Sega Unveils Shadow the Hedgehog

Gamemaster referred to him as “Doctor Robotnik” this time around. Since they’ve been around since the first Sonic on the MD/G, however, this should not be taken as gospel.

Thanks,Arcie. I was wondering if it was due to nostalgia that he’s being named Robotnik because they(we) are older players and will always remember him by that name instead of his japanese original which they’re using more often officially in the west.

I have no idea what name will make it into the final release. Robotnik and Eggman seem quite interchangeable anyway.

So, it looks like fans of this franchise will finally receive a game that revolves around a single character for a change. It’s about damn time.

wasnt he refered to as both Robotnic and Eggman in the Adventure games? Eggman seemed to be just his nickname that got used alot.

Yeah I remember in the first Sonic Advanture game when you encounter him for the first time Tails yells, “Hey its Eggman!!” and then Sonic goes, “You’ll never win Robotnik!!” or something else cheesy along those lines. :anjou_happy:

I think it was Robotnik that corrected Sonic. Tails or Sonic say something along the lines of “It’s Dr Eggman” and then Robotnik responds with “Silence! I am Dr Robotnik, the greatest scientific guiness in the world!”, with Sonic then saying “Whatever you say, Eggman”.

I think what you said Felix might have been the Tails version of that scene, since the dialogue is slightly different.

But I’m quite certain that his real name is Robotnik though, Eggman seems to be just be a nick name that Sonic and his friends call the doctor. Refresh my memory, but wasn’t Robotnik’s grandfather in Sonic Adventure 2 (who built that huge space station) also called Robotnik? If that’s the case, then Robotnik would be has last name (I think Eggman is called Dr Ivo Robotnik somewhere as well…).

Regarding Shadow the Hedgehog itself, I can’t help but still remain skeptical of how this game is going to turn out after playing Sonic Heroes. From what I’ve seen in the trailers, it should (hopefully) turn out to be better than Sonic Heroes, but I’m not holding my breath for a game that will match the quality of the first Sonic Adventure.

The gameplay will be make or break this game. We’ve yet to see what Sonic Team have done to fix the problems that have plagued this series since the first Sonic Adventure though… will Sega fix the camera issues and the dodgy controls from Sonic Heroes or will these flaws still remain in Shadow the Hedgehog? From watching the videos, my guess is that it will be based on the same engine used in Sonic Heroes (there are plenty of similarities in the videos) and that Sega will develop a new engine for the new generation of consoles. Hopefully at least some of the problems will be ironed out though.

Your right Solo, Robotnik is his real name. I like Eggman so much more though!

I actually think the Shadow game won’t be too bad, it seems to have a more hectic look to it from the video, much more so than Sonic Heroes.

That really annoyed me. His grandfather’s name should’ve been Kintobor, surely!?

yeah I think your right about him being called Ivo Robotnik. pretty sure I remember that from somewhere. his grandfather was called Professor Gerald Robotnik.

Kintobor? Was that Robotnik’s real name in the comics?

The Kintobor/ROCC/Emeralds story was made up by SoA long after the original Sonic game was released. Technically, it isn’t canon.

Technically Robotnik and Eggman are his real names. Eggman was his original name in the first Sonic game but Japanese version,SOA changed the name to Robotnik for the american/european version.

Hm, saw the new trailer… I might like this game. >.>;;

So, apparently Shadow talks like a “gangsta” now.


As a veteran of the venerable and cherished Egmont-Fleetway Sonic the Comic, permit me to clarify the issue of Dr. Robotnik’s surname:

Doctor Ivo Robotnik the corpulent megalomaniac scientist, began life as Dr. Ovi Kintobor, a contrastingly slender altruisitic fellow. He was the only human on Mobius, being deposited on the anthropomorph-populated world after his spaceship crash-landed there.

Marooned on Mobius, Kintobor continued to dedicate his life to scientific advancement, building an underground laboratory for himself so that he wouldn’t disturb the natives (Sonic the Hedgehog, before he became blue, accidentally chanced across Kintobor’s abode when he tunneled into it). His great prize was to discover the secrets of the limitless power offered by the Chaos Emeralds, six of which he discovered during his travels across Mobius. However, he lacked the seventh Grey Emerald, the ‘control’ which made the effusions of the other emeralds manageable. Kintobor built a device entitled the ROCC (Rings Of Chaos Control?) as a substitute.

Eventually, an accident involving a power cable, a misplaced foot, the ROCC’s control panel and a rotten egg resulted in his gross mutation by the Chaos Emeralds’ power into Ovi Kintobor’s antithesis… Ivo Robotnik (note the mirroring of the names).

This storyline is superior and more sophisticated (relatively, admittedly) to Japan’s humdrum and excruciating ‘Eggman’, even if Eggman (doesn’t it sound so childish?) came first. Something must be done to persuade Japan to recognise a good idea when they see one! :anjou_happy:

With all this said, Japan herself wasn’t consistent on the origin of Sonic - the booklet to the Tenth Anniversary special edition of Sonic Adventure II claims that there were three ‘Episodes’ conceived of during development of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, each giving alternative explanations of the origin of Sonic - one suggested that it was just a small girl dreaming the bedtime stories her mother told her! :anjou_wow: Thank Christ that never saw the light of day.

You mean, convince Yuji Naka of a good idea. I admire the guy for creating Sonic and this whole genre of speed-enhanced platform games, but he is such a PANSY when it comes to people giving him input on his ideas. SoA changes Eggman to Robotnik, he has a hussy fit. SoA wants to use the NiGHTS engine for Sonic Xtreme, he throws a hussy fit. The guy must have said he was going to quit about 10 times now.

Also, I’m getting a tad bored with people saying Shadow the Hedgehog is going to suck. No-one’s even played it yet… :anjou_sigh:

Ovi is close to many romance languages variations of the word Egg.