rails my ass).

gameplay will be all SEGA’s but those specs do not help developers at all and the idea of SONIC being on rails sounds poor to me , ok ?.

If you care to read I said that Mario looked awesome I like the sound of MonkeyBall and Red Steel , the rest look poor imo. And from what I saw MP or Mario don’t offer anything new or the Cube versions , most of the controlers go be done just as good if not better onthe Pad.

You might like the idea of waving your arms around for hrs on end , I do not

More memory and better audio and better graphics can make new gamplay possible. Sure yeah the PS.Sat could hade done WaveRace 64 but it could never handle the pyshics of the waves . The power of the N64 made that game possible more tha the control of the N64 .

Saturn could have done JSR but it would never had looked or sounded as good. Graphics and Sound made that gam just as much the thg gameplay, same goes for REZ

LOL you just don’t get it, do u.
They’re only saying that as they see the Wii has no threat ,

remind me again how many CUBE’s they sold , even SEGA can be a market leader in a market they control.

Stop puting words in my mouth I never ever said NCL would lose money . The Wii will go on to sell 20 million copies and NCL make a mint . That’s not the point its about being a market leader and thus getting the best 3rd party support why I just don’t see happing .

Also NCL said the N64 DD was the 2nd coming , the Virtual Boy was the new thing and the CUBE was made with easy of use for 3rd party developers in mind and how they were working on 30 In-House projects (which they never got close to) . So just becasue NCl says it, does not mean its going to happen

Yup, you have the right to bash them, I didn’t tell you not to do it. Don’t put words in my mouth.

If you think Sonic Wii looks like a DC game then you are blind. Everyone else (including in these forums) who saw it thinks it looks good so I guess you saw a different game? Anything else is up to Sega. It could have had less nice graphics and be off-rails or it could look as good as Mario Galaxy and still be more open than any other Sonic game. It’s all up to Sega what kind of game they create and not the “joke specs”. Get it? Sega makes the game, if it sucks it’s their fault. As simple as that. of course if it’s a bad game you’ll applaud Sega for it because that’s the nature of idiotic hatred.

Metroid Prime 3 is a FPS and the Wii offers better control and in turn gameplay. In what console FPS is it possible to actually jump behind an enemy while shooting them in the head as you pass above them? It’s not possible in any other due to the crappy gamepads. When I get far more freedom of movement I can appreciate it as it expands my options. Does it offer anything completely new as a FPS? Nope, not really but which 360 game of the style does? Gears of War? Killzone did the cheap “duck and cover” trick ages ago. Or maybe Halo? This is where your trademark LOL fits in.

I did notice that you like Super Mario Galaxy, it’s one of my points later on so I guess you didn’t notice or understand what I was talking about at all.

Also, if you think that those games require “waving your arms around for hours on end” then I guess you once again have been watching different videos than everyone else. Or talking bullshit once again just to bash Nintendo. I’ll go for the latter.

You are right that more power can bring new gameplay but I don’t see any X360 game that couldn’t work better on the Wii due to the control system, even if it had less impressive graphics. I’m not a graphics whore, else I really would have never been a Sega fan. I appreciate gameplay and art direction more.

I do however see many games that can work on the Wii but end up as boring caricatures on other consoles’ gamepads. How about any tennis game? That’s one game that I’ll enjoy waving my arms around instead of pushing a button, thanks. Or anything with sword fighting like Red Steel. Or any first (or third) person shooter since I enjoy aiming lightgun-style rather than using a crappy analogue stick. But again you call that “waving around” and you dislike it. Ridiculous.

Since you bring up the GC sales isue, remind me how many consoles Sega used to sell, and yet they still could make great games just like Nintendo and you were a fan. I’m certain Nintendo will sell better than the GameCube this time around, which I’m also sure that many of its owners aren’t disapointed for the purchase given some of the games they got (and are still getting).

And since you say Microsoft and Sony don’t think Nintendo is a competitor this time around. Well, they are right to think so in a way as with that price point people CAN buy another console as well. However they both are companies that once mocked Nintendo but now also recognise its qualities (and attempt to copy them in Sony’s case), just like most everyone else (including previous non-believers, except you) after E3. That was my only point there and it still stands regardless of how much you hate it.

That’s what the last paragraph was a reply to, I didn’t put any words to your mouth. If it’s all about being “the market leader” then why were you ever (and still are I guess) a Sega fan as Sega (almost) never was the market leader? I guess you change beliefs as it suits your arguments. And I don’t simply listen to Nintendo when I think they will do better than with the GC, I do however believe the general response online since, once again, after E3, you are the only person I’ve seen talk negative about the Wii. Not the media, not analysts, not any of the people that bashed them beforehand. Just you, with stupid hate fueled arguments that don’t stand anywhere.

