PDS Transporter

I’m what???

I think you’re exaggerating the importance of racial descent here; as long as a person is inspired by the relevant artistic influences, it doesn’t particularly matter where they were born and rasied. As lordcraymen mentioned eariler, the Panzer Dragoon series isn’t overridingly Eastern in style, and a large proportion of its ideas do spring from Western influences (such as Western science fiction novels and films, the artwork of Moebius, and so on). The nationality of the team would be much less important than their determinaion to make an excellent game, and an excellent game that was faithful to Team Andromeda’s original style.

The creative work has nothing to do with the dumb management style japanese executives use. Not that the western one is specially good…

yeah, but it’s not only the top level management, it’s all management. even inside the creative teams, they don’t seem to know what they want or where the game should go… it’s a miracle anything ever gets done.