Sega Unveils Shadow the Hedgehog

It’s funny how Sega spurt all this mainstream Sonic action shit, but haven’t pulled their fingers out of their arses to do a Sonic RPG. It would obviously sell, so why not?

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

Why would a game that is preceived to be shit would effect a potential RPG american studio not coming out with good games? That logic is flawed.

It was obvious Sega was planning a spin off title when they did that poll about SONIC early in the month. Sega is just doing what Nintendo has succesfully done for a decade now by making games from their mascot’s supporting cast.

It was going to be inevitable that Sega would have done the same. On another note I don’t think this is the game that yuji Naka was talking about.
And if that’s the case then won’t these titles somehow clash with each other?
Unless SHADOW is going to be multiplatform and SONIC is a NGC exclusive…

I’ll reserve judgement until i get a chance to play the game. Neither of us can say what the game will be like to play when no one outside Sega has played it yet. Too many SoothSayers in this forum…
I was on about style mate.

Look at it Guns and all that load of rusbbish so American. Much like with USA developed Sonic Extreme (with his huge Violent Metal Spikes). Just goes to show the diff in style that?s all mate.

Sonic is one of the few games that doesn?t feature any violence at all.
If SEGA really want to make two Sonic games they should make a 2D one in the style of Clockwork Night 1/II and a 3D one inthe style of Sonic Adv. That way everybody is happy.

Still thought like I said bet this sells a million in the West[/quote]

Well it is n’t a SONIC game it’s just a spin off so it won’t really make a difference. I find it funny that Sega never pushed Metal Sonic into his own game as he is way more popular than this guy is.

I agree with your sentiments about the american produced SONIC games. but these guys also produced COMIX ZONE which was a fave of mine…

The american made Sega games are ok until they touch SONIC which had supposedly a mixed heritage with american developers since the first game was made.

I doubt it would sell. The main appeal of Sonic is the speed of the game, to which RPGs would the opposite. Also, RPG’s generally don’t sell unless two very specific words are in front of a letter on their box.

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]Sonic Heroes’ changes were as legit as Sonic Adventure’s.Maybe they wanted a game with a different formula when they thought Sonic Heroes up.

Just like when the PD series got Saga.[/quote]

There’s nothing wrong with innovation - in fact it’s often a good thing (Panzer Dragoon Saga is a good example like you pointed out), but the problem with Sonic Heroes is that it just wasn’t a good game in so many little ways. It started off fun enough, but it got worse and worse as the game went on especially in levels where there was so much falling to your death. How can you have a game based on speed if you have to walk along carefully to avoid slipping over the edge? What made things really bad was when playing as Knuckles, you’d often fall to your death just from attacking one too many times… it got rather annoying after a while.

From the small amount that I played Knuckles Chaotix and the beta version of Sonic 4, I’ve come to the conclusion that controlling multiple characters at once can work… it just it didn’t in Sonic Heroes.

A Sonic shoot em up makes just about as much sense as a Shining Force hack and slash IMO.

Because if they tried that, it would turn into another Sonic Shuffle, which was pretty bad, atleast they won’t be braking their current pattern.

Actually, if the team behind Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door developed the game, it could turn out phenomonal.

Why am I reminded of the nigh-universal reaction to Phantasy Star Online Episode III? “OMG I’m not playing that, it’s, like, you know, Yu-Gi-Oh!” :anjou_sigh:

You’ve witnessed one short trailer of a game that’s just been announced and so is nowhere close to completion, and yet you’re proclaiming that it’s damned to ignominious failure? That seems rather presumptuous at best and frankly obnoxious at worst.

I have no objections to the inclusion of a gun - What did all those Buzz Bombers fire at Sonic? What was that attachment to E-102 Gamma’s arm?

Indeed, call me brutalised by all that gothic imagery in Warhammer 40,000, but I’ve always found the happy-clappy dayglo-neon fuzzy’n’cuddly aspect of SegaSonic rather irksome, to be brutally honest. Why can’t the series try something more macabre? Will the cosmos implode if it did? Sega has been a company founded on INNOVATION - Sega is remaining true to its mission statement. Whilst I agree that the gun’s aesthetics probably need an idiosyncratic redesign - just having a basic Desert Eagle-esque automatic pistol does seem rather clich? - there’s nothing at all wrong with the concept.

As for the alleged faults in the physics engine - did none of you read my article on the Emerald Dragon? :anjou_happy:

As long as most of the game revolves around running through levels at lightening speed, then it might not be a complete waste of our time. Time will tell, as always.

Sure, Sega’s been one of the more innovative developers… but do tell, what exactly is innovative about Shadow The Hedgehog?

He’s black and doesn’t talk like a gangsta. That’s pretty original in vid games nowadays.

he does to me… :anjou_sad:

“Bo-ya-ka-sha. Ahm Shadow da Hedgehog. Ahm the ultimate life form, moth******er, doncha know it.”



Well, gee, Rob, if you hadn’t cut off the first part of my quote you would’ve seen that I acknowledged EXACTLY THAT FACT BEFORE STATING MY OPINION.

So you wanna cut me some Goddamn slack?

I think the game might be good. It’s not a Sonic game, it’s a spinoff. The fact that Shadow has a gun does look out of place, but I think it would add to the fun-factor (I really hated bouncing attacks in the 3D Sonic games)

IMO, the biggest problem with SA 2 and Sonic Heroes was the fact that it was so easy to fall off levels, especially when jumping from rail to rail (grinding was a lame addition). I think for Sonic to work in 3D, the levels have to be wide open, falling to one’s death in the 2D Sonic games wasn’t a problem, but in 3D it just doesn’t seem right. I hate the fact that in lots of levels I have to stop running and start walking so that I won’t fall off the sides of ramps. It’s like they didn’t even finish the levels.