Omg, Sonic Wii sucks so NCL and Wii suck (even though I’m impressed by Mario Galaxy, that doesn’t matter, it’s a game that apprently breaks the laws of physics so it’s good when Nintendo and the system simply CAN’T BE GOOD!) while Sega pwns and they will make Sonic next-gen awesome and worth to play. Ridiculous. The joke here is your hatred that makes you bring 10 year old-like arguments, not the Wii’s specs and especially not the controller.

Then get real, and stop calling me a hater.

No, I saw draw in and dull backrounds , it looked like a DC game. Most like the idea of Wii Sonic, becasue they believe this to be true a SONIC game (just Sonic).

[quote]Metroid Prime 3 is a FPS and the Wii offers better control and in turn gameplay. In what console FPS is it possible to actually jump behind an enemy while shooting them in the head as you pass above them? It’s not possible in any other due to the crappy gamepads. When I get far more freedom of movement I can appreciate it as it expands my options. Does it offer anything completely new as a FPS? Nope, not really but which 360 game of the style does? Gears of War? Killzone did the cheap “duck and cover” trick ages ago. Or maybe Halo? This is where your trademark LOL fits in.

What are you on about mate. I could do that in Maken X onthe sh8t that was the DCpad , and you can do that in any FPS on the 360 Pad.
There’s nothing wrong with FPS on pads , in fact I much rather that than use the keyboard for a start . I don?t care much about originality I care about the game . FPS?s needs lots of Ram and good graphics chip set’s inthe main
BTW Exhumed sh8ts on any FPS by a long way .

haha so the woemen in NCL own PR vid isn’t waving her hand when playing Mario ??.

Then you are indeed no SEGA fan :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: SEGA always been about High tech and SEGA love thier graphics more than anybody .

What liked a cheap price helped the CUBE ? And a couple of years time, the CORE system will be cheap as chips anyway

Yeah and that cost them . SEGA should have been the market leader with the Saturn in Japan at he very least . And thats why SEGA were loosing money hand over fist onthe DC. Trying to reach as many gamers as possible . Number 1 and II is fine intoday’s market , number III is nonewhere.
That’ s what hurt the CUBE and why 3rd party’s or retail didn’t back it much.

I’ve “gotten real” that’s why I call you a hater, thanks. I won’t bother saying anything more since you just did some selective quoting and responded to minor issues that are backed by more major points in other paragraphs that you chose to completely ignore. Cheap and ridiculous, especially with some of the game examples you try to bring up.

Also, calm down when you type, it seems that when you are pissed off your typing is even worse which makes it even harder to make out what you are trying to say. I’m not trying to offend you as I understand English isn’t your first language, I’m just saying that in these sorts of threads you do worse which can only be explained by being upset…

And yet despite both of your bickering, Sonic 3 & Knuckles will probably still be more fun to play than either of them, given the history of Sonic games post 16-bit.

I never really argued about Sonic Wild Fire or whatever it’s called being a good/bad game. Or Sonic next gen being a good/bad game for that matter.

Though, since you mention it, to me it seems to be a faithful recreation of the 2D gameplay in 3D form. It’s not open-ended and you don’t travel everywhere but mostly just go forward insanely fast, relying on your reflexes to kill enemies, hop over stuff, do loops and dodge hazards of varied nature. Isn’t that how the 2D games were? Nobody complained about lack of freedom then (or recently with the portable Sonic games). It’s what Sonic was/is all about. Maybe Sega can pull it off well enough to be fun, maybe they will fail and it will simply suck, maybe something inbetween. It’s entirely up to them, it can work as a concept.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]I’ve “gotten real” that’s why I call you a hater, thanks. I won’t bother saying anything more since you just did some selective quoting and responded to minor issues that are backed by more major points in other paragraphs that you chose to completely ignore. Cheap and ridiculous, especially with some of the game examples you try to bring up.

Also, calm down when you type, it seems that when you are pissed off your typing is even worse which makes it even harder to make out what you are trying to say. I’m not trying to offend you as I understand English isn’t your first language, I’m just saying that in these sorts of threads you do worse which can only be explained by being upset…[/quote]

Oh its got nothing to do with me speaking Welsh. My grammar just as bad in both languages to say the truth.
I?m not being nasty or talking it personal , I?m just annoyed at every time I have a view on NCL you?re jumping on my back, and calling me a hater.

This hater , held the SNES In higher regard than the MD , and at that time wished SEGA could be as good as NCL in the Home. This hatter bought over 70 SNES games, 50 N64 games , and a few CUBE ones too, so a hater I?m not.
What I am, is a upset CUBE and N64 owner where NCL seemed to give up on both consoles midway through their lives, Then to make matters worse I keep reading that NCL is only about originality ect , and how they can do no wrong. So everytime I have a go at NCL it’s like I’m questioning GOD himself

Look if this forum was going in the 16/32 bit days , you would have seen me call SEGA Europe everything under the sun, never mind my thoughts on the 32X Would that make me a SEGA hater ? .
I?m voicing genuine concerns that NCL is heading in the wrong direction and the Wii is a mistake. Ok I could have worded those concerns better , but the Queens English was never my strong point

The press has given Nintendo enough bad publicity in the past (other than saying Mario and Zelda rock etc), similar to the bad (or no) publicity Sega got (btw Sega also gave up on consoles before their time but it was done for a reason, as they weren’t profitable and ended up killing them as a console developer).

