Sega Unveils Shadow the Hedgehog

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]I said the West makes good RPG’s they’re just made in a totally different look and style, compared to your typical traditional Japanese RPG?s.Yes I don?t like all Japanese RPG?s (Just like I don?t like all their games) FF 7 is one of the most overrated RPG?s I ever played.

Western RPG?s tend to be more realistic in look, where as the Japanese don?t mind the cute tiny character look. I like Western RPG?s, but there?s nothing that can touch the magic of Lunar and Saga for me.[/quote]

Panzer Dragoon Saga is a fair ammount more realistic looking than the average Japanese RPG so I don’t see why Americans not creating RPGs with cute sprites would matter in this.

Well, you come accross as that when you believe that because some decision was made to give Shadow a gun then any attempt to create an American RPG would include just as ridiculous references to things that shouldn’t have been in it.

Since when is expanding considered a waste of money? Why would an additional RPG studio be a waste since it’d mean more good RPGs could arrive to the stores and sell? Unless you think that Sega of Japan has been churning out a sufficient number of good RPGs as of late. Especially after seeing Bioware’s multimillion selling KOTOR games and the highly anticipated Jade Empire, there’s no real reason for a big corporation like Sega to not try and take advantage of that kind of talent that exists in these parts of the world.

Simply explaining to you that just as we love and adore Panzer Dragoon, American developers that take up the task of creating one can (and propably will after going into it or already do) do that as well, thus not fuse it with “American shit” or whatever you are against.

Western developers are more than capable of creating an RPG worthy of our time. However… whether or not they could continue what a Japanese team started is another matter entirely.

I just don’t know anymore. If you’re asking me whether I’d prefer games like V: TM - Bloodlines over Final Fantasy X, then the answer is a resounding yes. Just remember that Troika went out of business recently while Square-Enix is still thriving. What does that tell you?

As for making a Sonic RPG, I don’t see the point when Sega can trim its costs down to size by developing million-hit seller platform games. Making an RPG would mean making a bigger investment in something that may not yield the same return.

Like I wrote earlier, as long as Shadow the Hedgehog retains the speed of the older games, then it shows promise, even with the arguably superfluous gun.

What are the chances of this particular game not being the 3D Sonic game that Yuji Naka promised the world?

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]I agree with what you said about the old western developers that challenged the market’s preception on what the Genesis could n’t do,Treasure gets all the credit for pushing the Genesis hardware to do mode 7 effects though the people you mentioned did it before they joined Sega.

Recently Sega brought up Creative Assembly the people behind TOTAL WAR
for PC. These guys now with a big juggenaught like,Sega, behind them may venture into other genres like RPG or whatever because the development money is there. While Sega may not create an american RPG studio they may purchase a studio that just makes RPGs. This is definitely a possibility with SegaSammy throwing it’s cash about and buying smaller western studios. So far they have just concentrated on Europe,who knows when they announce their intentions for the States?[/quote]

Buying sombody CA makes sence, I’m not against that at all. SEGA JP doen’t really make those style of games, well theres Hundred swords (love to see a part 2) but thats’s about it.
It’s not like a new having a new racing studio in Europe. When you have Teams like Rosso and AM#2 that do more than a good enough Job .

As for the Mega Drive stuff…
Yep couldn’t agree more, it wasn’t just the likes of the Sonic Team or Treaure that pushed that system.
People should play the likes of Red Zone and Adv Of Batman & Robin (awesome multi sprite rotation ) To see what the MD could really do.

Plus the master Steve O’Brien pushed the Mega CD to it’s limits on his 1st Mega CD game (Batman Returns). Still to this day it looks amazing

[quote]Well, you come accross as that when you believe that because some decision was made to give Shadow a gun then any attempt to create an American RPG would include just as ridiculous references to things that shouldn’t have been in it.

If I thought like that, I wouldn’t buy the X-Box It’s hardly the most popular platform in terms of Japanese support.
I tell you the reason why Shadow was given a gun and that was exactly to appeal to the USA/West kids casuals markets.

GOD I’ll say this again I don’t care what the likes of Bioware get up too (That’s up to them), I care about SEGA, and the games ‘they’ make

What is the point of opening a new studio (hardly cheap), paying the staff for 2 years (Average time to make a RPG) When you already have staff more than good enough in Japan.
For better if that money was put towards SEGA at last giving us a new Shenmue , Saga, SOA.
That is the point I?m trying to make. If it was new studio that was handling games that SEGA Japan doesn?t do In-House then I would be for it (like say a FPS studio).

Still this is all a bit pointless as SOA isn’t going to open one :slight_smile:

Even if it’s a fact : WHY do westerners like guns more than japanese people?
Where do companies get this idea from?

Even if it’s a fact : WHY do westerners like guns more than japanese people?
Where do companies get this idea from?[/quote]

The West sold the Japanese their first guns in the late Victorian age, I believe. Also, Japanese gang movies involve martial arts, the Western ones involve guns. And then there’s the Western fascination with Columbine, Peter Sutcliffe and other really, really nasty things, whereas the Japanese (usually) are above that. (“The Ring” and “The Grudge” not included).

Sorry for the double post, but I’m rather dismayed at the amount of sheer moaning going on here. We’re talking about a video game, not an insane Bush policy to invade Antartica. Lighten up for Heaven’s sake. Just because the games we enjoyed in the past weren’t as mainstream as Final Fantasy et al doesn’t mean we should complain about any sequels which attempt to be mainstream.