Sonic Adventure 1 was great though.

Still completely flawed logic I’m afraid.

A) If an American Sega RPG studio was created, it wouldn’t mean it would have the same people that are creating this game. But even it did, one crappy possibly low budget quickly created title doesn’t mean it’s all they can do. If that was the case then all of Sega would be considered shit with no hope regardless of the location.

B) A lot of amazing RPGs have been developed in the USA, a lot of them without including any sort of guns (not sure why that’d matter but hey, lol). Maybe they are not to your liking but you can’t deny their quality and depth. I’m sure that many, many Japanese created RPGs aren’t to your liking either anyway.

C) Us Sega fans are not some kind of special race. We enjoy and trasure things like Panzer Dragoon because of their quality, not because of our mutated genes. That kind of people can and do exist on the developer side as well since they are simply humans just like us.

D) The equivalent of this sad and illogical attempt to justify being against an American Sega RPG studio would be for me to mention every single crappy - and off topic - Japanese game in order to “effectively prove that the Japanese do not make good RPGs so Sega shouldn’t create another Japanese RPG. Ever.”

*Wonders if something’s wrong with Geoffrey since he hasn’t said anything in the related threads to show that he believes that the west CAN create great RPGs *

Oh yeah, another thing… In the Saturn days it seemed almost every title used a newly created or nicely updated graphics engine… But now it seems almost every Sega title in the last years uses the same one? Has the Sonic games engine really be improved in any ammount that matters since the first Sonic Adventure? Whatever happened to attempting to develop something better that takes advantage of the consoles more effectively… I guess PDO is the first and only attempt we’ll be seeing in that aspect… Wonder why they don’t atleast use that tech tho and instead go for something completely outdated and featureless like the bland engines most generic Sega games use…



Huh? That’s your own signature, right…?

If this image did exist, I wonder what it was…

I think it was a Dreamcast Nights sequel mock up image with the title

another dream

It was very nicely made but a tad too high (in pixels) for a forum sig imo.


Still completely flawed logic I’m afraid.

A) If an American Sega RPG studio was created, it wouldn’t mean it would have the same people that are creating this game. But even it did, one crappy possibly low budget quickly created title doesn’t mean it’s all they can do. If that was the case then all of Sega would be considered shit with no hope regardless of the location.

B) A lot of amazing RPGs have been developed in the USA, a lot of them without including any sort of guns (not sure why that’d matter but hey, lol). Maybe they are not to your liking but you can’t deny their quality and depth. I’m sure that many, many Japanese created RPGs aren’t to your liking either anyway.

C) Us Sega fans are not some kind of special race. We enjoy and trasure things like Panzer Dragoon because of their quality, not because of our mutated genes. That kind of people can and do exist on the developer side as well since they are simply humans just like us.

D) The equivalent of this sad and illogical attempt to justify being against an American Sega RPG studio would be for me to mention every single crappy - and off topic - Japanese game in order to “effectively prove that the Japanese do not make good RPGs so Sega shouldn’t create another Japanese RPG. Ever.”

*Wonders if something’s wrong with Geoffrey since he hasn’t said anything in the related threads to show that he believes that the west CAN create great RPGs *[/quote]

I said the West makes good RPG’s they’re just made in a totally different look and style, compared to your typical traditional Japanese RPG?s.Yes I don?t like all Japanese RPG?s (Just like I don?t like all their games) FF 7 is one of the most overrated RPG?s I ever played.

Western RPG?s tend to be more realistic in look, where as the Japanese don?t mind the cute tiny character look. I like Western RPG?s, but there?s nothing that can touch the magic of Lunar and Saga for me.

Also I?m not against Western made games at all (I own a X-Box for haven sake), and had a lot of time even for Sega America back in the Mega CD days especially.
They were the 1st to make real use of the machine and show up SEGA JP and Japanese developers (apart from GameArts) with Batman Returns (awesome game) and the master of the scaling chip? John O?Brien (love to meet that guy). I love Star Breeze, and still have so much time for the sadly no more Lobotomy, along with the likes of of the Ex Lemon and Zyrinx (Scavenger). Thier efforts on the Mega Drive and Saturn will never be Forgotten. At the moment I loving playing Oddwrorld Stranger (so Western :)), and can’t wait for Conkers and Brother in Arms to come out

Just when it comes to RPG?s and racers you can?t beat the Japanese or SEGA Japan (for racers).

So don?t see the point in SEGA wasting money on new studios when the Japanese staff are more than good enough. That is the point I?m trying to make

As for point C). I really don?t know what the hell you?re on about, sorry

I agree with what you said about the old western developers that challenged the market’s preception on what the Genesis could n’t do,Treasure gets all the credit for pushing the Genesis hardware to do mode 7 effects though the people you mentioned did it before they joined Sega.

Recently Sega brought up Creative Assembly the people behind TOTAL WAR
for PC. These guys now with a big juggenaught like,Sega, behind them may venture into other genres like RPG or whatever because the development money is there. While Sega may not create an american RPG studio they may purchase a studio that just makes RPGs. This is definitely a possibility with SegaSammy throwing it’s cash about and buying smaller western studios. So far they have just concentrated on Europe,who knows when they announce their intentions for the States?