PDS Transporter

yes exactly this part =)

so what would be better, making the front part a bunker with the cannon on top, or a massive chunk of metal? to me it seems more logical that there is room for people in there…

It’d make some sense if there was a team of gunners and engineers running around in there; I doubt that section’s meant to be filled up with the ammo / machinery of the cannon, at least, as the other cannon doesn’t have nearly so much space under it. So yeah, having people in that section seems fairly logical, given the size of it.


yeah but how do the people get from there to the main secion and vice versa?

Ah now I see what you mean.The ship is compose of three parts.That bunker,the floating engine and the middle part.

Yes this is all but logical…

Maybe they wait for the ship to land? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I’ve just had a look at some more FMV sequences, and compared to the size of the people standing on the deck, the body of the ship seems larger than I thought. On the FMV models those connceting girders look really “chunky” too, so it seems at least possible that there are passages inside some of them (although maybe just crawl-passages) that’d let people move between the two parts of the ship if they needed to.

http://img88.exs.cx/img88/6325/enforcer_04.jpg http://img88.exs.cx/img88/9845/enforcer_03.jpg

To be honest, whether there’s meant to be anyone in that front section or not, the design does seem really odd (as Gehn said). There’s no obvious reason why a large chunk of the ship should be connected to the rest of it by only a few metal pylons; considering that these are military ships, that seems pretty fragile from a structural point of view.

Lance i love the way you come up with the pics and analysis for nearly every convo =)

yeah but how do the people get from there to the main secion and vice versa?[/quote]

The same way that cartoon characters manage to run in thin air. You aren’t supposed to ask why.

Great job Lance! I was planning to look on the FMVs myself, but I don’t have the PDS discs here in Japan.
I’s nice to see persons on the deck of one of the ships, so the scale I calculated was actually about right, but the panzer people are perhaps samller (like japanese) people, maybe 6ft?.

About fraile design… what about if the front part of the ship took a major blow causing an explosion? I guess if the front part and the ship were too solidly connected it would damage the main structure too. whereas in this case the front secation might just tear of…

Yes, but aren’t there pylons connecting the floating engine to the “bunker” too?

If so the ship would collapse if your scenario came to be.

I’m not sure if you got which part I meant by “bunker”.
loock at the pictures Lance took, the ront part (the “bunker”) is connected to the main hull by metal gurders (in the big watercolor sketch on lagi’s sitethey are also massive) but only the main hull is connected to the floating engine.

Yes I did get it.I just forgot that it wasn’t connected to the engine for a second there…

I think that if the bunker would eventually be severed it would affect the awkward balance of the ship…

Awkward due to that same bunker…

is the main deck made of wood?
also where are the tracers located? I always “imaginated” them to be big gatlin gun mashine guns operated by two persons, one shooting, the other turning the wheel… but maybe that would be too mechanic for the panzer world?
Ever watched LAST EXILE by studio Gonzo (btw I’ll be drinking with the assistant producer of “yukikaze” tonight if that means someting to you)

The tracers are in the front and in the back.I think the tracers are suposed to be lasers and not bullets.They sound as bullets tho…

Unfortunately for me (a potential anime fan;potential since I only saw like 5 animes in my entire lifespan…series anyways…) I never saw Last Exile or Yukikaze.

Btw, what is your field as far as work is concerned there in Japan?

3d modelling for a 3d online action game with robots…

apart from that QA for translation and general webdesign.

That’s funny.I decided to stray away from raw programming (my original and naive dream) and I turned to modelling and graphical computation (that’s the term we use round here anyways) recently.

Granted I wouldn’t be able to make a living out of the teaching at my high school but I hope that will change next year once I enter college.

PS:Finally playing Exile?:)Speed up : Revelation is already gold(as in released)!

No I finished Exile years ago, but Voltaic was always my favourite age… ot had some ressemblance to PD to me.

Did you play Uru? I was beta tester… actually the whole concept of online play didn’t work, and I hated how they wrote the game programmers into the game story, it made absolutely no sense…

anyway, is the deck made of wood or not?

I’m 90% sure it isn’t.It’s some other material but definately not wood.I don’t recall seeing wood in PD aside from places liek villages…

It seems more like stained metal.

I never bought Uru because of my old school PC.When I get a new one (hopefully in 1 month or so) I will buy Uru:Complete Chronicles which is basically Uru the two extension packs.

Yes I’ve talked with some guys at Cyan about how Uru was forcing it’s way into “present day” in a myst forum.Many people dind’t like it.I mean the whole Myst universe (or should I say D’niverse) assumes Eartha and our whole reality is one of the millions of ages out there but I still didn’t like the fact that real Cyanists were in the story either…

It seems Cyan wants to give Uru Live another shot tho…Uru Until is the project name…

You didn’t like the online mode?Everyone I know said it was great.Those first days after Uru’s release when Live was a reality…

I think the bit of deck that Edge and Gash are standing on in that image could be wood; it looks wood-textured when the camera’s up close, at least. The rest of it seems pretty metallic, though.

It looks like the Empire does use wood a bit; the scene where Edge gets interrogated comes earlier in that FMV, and the room he’s in inside the ship has metallic walls and a wooden door.

Gah, I’ve still only played Myst and Riven . . .

You did play Riven?Educate Mr.Duke then.

You’ll like Exile most definately.Plus it’s cheap nowadays.

Anyways a deck made of wood just doens’t fit into my small brain…
That would be like using a tank made out of wood but with top notch weaponry…

hm… but it looks so brown… but you are probably right, it could be weathered bronce like metal.

man I’d still love the idea of a PD battlefield mod, but oh so many other things to do too… still havn’t found a gameengine that was flexible AND easy to mod at the same time…