My first console was a Master System, and the first game I played on it was Sonic 1. Imagine if a kid got the same joy I got out of Sonic 1 with Sonic Adventure 2. Does that make it any more wrong? In fact, Sega are now encouraging playing the old games with the Mega Collection series, so it’s not even like they’re trying to bury the past.

So Shadow gets his own game series. And he has a gun. BFD. Perhaps this is Sega’s way of removing Shadow from the main Sonic series, thus pleasing all those who hate Shadow and want him removed or “made dead again”, and also pleasing those who like Shadow and reincarnated him through their calls. Who knows?

I don’t know about the rest of the west, but America itself has a very bizzarre relationship with guns. Just look at the constant debates we have over gun control, something the rest of the world seems to have figured out a long time ago.

Are you sure?


[quote]What is the point of opening a new studio (hardly cheap), paying the staff for 2 years (Average time to make a RPG) When you already have staff more than good enough in Japan.
For better if that money was put towards SEGA at last giving us a new Shenmue , Saga, SOA.
That is the point I?m trying to make. If it was new studio that was handling games that SEGA Japan doesn?t do In-House then I would be for it (like say a FPS studio). [/quote]

The staff in Japan are likely doing other stuff. If that money was put towards a new RPG, it wouldn’t be a new Saga (Japanese staff laugh at the IDEA of a new Saga), it’s not likely to be an Arcadia sequel (which is already apparently in planning stages…) and Shenmue is all but dead in the water, which sucks, but the game was arguably before it’s time. No, a new studio is probably the best idea, as it will increase the quantity of games Sega pumps out, which is where they went wrong before.

Well, just look at the gun death rates for America compared to other first-world countries and I guarantee you’ll see a big difference.


Even if it’s a fact : WHY do westerners like guns more than japanese people?
Where do companies get this idea from?[/quote]

The West sold the Japanese their first guns in the late Victorian age, I believe. Also, Japanese gang movies involve martial arts, the Western ones involve guns. And then there’s the Western fascination with Columbine, Peter Sutcliffe and other really, really nasty things, whereas the Japanese (usually) are above that. (“The Ring” and “The Grudge” not included).[/quote]

The portuguese were the first to introduce both guns and christianism into Japan if I recall correctly.

What’s Columbine?

PS:I never understood weapon shops in American that’s for sure.

Columbine, as in the high school shooting at Columbine. Inspired the movie “Bowling For Columbine” by Michael Moore, examing America’s relationship with guns.

Ah yes I remember now.

I hate to add more scepticism to this topic, but something that’s occurred to me… that Loonatics / Buzz Bunny Newgrounds parody that Arcie linked to in the other topic.

  • Replace Buzz Bunny with Shadow, with his gun.
  • Replace Bugs Bunny with Sonic.
  • Surely this is the same thing?


Even if it’s a fact : WHY do westerners like guns more than japanese people?
Where do companies get this idea from?[/quote]

It?s just different tastes. Why do Horse Racing, Fishing , dating sims sell so well in Japan, yet bomb over here ?.
Dynasty Warriors is massive in Japan , yet in the West it hardly even resisters in the West.

Look at Football that’s massive in Europe and S. America , and more and more in Asia, Yet unless it’s women football the Americans couldn’t care less.


Are you sure?


[quote]What is the point of opening a new studio (hardly cheap), paying the staff for 2 years (Average time to make a RPG) When you already have staff more than good enough in Japan.
For better if that money was put towards SEGA at last giving us a new Shenmue , Saga, SOA.
That is the point I?m trying to make. If it was new studio that was handling games that SEGA Japan doesn?t do In-House then I would be for it (like say a FPS studio). [/quote]

The staff in Japan are likely doing other stuff. If that money was put towards a new RPG, it wouldn’t be a new Saga (Japanese staff laugh at the IDEA of a new Saga), it’s not likely to be an Arcadia sequel (which is already apparently in planning stages…) and Shenmue is all but dead in the water, which sucks, but the game was arguably before it’s time. No, a new studio is probably the best idea, as it will increase the quantity of games Sega pumps out, which is where they went wrong before.[/quote]

i don’t understand where you guys get the mentality that another RPG of PD is a joke to Sega. It’s a joke to YOU because your not open minded enough to think that there is a possible RPG of PD on the way. I’ll stake
my money on it that PD RPG is being made right now as we speak as well as a spiritual sequal to ETERNAL ARCADIA. All my years in supporting Sega
has told me to expect the unexpected and boy this week is the epitomy of that with all the Sega news weve heard recently.

As for SHADOW, I don’t understand the hubbabaloo about this game. If it’s getting this much of a reaction because he has a gun from gamers than Sega PR is on to a winner and may milk this "controvesy"as a publicity stunt to get the usual suspects out of the woodwork and trying to ban the game.

Are you guys forgetting that SONIC is the anti Mario? That he had attitude
when he first came out. Sonic is n’t about happy little things it’s about smashing things up at break neck speed and looking cool doing it.

Since the Megadrive games SONIC IMO has lost it’s way but now it seems they are trying to get the cool attitude factor back that Sega and Sonic once

So… How much money are you willing to stake? Because, you know, I’d take you up on that offer :anjou_love:

While trawling through the Holy District, desperately searching for a topic about which I knew something, I stumbled upon the following:

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]I’ll stake
my money on it that PD RPG is being made right now as we speak[/quote]


Let’s cross our fingers!

So, what is the likelihood of this? What are the gaming-heads’ opinions on this possibility? :anjou_happy:


So… How much money are you willing to stake? Because, you know, I’d take you up on that offer :anjou_love:[/quote]

I know you would but I think if i made that bet with you i would be losing more than just my money. :anjou_happy:

Hahaha… Alright. Fair enough :slight_smile: