Sega Unveils Shadow the Hedgehog


No Sega, you’re not “cool” by giving Shadow a gun, that’s just ridiculous. Give us a proper Sonic platform game without all these lame treasure hunts and gimmicky character switching. All every Sonic fan that I know just wants a console game featuring traditional Sonic gameplay, or a game with only Sonic and Shadow stages from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. But I guess that’s too much to expect, when guns, cars, and girls are the only things that make a game sell, right?

The trailer reeks of Sonic Heroes to be honest. I’d be very surprised if what we see in the trailer is running on a new engine.

Lets hope my first impressions turn out to be incorrect.

Basing my opinion solely on the trailer… this game looks like it is going to suck. Horribly. Time to go play some Sonic 3 & Knuckles. sigh

I can’t really picture the difference between this game’s gameplay and Adventure’s mechanics from afar.

All I know is that if a character were to be given a gun back in the day no one would object.

I don’t object to him being given a gun out of some goofy anti-violence thing. I object to it because it’s just plain stupid.

Oh my fucking God. Who the fuck is running things at Sega!? What kind of IDIOCY is this? >.<

You know what, I don’t want another Panzer Dragoon game anymore. Let me fucking treasure what I have without Sega ruining the good name of the series any further. The only thing I want from Sega now is a conclusion to the Shenmue series. I don’t think even they are capable of ruining that.

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]I can’t really picture the difference between this game’s gameplay and Adventure’s mechanics from afar.

All I know is that if a character were to be given a gun back in the day no one would object.[/quote]

I’m not so sure about that. Sonic has always been about speed. It’s about blasting through levels, going around loops, spinning into enemies, and -most importantly- being in total control of your character. The flow of Sonic is something that was not successfully implemented in Sonic Heroes IMO. This was partly due to the fact that you were playing as three characters and constantly had to switch between them to do something, which stopped the speed.

In Shadow the Hedgehog the switching between gun mode and running mode looks almost exactly the same as switching between Sonic and Knuckles in Sonic Heroes. When Shadow jumps and fires his gun he appears to “stop” in mid air. Now while I may be interpreting this movement in the trailer wrong, but a lot of the other movement looks very similar to Sonic Heroes which doesn’t make me very optimistic about this game.

Shadow: At least if the current Panzer team work on a new Panzer Dragoon game we can expect some good gameplay results, even if the art direction isn’t what you initially hoped for. With Sonic, however, what was once a winning gameplay formula seems to be getting worse and worse.

Sonic Heroes’ changes were as legit as Sonic Adventure’s.Maybe they wanted a game with a different formula when they thought Sonic Heroes up.

Just like when the PD series got Saga.

i read that sega was considering branching into the oil industry with all the exploration of rock bottom that they are doing.

i used to idolize yuji naka in the genesis/saturn days. i still… liked him in the dreamcast days. but now i consider him to be one of the worst developers. i have a sneaking suspicion that he was merely a figurehead on the great games that i used to attribute to him. i can see no other explanation for why he’s done such a 180 in the quality of his productions.

i’ve also cut my ties to that bastard of a hedgehog and all of his cursed kin.

Sonic Team American strike again, and to think some people want SEGA America to have a RPG studio and mabe even handle Panzer :anjou_sigh: .

I just hope this means Sonic Team Japan are working on the new Sonic game, while ST USA work on The Shadow loads of cr8p.

Still I bet the new Shadow game will be a million seller, the casual yanks will love this

What? Gun?! What rubbish! I can’t view this page because I’m on a school computer, but it sounds kinda weird and, well, dumb.

I haven’t actually played any of the new games… Sonic R was really my latest…! :anjou_embarassed: I don’t have any new consoles (can’t afford it… d’oh) and haven’t really read or heard much about the new generation of games. I do like the classic gameplay, though!

I suppose I have played some of the new games… do Sonic Advance and Sonic Pinball Party count?

Let’s hope that Shadow doesn’t become more popular because he’s apparently ‘cooler’. :anjou_sigh:

Hmm… well to be honest, I don’t think this is such a bad thing. The game itself looks bad, certainly; it’s a sort of tasteless whoring out of everything that’s shallow and mainstream in the Sonic franchise, and it seems to be aimed entirely at the current generation of Sonic fans rather than those who’ve been around since the 16-bit days. But then again, Sega has long been in need of a franchise that it can fall back on and milk for cash in order to help support the company as a whole: Shadow the Hedgehog looks like it could be it. This game is practically guarenteed to sell more than Sonic Heroes, which was one of Sega’s biggest sellers of the last year (their biggest seller?) simply because it has Shadow as its main character; as mediocre as this may be as a game, as a fundraiser it looks pretty sound.