This is the first time the press, media, mostly everyone is finally giving them some real credit about their home console plans and you, calling yourself a worried fan, are bashing them left and right… Calling the controller a joke when everyone who has gotten their hands on it has only good things to say… If you aren’t sure and you THINK it’s a mistake then don’t bash them before you see it for yourself if you can’t believe the general response.

I think it’s the best move Nintendo could have done for this generation. And it’s not just the controller it’s other things too like how they finally take online gaming (and not only gaming) seriously and the emulated games and all sorts of things.

If they had offered a console that was as powerful or more powerful than the 360, at the same price or whatever, but offered nothing new, I’m almost certain that nobody other than the hardcore Nintendo fans would really give a damn, similar to how things went for the Dreamcast (or hell, the Gamecube itself as its not that much behind the Xbox and is possibly better than the PS2)… They should try competing head on in the generation after this one, (having gotten a better standing for the Nintendo name) not right now.

You said Mario Galaxy impressed you so why not hold on to that thought and hope it’s not the only game that gets people interested (thankfully it really isn’t) and that things finally go well for them and for owners of their systems?

They most certainly won’t be the market leader but even as “the second console” they have the potential to do a lot better than with the GameCube. Really, if you have the new audience the Wii brings in (like the DS managed to do), + the PS3 owners that get the Wii as a second console, + the 360 owners that get the Wii as a second console, + the Nintendo fans, you end up having a solid base and more than enough potential profit for developers to bother supporting you so that you can have a console with more lifetime and more games than the GameCube. Likely not as many games as the PS3 (if it doesn’t flop) but enough.

There’s enough room for three companies if the third one is done in this way. There wouldn’t be room if it was attempting to offer the same things as the competitors and had they done that they would most certainly end up like Sega (outside the handheld market).

True about the Mega CD (my 2nd fav console btw) but the DC the Teams never let the machine down and kept making software long after the DC was canned and to be fair SEGA even kept the servers going for years . I don’t care what the press say . I know what I wnat in games and that what I go by

Ok fair point , I could have Worded it better than just saying it?s a joke . It? s more a disappointment and for many times of games going to be found wanting imo .

[quote]If they had offered a console that was as powerful or more powerful than the 360, at the same price or whatever, but offered nothing new, I’m almost certain that nobody other than the hardcore Nintendo fans would really give a damn, similar to how things went for the Dreamcast…

I’m not asking for the power of the 360 really but at least the power fo somthing like the Lindberd system . I just think the lack of grunt and more so the RAM will really hold back developers in a couple of years time

[quote]You said Mario Galaxy impressed you so why not hold on to that thought and hope it’s not the only game that gets people interested and that things finally go well for them?

Love I love Mario , Mario IV is still the best platfrom game I ever played. Much like Exhumed the Level desgin is sheer perfection . Mario is why I buy NCL system inthe 1st place. So I’m over the moon that it looks so good, but the trouble is the rest look a bit gimmicky imo.

[quote]They most certainly won’t be the market leader but even as “the second console” they have the potential to do a lot better than with the GameCube. Really, if you have the new audience the Wii brings in (like the DS managed to do), + the PS3 owners that get the Wii as a second console, + the 360 owners that get the Wii as a second console, you end up having a solid base to build from and more than enough potential profit for developers to bother supporting you so that you can have a console with more lifetime than the GameCube.

There’s enough room for three companies if the third one is done in this way. There wouldn’t be room if it was attempting to offer the same things as the competitors and had they done that they would most certainly end up like Sega (outside the handheld market).[/quote]

I take that point but for 3rd party and retail to support your console you need to see millions of sales and keep those gamers coming back inthe shop each week to buy new software/hardware .
I just see the Wii as another CUBE people just buying the odd game and going more to the 360/PS3 for thier major gaming fixes

I don’t know how those people can call it a “true sonic game” cos it has "only sonic"
As Parn said:

So if that wasn’t a true sonic game… we are all doomed


I don’t know how those people can call it a “true sonic game” cos it has "only sonic"
As Parn said:

be more fun to play than either of them, given the history of Sonic games post 16-bit.
So if that wasn’t a true sonic game… we are all doomed[/quote]

I don’t either , but thats what a lot of people thing . You right about Sonic III that wasn’t a true SONIC game in my eyes. It felt more like Mario .

Sonic should be about levels built around hime and his speed more than anything . On that score SONIC ADV, SONIC CD SONIC , SONIC II get it spot on