Sonic Next Gen . Graphics To Die For

To me it looks like a true Sonic, a faithful recreation of the 2D gameplay in 3D form. It’s not open-ended and you don’t travel everywhere but mostly just go forward insanely fast, relying on your reflexes to kill enemies, hop over stuff, do loops and dodge hazards of varied nature. And you do have the ability to go backwards (lifting the controller toward yourself or something) though it probably isn’t encouraged.

The gameplay looked quite exciting to me from the video I saw. The way those pillars fell over all those knife things fell on the ground in front of you giving you a split second to react etc.

The only thing I can see wrong with it is if they mess up the feel of the controls and if they make it repetitive. It’s all up to Sega and their gameplay and level design. I think it can end up rather good, just like Sonic R was different but still good (though hopefully better than that).

like you said about the repetitivness, that is also what i am afraid of. The style of gamplay in this sonic doesn’t really appeal to me… At the moment the wii is my console of choice, but the fact that its getting this game instea dof the next gen sonic the others are getting, my opinion is being swayed heavily…

Well it doesn’t mean this will be the only Sonic game the Wii ever gets…

And I wouldn’t pass final judgement on the game until it’s actually finished. So far we’ve seen all of one level. >.>;;

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]To me it looks like a true Sonic, a faithful recreation of the 2D gameplay in 3D form. It’s not open-ended and you don’t travel everywhere but mostly just go forward insanely fast, relying on your reflexes to kill enemies, hop over stuff, do loops and dodge hazards of varied nature. And you do have the ability to go backwards (lifting the controller toward yourself or something) though it probably isn’t encouraged.


How can it be a true SONIC when its on rails ???. I really don’t get this true Sonic too just becasue its only SONIC . Every since SONIC II we had new playable characters.
Sonic onthe Wii lookslike it lwill suffer repetitivness.

I hope Sonic Next gen plays more like Sonic Adv for my money along with Sonic CD the best SOINC game ever made

I’ve already explained my reasoning. I never said it’s because the game is Sonic only. Of course being Sonic only doesn’t automatically make it a non-true Sonic game either.

For that matter, being on rails doesn’t automatically make something a bad game. NiGHTS anyone?

Panzer Dragoon on foot is what they relate it to I think (of course this title proves your point anyway). Nights was for the most part a side scroller with pretty 3D scenery, not exactly what people call on-rails usually.

Anyway, the game looks good to me, maybe it sucks though, we’ll see.

Still, I don’t remember doing anything other than going forward in the 2D Sonic games (or the speed levels of Sonic Adventure), except maybe to explore some alternate route, and I’m sure Sonic Wild Fire will have some of those as well (and once again, you can stop and backtrack - though I imagine that’s in to let you go around obstacles you stumbled upon cos you didn’t play so good more than anything else).

Another good point. The speed stages of the Sonic Adventures were indeed just as lineair as Sonic Wild Fire will be. And even then I’m sure they’ll present some alternate stuff to do. But regardless, if it helps the game, being lineair is a good thing. Not everything has to try and be Oblivion.

Panzer Dragoon Zwei, anyone?

No thanks, I already have one. =D But yeah, that too is a valid example.


Panzer Dragoon Zwei, anyone?[/quote]

Almost evey shooter ever made in on rails . in SONIC you could back through the level to collect more rings to get onthe bonus stage ect.

I can’t think of many Platfrom games that are on rails

Well, as we pointed out earlier, some of the stages in the Sonic Adventure games were. Just a wee bit disguised though.