Personally I’m not going to grudge Sega making this in the same way that I don’t grudge Nintendo for churning out new Pokemon games year after year; these companies need money-spinning franchises that the kids love, and this is definitely pitched at the kids who love modern Sonic games rather than the long-time fans. They’ll be happy because they get to play as Shadow with a gun, Sega will be happy because they actually have some cash, and hopefully we’ll be happy when that cash funds games that we’ll want to play ourselves. Hopefully.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Sonic Team American strike again, and to think some people want SEGA America to have a RPG studio and mabe even handle Panzer :anjou_sigh: .

I just hope this means Sonic Team Japan are working on the new Sonic game, while ST USA work on The Shadow loads of cr8p.[/quote]

I could be mistaken, but I was under the impression that there was only the one Sonic Team - based in Japan, but who had worked in the US on some past projects, and who had changed and mixed around a fair bit over the years. If that’s wrong, could anyone link me to a description of who these separate teams are?

I’ll probably buy it anyway. I like Shadow as a character, and I enjoyed getting massive scores on the shooting levels of SA2.

My days of being a Sega purist are long gone. Especially since it’s now spectacularly limiting to be so.

Sonic Team USA are made up of what was left of STI members (Who made Sonic II/3/S&K) and some SEGA Team Japan staff . They worked on Sonic Heroes and Sonic Adv II. While Sonic Team JP made, Sonic, Sonic CD, Sonic Adv, and the PSO ect.

Here’s the link

Thanks; I really wasn’t aware of that.


I wonder though: will purists be happy if at least half of the game involves running through levels at breakneck speeds?

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Sonic Team American strike again, and to think some people want SEGA America to have a RPG studio and mabe even handle Panzer :anjou_sigh: .

I just hope this means Sonic Team Japan are working on the new Sonic game, while ST USA work on The Shadow loads of cr8p.

Still I bet the new Shadow game will be a million seller, the casual yanks will love this[/quote]

Why would a game that is preceived to be shit would effect a potential RPG american studio not coming out with good games? That logic is flawed.

It was obvious Sega was planning a spin off title when they did that poll about SONIC early in the month. Sega is just doing what Nintendo has succesfully done for a decade now by making games from their mascot’s supporting cast.

It was going to be inevitable that Sega would have done the same. On another note I don’t think this is the game that yuji Naka was talking about.
And if that’s the case then won’t these titles somehow clash with each other?
Unless SHADOW is going to be multiplatform and SONIC is a NGC exclusive…

I’ll reserve judgement until i get a chance to play the game. Neither of us can say what the game will be like to play when no one outside Sega has played it yet. Too many SoothSayers in this forum…

What’s surprising to me is how people talk of Sonic as if it wasn’t a mainstream/commercial license in the past.

It’s certainly been a commercial success, but I wouldn’t say that Sonic has ever been mainstream in the past, particularly… it’s only with Sonic Heroes, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Adventure DX that the series seems to have really become popular with casual gamers. I mean that in the sense that the Dreamcast wasn’t a mainstream-popular console, so Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 didn’t get this kind of exposure the first time around; and although more or less every Genesis / Mega Drive owner owned a Sonic game, gaming as a whole wasn’t a mainstream phenomenon in those days.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Sonic Team American strike again, and to think some people want SEGA America to have a RPG studio and mabe even handle Panzer :anjou_sigh: .

I just hope this means Sonic Team Japan are working on the new Sonic game, while ST USA work on The Shadow loads of cr8p.

Still I bet the new Shadow game will be a million seller, the casual yanks will love this[/quote]

Why would a game that is preceived to be shit would effect a potential RPG american studio not coming out with good games? That logic is flawed.

It was obvious Sega was planning a spin off title when they did that poll about SONIC early in the month. Sega is just doing what Nintendo has succesfully done for a decade now by making games from their mascot’s supporting cast.

It was going to be inevitable that Sega would have done the same. On another note I don’t think this is the game that yuji Naka was talking about.
And if that’s the case then won’t these titles somehow clash with each other?
Unless SHADOW is going to be multiplatform and SONIC is a NGC exclusive…

I’ll reserve judgement until i get a chance to play the game. Neither of us can say what the game will be like to play when no one outside Sega has played it yet. Too many SoothSayers in this forum…[/quote]

I was on about style mate.

Look at it Guns and all that load of rusbbish so American. Much like with USA developed Sonic Extreme (with his huge Violent Metal Spikes). Just goes to show the diff in style that?s all mate.

Sonic is one of the few games that doesn?t feature any violence at all.
If SEGA really want to make two Sonic games they should make a 2D one in the style of Clockwork Night 1/II and a 3D one inthe style of Sonic Adv. That way everybody is happy.

Still thought like I said bet this sells a million in the West