Sega Unveils Shadow the Hedgehog

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]While trawling through the Holy District, desperately searching for a topic about which I knew something, I stumbled upon the following:

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]I’ll stake
my money on it that PD RPG is being made right now as we speak[/quote]


Let’s cross our fingers!

So, what is the likelihood of this? What are the gaming-heads’ opinions on this possibility? :anjou_happy:[/quote]

It’ll just cause more arguments. I learned that when i first met Abadd here.
Most peoples positions in the likelihood of another PDRPG are clear. I’m obviously in the yes camp, Abadd and Arcie is in the Nay camp and most people like you are in “the hope togod they will” camp.

Actually… that’s not entirely accurate. I’m in the “hope to god they will” camp as well, but we’re not talking about whether or not they should. We’re talking about whether or not there actually is one in development.

See Abadd, were arguing about it already. :anjou_happy:

BOT: I watched the trailer to SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG. I noticed that he
does n’t seem to have a gun by default but CAN pick up a gun that an enemy has dropped and use it against them. I seem to recall pistol rifles and rocket launchers in that trailer. i figure if you don’t wanna use a gun in the game you don’t have to.

Back Off Topic (On Topic for a PD themed site)

All the mags i read are buzzing about Sega’s next slate of games but just giving people hints now and again. I even went to UK Resistance today and they were buzzing about an TBA game that they hinted that they played for an hour on Xbox. The problem is that I can’t tell if they were serious or taking the piss.

And as stated eleswhere AV only did minimal work on SFN which begs the question what are Smilebit doing?

It’s a shame that Sega of Japan is so hesitant to make a new Panzer Dragoon RPG, because Sega could blow everyone away with it. That’s certainly one way of upholding a reputation of technical excellence.

Sega should have spent all that money they wasted developing (and localizing) Virtua Quest on a new Panzer RPG instead; that would have been money better spent.


Yeah well we don’t even know Sega is n’t working on a PD RPG. All I know for definite is that Sega has TONS of projects to be revealed in the next coming months that has been in dev for over three years.

On the case of VIRTUA QUEST it was meant to be a pilot for a new anime show but it did n’t sell that well for Sega. So no anime will go ahead for it now.

Nothing was stopping Sega from turning Virtua Quest into a great example of its genre. If the concept was so poor, then why the hell was it given the green light in the first place? I just see it as a poor attempt to cash-in on the success of the Virtua Fighter series.

I mean, why be so hesitant to develop a new Panzer RPG when some of Sega’s best developers will be at the helm, yet green light a piece of garbage? I find this whole sordid affair rather mind-boggling.

As for what Sega has planned for the future, we will have to wait until E3 to find out; speculating won’t get us anywhere.

I ain’t speculating…

Of course you aren’t Goonnoy :slight_smile:

Team Andromeda : I don’t like generalizations because I think they are faulty.I’m not attracted by guns.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]
i don’t understand where you guys get the mentality that another RPG of PD is a joke to Sega. It’s a joke to YOU because your not open minded enough to think that there is a possible RPG of PD on the way. I’ll stake
my money on it that PD RPG is being made right now as we speak as well as a spiritual sequal to ETERNAL ARCADIA. All my years in supporting Sega
has told me to expect the unexpected and boy this week is the epitomy of that with all the Sega news weve heard recently.[/quote]

Sigh…The fact that another Panzer RPG is not on the way is not the collective forum users of TWOTA utilising the affirmations technique.

In the past, execs of SoJ have been given a nudge by various journalists: “How about a new Panzer Dragoon Saga then?”. The majority of them laughed it off as a joke. You see, using weird logic, Panzer Dragoon Saga did not sell that many units, therefore a sequel is not worth producing. That’s how the Japanese think of it. It’s all about the money, and the money isn’t guaranteed enough to give reason to invest.

"]Title: Sonic Championship (Sonic the Fighters)
Region: North America
System: Model 2B CRX (arcade)
Developer: AM2
Publisher: Sega of America
Notes: Sega of America was unsure about distributing this game in the US because they didn’t want Sonic to be associated with fighting. When the game was finally released, distribution was limited.
How the worm has turned!

I’d have to agree with Arcie that a new Panzer Dragoon game would probably not be as cost-effective as Sega would like. Shadow with a gun would be; a series which isn’t abandoning its original style in the hope of appearing ‘cooler’, wouldn’t.

I stumbled across a new trailer for this game earlier this morning… I’m not entirely sure where I downloaded it from, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find if anyone’s interested. In addition to the handgun that’s been commented on so much, it looks like you’ll be able to find and use:

  • A machine gun
  • A rocket launcher
  • Some kind of enormous sword weapon

…and that these weapons will play a pretty large role in the gameplay…

Sounds good.

If all goes well it’ll be like Quake 1 with robots and hedgehogs. That game’s 1-up mode got so much shitty press…

I can’t tell if you guys are being sarcastic or not.

In any case, Shadow the Hedgehog at least looks good. I know one or two of you can’t hide the fact that you’re keeping a close eye on the game. Of course, looks can be deceptive. Let’s hope that it doesn’t turn out to be little more than a third person shooter starring Shadow. That would be… disappointing to say the least.

What I’d like to know is whether the fact that Shadow the Hedgehog doesn’t have “Sonic” in the title will hurt its chances of success or not. We all know how stupid some consumers can be. :anjou_sigh:

Sounds dumb! :anjou_sigh:

I’m not being sarcastic. I LOVED the first Quake, and then when I heard Quake 2 was coming out, I was really chuffed. Then I saw screenshots and wanted to cry at the really, really dumb sci-fi theme it had gone onto. What’s wrong with Gothic architecture, nail guns, thunderbolts and those things that burp then blow up (Spawns)? That was so awesome. Now it’s…what were they called? Sproggs? Oh dear…

So yeah, maybe Shadow will actually achieve the mature “Sonic” game players have wanted for a while. As long as there isn’t bullet time, coz that’s cliched.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]I can’t tell if you guys are being sarcastic or not.

In any case, Shadow the Hedgehog at least looks good. I know one or two of you can’t hide the fact that you’re keeping a close eye on the game. Of course, looks can be deceptive. Let’s hope that it doesn’t turn out to be little more than a third person shooter starring Shadow. That would be… disappointing to say the least.

What I’d like to know is whether the fact that Shadow the Hedgehog doesn’t have “Sonic” in the title will hurt its chances of success or not. We all know how stupid some consumers can be. :anjou_sigh:[/quote]

The way they talking about the story I would n’t be suprised if SHADOW turns out to be related to Sonic somehow. but you gotta give it to Sega in attempting to make a darker themed cute platformer.

I read an article at IGN claiming that Shadow the Hedgehog is quite faithful to the Sonic Adventure series. Speeding through levels filled with loops etc is still the name of the game, only with the added twist of optional projectile weapons.

Also… Shadow can either side with or against either Dr. Robotnik or Sonic to decide his fate. Was Shadow a good hedgehog all along? Robotnik and Sonic will be the game’s final bosses depending on whom you side against, which sounds quite intriguing.

Chaos Control is obviously the “bullet time” (seen in games like Max Payne and Bloodrayne) of the Sonic universe. Slowing down time is nothing new anyway, even in The Matrix.

Actually the whole time thing reminded me of Blinx The Time Sweeper.
On a side note are they calling Robotnik,Robotnik again? or is it still Eggman?