PDS Transporter

It might be one of those cases where bullets are shown as flashing lines so they can be seen easily; I haven’t played the game for a while though, so I’m not really sure.

I think bulky-ish machine guns would make sense for the Empire. I’ve never thought it was quite clear how advanced the Empire’s meant to be; they seem to have pretty advanced military weaponry (well, like you’d expect to see in the early/mid-twentieth century), but they don’t seem to have things like cars or tanks, or any vehicles that aren’t powered by ancient technology.

Yep, as soon as I have a free weekend I’m going to pick it up; the Myst games seem to be a bit life-devouring, which is the only thing that’s holding me off it at the moment.

ok, here’s another question: above the bridge of the ship you can see a tiny piece of hull materil that seems to be connected to the floating engine. do you think one can actually get INSIDE the floating engine?

[quote=“lordcraymen”]DivineDragon, do you know who I am? :wink:

seriously, I think there is nothing that the poor remnants of the original PD team can do better than a good US developer. ORTA is a neat game, but it has nowere the vision the original games had.[/quote]

I agree that Orta was nowhere near the quality of the originals (heck, I was the first one on this board to say it was a debacle–everyone else here had/has nothing but praise.) The graphic style, music, gameplay, challenge, story, dragon designs, pace, environments, dynamics, camera angles etc. were all inferior.

My point is that Westerners have about as much business creating a PD game (which one of its central charms is an inherent Asian mystique/feel) as id has making the next Final Fantasy. It’s utterly ridiculous–and can’t be done.

There are quite a few other forum members who prefer the old Panzer Dragoon games to Orta. Many people here didn’t like the art direction and thought that the old style was superior (and I don’t necessarily disagree with them either). Have a look at the “What was wrong with Orta?” topic (by Shadow) to see what I mean.

raises hand

My point is that Westerners have about as much business creating a PD game (which one of its central charms is an inherent Asian mystique/feel) as id has making the next Final Fantasy. It’s utterly ridiculous–and can’t be done.[/quote]

I disagree because FF has much Japanese popculture in it, like Idols, songs etc.

Panzer doesn’t, and therefor anyone with a good understanding of Miyazaki movies, Starwars and Steampunk can make a good PD game that even surpasses the art style of the old games.

And where is FF mystic???

Panzer doesn’t, and therefor anyone with a good understanding of Miyazaki movies, Starwars and Steampunk can make a good PD game that even surpasses the art style of the old games. <<

It should also be noted, that you could still have Japanese concept artists work on creature/ character/ vehicle designs, it would just be westerners making the game and implementing it all.

heck, I was the first one on this board to say it was a debacle–everyone else here had/has nothing but praise<<

There was several of us on the previous main forum (Lord Craymen’s) who spent countless hours mentioning the ways we didn’t agree with certain choices in Orta. We finally just stopped whinning.

yep, very true. back on topic.

Lagi, the watercolor sketch you have on your site, is it the best resolution you have? or do you have a non jpg compressed version, too?

[quote=“lagi_webmaster”]It should also be noted, that you could still have Japanese concept artists work on creature/ character/ vehicle designs, it would just be westerners making the game and implementing it all.

I honestly think I could develop some cool PD-ish designs for a next game and I’m not japanese.

Lagi, the watercolor sketch you have on your site, is it the best resolution you have? or do you have a non jpg compressed version, too?

and noone actually answere my question, do you think you can go INSIDE the floating engines?

I can give you my opnion but I don’t know if it will be of much use.

Honestly I think not.Cause I think this engine isn’t exactly a balloon even if it might apppear so.

yeah, but what is this piece of armor on top of the bridge for? a chimney??? =D

What bridge was that agehn?

slabs you around with a large…grig orig

please don’t do that …pun… ever…a second time.

the “head” of the ship where the little windows are. the part that is closest to the floating engine. look at that big watercolor painting on lagis site.

Was it this bit you were talking about? (I’m probably going over my photoshop arrow quota for this thread… :stuck_out_tongue: ) But yeah, that connection does look pretty thick in the design art, so it’d say it could either be a thin tube linking the bridge to the inside of the engine (given the scale) or simply a more reinforced connection between the engine and the hull (in addition to the thin cables). Either of those explanations would seem to make sense, although at the moment I’d be tempted to go with the less imaginative explanation (where it’s just a reinforcement) to be on the safe side.

[quote=“lordcraymen”]slabs you around with a large…grig orig

please don’t do that …pun… ever…a second time.[/quote]

I’ve never seen him spell it any other way.

I actually wanted to avoid saying “again” myself…

No- I don’t have any betyter images of it- sorry.

ah, too bad.

whatever, I’ll just be creative and invent the parts that can’t be seen.
adding detail from bashed model its is also part of the fun.

[quote=“lagi_webmaster”]you could still have Japanese concept artists work on creature/ character/ vehicle designs, it would just be westerners making the game and implementing it all.

Obviously this is true, but your cheating Lagi: I said Westerners period. I didn’t allow for anyone on the team from an Asian descent. A mixed team may well be able to pull off a good* PD game.

Anyway, a game’s essence is more that skin deep and who knows–Crayman is pretty insane.

*A good game would be quite an accomplishment, a masterpiece would be far from reality, I think.