PDS Transporter

I just wondered if the fron part of the transporter (the part with the heavy armor plating and the front cannon) is in any way connected to the main structure apart from those small pylons.
I always imagined the front part to be some kind of bunker like thing, with the cannon on top…
If you roughly measure the size, then a person would be about as high as the front cannon, so there would be plenty of room unter it.
(The transporter is 70 meter long, 50 meters high and 45 meter wide)

I see, this question is too special for you guys =D

I liek cheez. :smiley:

(I didn’t want you to feel lonely, so…)

[quote=“lordcraymen”]I just wondered if the fron part of the transporter (the part with the heavy armor plating and the front cannon) is in any way connected to the main structure apart from those small pylons.
I always imagined the front part to be some kind of bunker like thing, with the cannon on top…
If you roughly measure the size, then a person would be about as high as the front cannon, so there would be plenty of room unter it.
(The transporter is 70 meter long, 50 meters high and 45 meter wide)[/quote]

I was just wondering what the transporter is… I don’t remember any ship in the game called that, but it’s been ages since I’ve played the game. You don’t mean the Grig Orig do you?

that one

I think in the game it’s called enforcer, but there is another ship that has the very same model only slightly different stats.

That is the enforcer, yes, and the Gunship is similar in design with a few weapon changes. As for dimensions…how should I know? Ask Abadd or something.

how should abadd know? o.O

Because I r0x0r.

Man this defective drone knows nothing.He doens’t even know that SEga’s evil now.

As for your question (was it?) oh-evil-sweepstaker-or-maybe-just-taker!!! I think you are right.

Those pylons are the only link between the two.

Rumour has it they are made out of gum…

Looks like someone’s doing some modelling eh LordCraymen? :wink:

do you mean what is connecting the top part to the bottom part?

Yeah I actually plan to scratchbuild a 1:144 scale model of it.

The front battering ram and the main structure, are they connected? I mean… you know the ATAT from The Empires Strikes Back? The neck is actually a tunnel where the crew can get from the head into the main structure.
I just wondered if a similar connection existed from the front part of the enforecer to the main hull (apart from those tiny pylons wich are to small for a human to walk in (well actually they are high enough, about 2 meters, but not wide enough. also if they were hollow they might be too weak to carry the massive looking battering ram.)

It boils down to a simple question, is there room for people in the front section or not?

And Abadd… well he could ask mu…mumu…mumumumu…mukayama-san, but he wouldn’t know either, since the original panzer designs (pre production sketches, models from the FMVs) seem to be lost for good.

And Ghen… I know your were disappointed, but Atari never send me those prizes, you don’t seriosly expect me to buy them from my own pocket, do you?

And Sega is evil? No, the management is just retarded (in japanese that would translate as “conservative”) and the devteams have no ways of working efficently (no design docs etc… it’s scary).

It has always been the same throughout Japanese history, from pre Nara age to today: Japanese only ADOPT culture and technology from others and refine and polish it beyond recognition. But they are not capable of doing their own truly creative things. Not because they are stupid or lack individuals without talent. But because they are stuck in their centuries old “meister” philosophy, even if it’s latent it’s still there.

And even if certain gaijin tried to change something the answer is “oh, this is how you make games in europe/the US? interesting” meaning “ah, we don’t care at all, we are japanese and do things the japanese way.”…

so it’s not evil, it’s a mixture of cultural traditions and and a bloated selfasteem.

Oh btw, SEGA is a publisher now, did forget that? They don’t make hardware or games anymore, they only (try to) publish them…

I have the feeling SEGA has been costantly in midlife crisis in the last 5 years and still hasn’t found itself. And I doubt (and HOPE) we’ll ever see another PD game by a Japanese developer ever again. It’s about time the Westerners give it a try.

May God have mercy on your soul.

DivineDragon, do you know who I am? :wink:

seriously, I think there is nothing that the poor remnants of the original PD team can do better than a good US developer. ORTA is a neat game, but it has nowere the vision the original games had.

what you could do (but you’ve probably already done this) is to go into the “defeated enemies” part on PDS and take a look at it from all angle to see if it is in fact the only supporting parts.

LC I was actually “trying” (i never really could except for that jap episode) to piss Abadd off.Sega didn’t really change much in my eyes.I mean it kept changing over the years.The fact that people get fired and people get hired changes companies too.

I don’t give the japanese credit for creating a series such as PD.I give Team Andromeda credit.I don’t care if they are eastern or western just as long they do good games.Orta was a let down.I try not to think this way but it’s true…

I wouldn’t mind “letting” some western company working on a PD sequel just as long as they were PD fans themselves.

Just like Ubisoft making the new Myst episode. (Myst IV Revelation).
The team was composed of 90% of fans so in the end they have the same fear of things going bad that we do…

comon Ghen, get a grip ok? =D
with “certain gaijin” I was not specifically referring to Abadd, I’m working for a japanese game company myself right now (only really small but still a similar attitude)

anyway back on topic.

I actually took screenshots for reference and it seems that those pylons are the only supporting structures… I have to compare sizes again. but it seems it’s in the design. I’ll probably just add a “wire cage” behind one of the pylons to that one sees that the fron part is not a chunk of massive metal…

You if you knew the moral burden that Abadd can be for someone who just wants to make a website with a program that they don’t own…

Anyways it’s nice to see you geezers interested in PD.

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who still loves PD as much as I did back in the day…

Btw what do you mean by battering ram?

That V shaped heavy armor plating on the front of the enforcer.

This bit of the ship? I think I see what you mean; in the artwork the body looks more like one big chunk, but on the in-game model that front section just seems to be held on by metal girders. But yeah, it looks like it’s part of the design; the ships in the opening FMV seem to be like that, too.